#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Pre-generates the expected output subset files (via fonttools) for # specified subset test suite(s). import os import sys import shutil import io import re import tempfile from difflib import unified_diff from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont from subprocess import check_call from subset_test_suite import SubsetTestSuite def usage(): print("Usage: generate-expected-outputs.py hb-subset <test suite file> ...") def strip_check_sum (ttx_string): return re.sub ('checkSumAdjustment value=["]0x([0-9a-fA-F])+["]', 'checkSumAdjustment value="0x00000000"', ttx_string, count=1) def generate_expected_output(input_file, unicodes, profile_flags, output_directory, font_name): fonttools_path = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp (), font_name) args = ["fonttools", "subset", input_file] args.extend(["--drop-tables+=DSIG", "--drop-tables-=sbix", "--unicodes=%s" % unicodes, "--output-file=%s" % fonttools_path]) args.extend(profile_flags) check_call(args) with io.StringIO () as fp: with TTFont (fonttools_path) as font: font.saveXML (fp) fonttools_ttx = strip_check_sum (fp.getvalue ()) harfbuzz_path = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp (), font_name) args = [ hb_subset, "--font-file=" + input_file, "--output-file=" + harfbuzz_path, "--unicodes=%s" % unicodes, "--drop-tables+=DSIG", "--drop-tables-=sbix"] args.extend(profile_flags) check_call(args) with io.StringIO () as fp: with TTFont (harfbuzz_path) as font: font.saveXML (fp) harfbuzz_ttx = strip_check_sum (fp.getvalue ()) if harfbuzz_ttx != fonttools_ttx: for line in unified_diff (fonttools_ttx.splitlines (1), harfbuzz_ttx.splitlines (1), fonttools_path, harfbuzz_path): sys.stdout.write (line) sys.stdout.flush () raise Exception ('ttx for fonttools and harfbuzz does not match.') output_path = os.path.join(output_directory, font_name) shutil.copy(harfbuzz_path, output_path) args = sys.argv[1:] if not args: usage() hb_subset, args = args[0], args[1:] if not args: usage() for path in args: with open(path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: test_suite = SubsetTestSuite(path, f.read()) output_directory = test_suite.get_output_directory() print("Generating output files for %s" % output_directory) for test in test_suite.tests(): unicodes = test.unicodes() font_name = test.get_font_name() print("Creating subset %s/%s" % (output_directory, font_name)) generate_expected_output(test.font_path, unicodes, test.get_profile_flags(), output_directory, font_name)