699 lines
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699 lines
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* Copyright 1996-2000 by
* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
* Copyright 2006 Behdad Esfahbod
* This is part of HarfBuzz, an OpenType Layout engine library.
* See the file name COPYING for licensing information.
#include "harfbuzz-impl.h"
#include "harfbuzz-gpos.h"
/* shared tables */
struct HB_ValueRecord_
HB_Short XPlacement; /* horizontal adjustment for
placement */
HB_Short YPlacement; /* vertical adjustment for
placement */
HB_Short XAdvance; /* horizontal adjustment for
advance */
HB_Short YAdvance; /* vertical adjustment for
advance */
HB_Device XPlacementDevice; /* device table for horizontal
placement */
HB_Device YPlacementDevice; /* device table for vertical
placement */
HB_Device XAdvanceDevice; /* device table for horizontal
advance */
HB_Device YAdvanceDevice; /* device table for vertical
advance */
HB_UShort XIdPlacement; /* horizontal placement metric ID */
HB_UShort YIdPlacement; /* vertical placement metric ID */
HB_UShort XIdAdvance; /* horizontal advance metric ID */
HB_UShort YIdAdvance; /* vertical advance metric ID */
typedef struct HB_ValueRecord_ HB_ValueRecord;
/* Mask values to scan the value format of the ValueRecord structure.
We always expand compressed ValueRecords of the font. */
struct HB_AnchorFormat1_
HB_Short XCoordinate; /* horizontal value */
HB_Short YCoordinate; /* vertical value */
typedef struct HB_AnchorFormat1_ HB_AnchorFormat1;
struct HB_AnchorFormat2_
HB_Short XCoordinate; /* horizontal value */
HB_Short YCoordinate; /* vertical value */
HB_UShort AnchorPoint; /* index to glyph contour point */
typedef struct HB_AnchorFormat2_ HB_AnchorFormat2;
struct HB_AnchorFormat3_
HB_Short XCoordinate; /* horizontal value */
HB_Short YCoordinate; /* vertical value */
HB_Device XDeviceTable; /* device table for X coordinate */
HB_Device YDeviceTable; /* device table for Y coordinate */
typedef struct HB_AnchorFormat3_ HB_AnchorFormat3;
struct HB_AnchorFormat4_
HB_UShort XIdAnchor; /* horizontal metric ID */
HB_UShort YIdAnchor; /* vertical metric ID */
typedef struct HB_AnchorFormat4_ HB_AnchorFormat4;
struct HB_Anchor_
HB_UShort PosFormat; /* 1, 2, 3, or 4 -- 0 indicates
that there is no Anchor table */
HB_AnchorFormat1 af1;
HB_AnchorFormat2 af2;
HB_AnchorFormat3 af3;
HB_AnchorFormat4 af4;
} af;
typedef struct HB_Anchor_ HB_Anchor;
struct HB_MarkRecord_
HB_UShort Class; /* mark class */
HB_Anchor MarkAnchor; /* anchor table */
typedef struct HB_MarkRecord_ HB_MarkRecord;
struct HB_MarkArray_
HB_UShort MarkCount; /* number of MarkRecord tables */
HB_MarkRecord* MarkRecord; /* array of MarkRecord tables */
typedef struct HB_MarkArray_ HB_MarkArray;
/* LookupType 1 */
struct HB_SinglePosFormat1_
HB_ValueRecord Value; /* ValueRecord for all covered
glyphs */
typedef struct HB_SinglePosFormat1_ HB_SinglePosFormat1;
struct HB_SinglePosFormat2_
HB_UShort ValueCount; /* number of ValueRecord tables */
HB_ValueRecord* Value; /* array of ValueRecord tables */
typedef struct HB_SinglePosFormat2_ HB_SinglePosFormat2;
struct HB_SinglePos_
HB_UShort PosFormat; /* 1 or 2 */
HB_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */
