// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright 2010, SIL International, All rights reserved. #pragma once #include #include "graphite2/Font.h" #include "inc/Main.h" #include "inc/FeatureMap.h" #include "inc/TtfUtil.h" #include "inc/Silf.h" #include "inc/Error.h" namespace graphite2 { class Cmap; class FileFace; class GlyphCache; class NameTable; class json; class Font; using TtfUtil::Tag; // These are the actual tags, as distinct from the consecutive IDs in TtfUtil.h class Face { // Prevent any kind of copying Face(const Face&); Face& operator=(const Face&); public: class Table; static float default_glyph_advance(const void* face_ptr, uint16_t glyphid); Face(const void* appFaceHandle/*non-NULL*/, const gr_face_ops & ops); virtual ~Face(); virtual bool runGraphite(Segment &seg, const Silf *silf) const; public: bool readGlyphs(uint32_t faceOptions); bool readGraphite(const Table & silf); bool readFeatures(); void takeFileFace(FileFace* pFileFace/*takes ownership*/); const SillMap & theSill() const; const GlyphCache & glyphs() const; Cmap & cmap() const; NameTable * nameTable() const; void setLogger(FILE *log_file); json * logger() const throw(); const Silf * chooseSilf(uint32_t script) const; uint16_t languageForLocale(const char * locale) const; // Features uint16_t numFeatures() const; const FeatureRef * featureById(uint32_t id) const; const FeatureRef * feature(uint16_t index) const; // Glyph related int32_t getGlyphMetric(uint16_t gid, uint8_t metric) const; uint16_t findPseudo(uint32_t uid) const; // Errors unsigned int error() const { return m_error; } bool error(Error e) { m_error = e.error(); return false; } unsigned int error_context() const { return m_error; } void error_context(unsigned int errcntxt) { m_errcntxt = errcntxt; } CLASS_NEW_DELETE; private: SillMap m_Sill; gr_face_ops m_ops; const void * m_appFaceHandle; // non-NULL FileFace * m_pFileFace; //owned mutable GlyphCache * m_pGlyphFaceCache; // owned - never NULL mutable Cmap * m_cmap; // cmap cache if available mutable NameTable * m_pNames; mutable json * m_logger; unsigned int m_error; unsigned int m_errcntxt; protected: Silf * m_silfs; // silf subtables. uint16_t m_numSilf; // num silf subtables in the silf table private: uint16_t m_ascent, m_descent; #ifdef GRAPHITE2_TELEMETRY public: mutable telemetry tele; #endif }; inline const SillMap & Face::theSill() const { return m_Sill; } inline uint16_t Face::numFeatures() const { return m_Sill.theFeatureMap().numFeats(); } inline const FeatureRef * Face::featureById(uint32_t id) const { return m_Sill.theFeatureMap().findFeatureRef(id); } inline const FeatureRef *Face::feature(uint16_t index) const { return m_Sill.theFeatureMap().feature(index); } inline const GlyphCache & Face::glyphs() const { return *m_pGlyphFaceCache; } inline Cmap & Face::cmap() const { return *m_cmap; }; inline json * Face::logger() const throw() { return m_logger; } class Face::Table { const Face * _f; mutable const byte * _p; size_t _sz; bool _compressed; Error decompress(); void release(); public: Table() throw(); Table(const Face & face, const Tag n, uint32_t version=0xffffffff) throw(); ~Table() throw(); Table(const Table && rhs) throw(); operator const byte * () const throw(); size_t size() const throw(); Table & operator = (const Table && rhs) throw(); }; inline Face::Table::Table() throw() : _f(0), _p(0), _sz(0), _compressed(false) { } inline Face::Table::Table(const Table && rhs) throw() : _f(rhs._f), _p(rhs._p), _sz(rhs._sz), _compressed(rhs._compressed) { rhs._p = 0; } inline Face::Table::~Table() throw() { release(); } inline Face::Table::operator const byte * () const throw() { return _p; } inline size_t Face::Table::size() const throw() { return _sz; } } // namespace graphite2 struct gr_face : public graphite2::Face {};