struct text_options_t { ~text_options_t () { g_free (text_before); g_free (text_after); g_free (text); g_free (text_file); if (gs) g_string_free (gs, true); if (fp && fp != stdin) fclose (fp); } void add_options (option_parser_t *parser); void post_parse (GError **error G_GNUC_UNUSED) { if (text && text_file) g_set_error (error, G_OPTION_ERROR, G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE, "Only one of text and text-file can be set"); } const char *get_line (unsigned int *len); char *text_before = nullptr; char *text_after = nullptr; int text_len = -1; char *text = nullptr; char *text_file = nullptr; private: FILE *fp = nullptr; GString *gs = nullptr; }; static gboolean parse_text (const char *name G_GNUC_UNUSED, const char *arg, gpointer data, GError **error G_GNUC_UNUSED) { text_options_t *text_opts = (text_options_t *) data; if (text_opts->text) { g_set_error (error, G_OPTION_ERROR, G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE, "Either --text or --unicodes can be provided but not both"); return false; } text_opts->text_len = -1; text_opts->text = g_strdup (arg); return true; } static gboolean parse_unicodes (const char *name G_GNUC_UNUSED, const char *arg, gpointer data, GError **error G_GNUC_UNUSED) { text_options_t *text_opts = (text_options_t *) data; if (text_opts->text) { g_set_error (error, G_OPTION_ERROR, G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE, "Either --text or --unicodes can be provided but not both"); return false; } GString *gs = g_string_new (nullptr); if (0 == strcmp (arg, "*")) { g_string_append_c (gs, '*'); } else { char *s = (char *) arg; char *p; while (s && *s) { #define DELIMITERS "<+>{},;&#\\xXuUnNiI\n\t\v\f\r " while (*s && strchr (DELIMITERS, *s)) s++; if (!*s) break; errno = 0; hb_codepoint_t u = strtoul (s, &p, 16); if (errno || s == p) { g_string_free (gs, TRUE); g_set_error (error, G_OPTION_ERROR, G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE, "Failed parsing Unicode values at: '%s'", s); return false; } g_string_append_unichar (gs, u); s = p; } } text_opts->text_len = gs->len; text_opts->text = g_string_free (gs, FALSE); return true; } const char * text_options_t::get_line (unsigned int *len) { if (text) { if (text_len == -2) { *len = 0; return nullptr; } if (text_len == -1) text_len = strlen (text); *len = text_len; text_len = -2; return text; } if (!fp) { if (!text_file) fail (true, "At least one of text or text-file must be set"); if (0 != strcmp (text_file, "-")) fp = fopen (text_file, "r"); else fp = stdin; if (!fp) fail (false, "Failed opening text file `%s': %s", text_file, strerror (errno)); gs = g_string_new (nullptr); } g_string_set_size (gs, 0); char buf[BUFSIZ]; while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), fp)) { unsigned bytes = strlen (buf); if (bytes && buf[bytes - 1] == '\n') { bytes--; g_string_append_len (gs, buf, bytes); break; } g_string_append_len (gs, buf, bytes); } if (ferror (fp)) fail (false, "Failed reading text: %s", strerror (errno)); *len = gs->len; return !*len && feof (fp) ? nullptr : gs->str; } void text_options_t::add_options (option_parser_t *parser) { GOptionEntry entries[] = { {"text", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, (gpointer) &parse_text, "Set input text", "string"}, {"text-file", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &this->text_file, "Set input text file-name\n\n If no text is provided, standard input is used for input.\n", "filename"}, {"unicodes", 'u', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, (gpointer) &parse_unicodes, "Set input Unicode codepoints", "list of hex numbers"}, {"text-before", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &this->text_before, "Set text context before each line", "string"}, {"text-after", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &this->text_after, "Set text context after each line", "string"}, {nullptr} }; parser->add_group (entries, "text", "Text options:", "Options for the input text", this); }