HB_UShort ValueFormat; /* format of ValueRecord table */
HB_SinglePosFormat1 spf1;
HB_SinglePosFormat2 spf2;
} spf;
typedef struct HB_SinglePos_ HB_SinglePos;
/* LookupType 2 */
struct HB_PairValueRecord_
HB_UShort SecondGlyph; /* glyph ID for second glyph */
HB_ValueRecord Value1; /* pos. data for first glyph */
HB_ValueRecord Value2; /* pos. data for second glyph */
typedef struct HB_PairValueRecord_ HB_PairValueRecord;
struct HB_PairSet_
HB_UShort PairValueCount;
/* number of PairValueRecord tables */
HB_PairValueRecord* PairValueRecord;
/* array of PairValueRecord tables */
typedef struct HB_PairSet_ HB_PairSet;
struct HB_PairPosFormat1_
HB_UShort PairSetCount; /* number of PairSet tables */
HB_PairSet* PairSet; /* array of PairSet tables */
typedef struct HB_PairPosFormat1_ HB_PairPosFormat1;
struct HB_Class2Record_
HB_ValueRecord Value1; /* pos. data for first glyph */
HB_ValueRecord Value2; /* pos. data for second glyph */
typedef struct HB_Class2Record_ HB_Class2Record;
struct HB_Class1Record_
HB_Class2Record* Class2Record; /* array of Class2Record tables */
typedef struct HB_Class1Record_ HB_Class1Record;
struct HB_PairPosFormat2_
HB_ClassDefinition ClassDef1; /* class def. for first glyph */
HB_ClassDefinition ClassDef2; /* class def. for second glyph */
HB_UShort Class1Count; /* number of classes in ClassDef1
table */
HB_UShort Class2Count; /* number of classes in ClassDef2
table */
HB_Class1Record* Class1Record; /* array of Class1Record tables */
typedef struct HB_PairPosFormat2_ HB_PairPosFormat2;
struct HB_PairPos_
HB_UShort PosFormat; /* 1 or 2 */
HB_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */
HB_UShort ValueFormat1; /* format of ValueRecord table
for first glyph */
HB_UShort ValueFormat2; /* format of ValueRecord table
for second glyph */
HB_PairPosFormat1 ppf1;
HB_PairPosFormat2 ppf2;
} ppf;
typedef struct HB_PairPos_ HB_PairPos;
/* LookupType 3 */
struct HB_EntryExitRecord_
HB_Anchor EntryAnchor; /* entry Anchor table */
HB_Anchor ExitAnchor; /* exit Anchor table */
typedef struct HB_EntryExitRecord_ HB_EntryExitRecord;
struct HB_CursivePos_
HB_UShort PosFormat; /* always 1 */
HB_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */
HB_UShort EntryExitCount;
/* number of EntryExitRecord tables */
HB_EntryExitRecord* EntryExitRecord;
/* array of EntryExitRecord tables */
typedef struct HB_CursivePos_ HB_CursivePos;
/* LookupType 4 */
struct HB_BaseRecord_
HB_Anchor* BaseAnchor; /* array of base glyph anchor
tables */
typedef struct HB_BaseRecord_ HB_BaseRecord;
struct HB_BaseArray_
HB_UShort BaseCount; /* number of BaseRecord tables */
HB_BaseRecord* BaseRecord; /* array of BaseRecord tables */
typedef struct HB_BaseArray_ HB_BaseArray;
struct HB_MarkBasePos_
HB_UShort PosFormat; /* always 1 */
HB_Coverage MarkCoverage; /* mark glyph coverage table */
HB_Coverage BaseCoverage; /* base glyph coverage table */
HB_UShort ClassCount; /* number of mark classes */
HB_MarkArray MarkArray; /* mark array table */
HB_BaseArray BaseArray; /* base array table */
typedef struct HB_MarkBasePos_ HB_MarkBasePos;
/* LookupType 5 */
struct HB_ComponentRecord_
HB_Anchor* LigatureAnchor; /* array of ligature glyph anchor
tables */
typedef struct HB_ComponentRecord_ HB_ComponentRecord;
struct HB_LigatureAttach_
HB_UShort ComponentCount;
/* number of ComponentRecord tables */
HB_ComponentRecord* ComponentRecord;
/* array of ComponentRecord tables */
typedef struct HB_LigatureAttach_ HB_LigatureAttach;
struct HB_LigatureArray_
HB_UShort LigatureCount; /* number of LigatureAttach tables */
HB_LigatureAttach* LigatureAttach;
/* array of LigatureAttach tables */
typedef struct HB_LigatureArray_ HB_LigatureArray;
struct HB_MarkLigPos_
HB_UShort PosFormat; /* always 1 */
HB_Coverage MarkCoverage; /* mark glyph coverage table */
HB_Coverage LigatureCoverage;
/* ligature glyph coverage table */
HB_UShort ClassCount; /* number of mark classes */
HB_MarkArray MarkArray; /* mark array table */
HB_LigatureArray LigatureArray; /* ligature array table */
typedef struct HB_MarkLigPos_ HB_MarkLigPos;
/* LookupType 6 */
struct HB_Mark2Record_
HB_Anchor* Mark2Anchor; /* array of mark glyph anchor
tables */
typedef struct HB_Mark2Record_ HB_Mark2Record;
struct HB_Mark2Array_
HB_UShort Mark2Count; /* number of Mark2Record tables */
HB_Mark2Record* Mark2Record; /* array of Mark2Record tables */
typedef struct HB_Mark2Array_ HB_Mark2Array;
struct HB_MarkMarkPos_
HB_UShort PosFormat; /* always 1 */
HB_Coverage Mark1Coverage; /* first mark glyph coverage table */
HB_Coverage Mark2Coverage; /* second mark glyph coverave table */
HB_UShort ClassCount; /* number of combining mark classes */
HB_MarkArray Mark1Array; /* MarkArray table for first mark */
HB_Mark2Array Mark2Array; /* MarkArray table for second mark */
typedef struct HB_MarkMarkPos_ HB_MarkMarkPos;
/* needed by both lookup type 7 and 8 */
struct HB_PosLookupRecord_
HB_UShort SequenceIndex; /* index into current
glyph sequence */
HB_UShort LookupListIndex; /* Lookup to apply to that pos. */
typedef struct HB_PosLookupRecord_ HB_PosLookupRecord;
/* LookupType 7 */
struct HB_PosRule_
HB_UShort GlyphCount; /* total number of input glyphs */
HB_UShort PosCount; /* number of PosLookupRecord tables */
HB_UShort* Input; /* array of input glyph IDs */
HB_PosLookupRecord* PosLookupRecord;
/* array of PosLookupRecord tables */
typedef struct HB_PosRule_ HB_PosRule;
struct HB_PosRuleSet_
HB_UShort PosRuleCount; /* number of PosRule tables */
HB_PosRule* PosRule; /* array of PosRule tables */
typedef struct HB_PosRuleSet_ HB_PosRuleSet;
struct HB_ContextPosFormat1_
HB_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */
HB_UShort PosRuleSetCount; /* number of PosRuleSet tables */
HB_PosRuleSet* PosRuleSet; /* array of PosRuleSet tables */
typedef struct HB_ContextPosFormat1_ HB_ContextPosFormat1;
struct HB_PosClassRule_
HB_UShort GlyphCount; /* total number of context classes */
HB_UShort PosCount; /* number of PosLookupRecord tables */
HB_UShort* Class; /* array of classes */
HB_PosLookupRecord* PosLookupRecord;
/* array of PosLookupRecord tables */
typedef struct HB_PosClassRule_ HB_PosClassRule;
struct HB_PosClassSet_
HB_UShort PosClassRuleCount;
/* number of PosClassRule tables */
HB_PosClassRule* PosClassRule; /* array of PosClassRule tables */
typedef struct HB_PosClassSet_ HB_PosClassSet;
/* The `MaxContextLength' field is not defined in the TTO specification
but simplifies the implementation of this format. It holds the
maximal context length used in the context rules. */
struct HB_ContextPosFormat2_
HB_UShort MaxContextLength;
/* maximal context length */
HB_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */
HB_ClassDefinition ClassDef; /* ClassDef table */
HB_UShort PosClassSetCount;
/* number of PosClassSet tables */
HB_PosClassSet* PosClassSet; /* array of PosClassSet tables */
typedef struct HB_ContextPosFormat2_ HB_ContextPosFormat2;
struct HB_ContextPosFormat3_
HB_UShort GlyphCount; /* number of input glyphs */
HB_UShort PosCount; /* number of PosLookupRecord tables */
HB_Coverage* Coverage; /* array of Coverage tables */
HB_PosLookupRecord* PosLookupRecord;
/* array of PosLookupRecord tables */
typedef struct HB_ContextPosFormat3_ HB_ContextPosFormat3;
struct HB_ContextPos_
HB_UShort PosFormat; /* 1, 2, or 3 */
HB_ContextPosFormat1 cpf1;
HB_ContextPosFormat2 cpf2;
HB_ContextPosFormat3 cpf3;
} cpf;
typedef struct HB_ContextPos_ HB_ContextPos;
/* LookupType 8 */
struct HB_ChainPosRule_
HB_UShort BacktrackGlyphCount;
/* total number of backtrack glyphs */
HB_UShort* Backtrack; /* array of backtrack glyph IDs */
HB_UShort InputGlyphCount;
/* total number of input glyphs */
HB_UShort* Input; /* array of input glyph IDs */
HB_UShort LookaheadGlyphCount;
/* total number of lookahead glyphs */
HB_UShort* Lookahead; /* array of lookahead glyph IDs */
HB_UShort PosCount; /* number of PosLookupRecords */
HB_PosLookupRecord* PosLookupRecord;
/* array of PosLookupRecords */
typedef struct HB_ChainPosRule_ HB_ChainPosRule;
struct HB_ChainPosRuleSet_
HB_UShort ChainPosRuleCount;
/* number of ChainPosRule tables */
HB_ChainPosRule* ChainPosRule; /* array of ChainPosRule tables */
typedef struct HB_ChainPosRuleSet_ HB_ChainPosRuleSet;
struct HB_ChainContextPosFormat1_
HB_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */
HB_UShort ChainPosRuleSetCount;
/* number of ChainPosRuleSet tables */
HB_ChainPosRuleSet* ChainPosRuleSet;
/* array of ChainPosRuleSet tables */
typedef struct HB_ChainContextPosFormat1_ HB_ChainContextPosFormat1;
struct HB_ChainPosClassRule_
HB_UShort BacktrackGlyphCount;
/* total number of backtrack
classes */
HB_UShort* Backtrack; /* array of backtrack classes */
HB_UShort InputGlyphCount;
/* total number of context classes */
HB_UShort* Input; /* array of context classes */
HB_UShort LookaheadGlyphCount;
/* total number of lookahead
classes */
HB_UShort* Lookahead; /* array of lookahead classes */
HB_UShort PosCount; /* number of PosLookupRecords */
HB_PosLookupRecord* PosLookupRecord;
/* array of substitution lookups */
typedef struct HB_ChainPosClassRule_ HB_ChainPosClassRule;
struct HB_ChainPosClassSet_
HB_UShort ChainPosClassRuleCount;
/* number of ChainPosClassRule
tables */
HB_ChainPosClassRule* ChainPosClassRule;
/* array of ChainPosClassRule
tables */
typedef struct HB_ChainPosClassSet_ HB_ChainPosClassSet;
/* The `MaxXXXLength' fields are not defined in the TTO specification
but simplifies the implementation of this format. It holds the
maximal context length used in the specific context rules. */
struct HB_ChainContextPosFormat2_
HB_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */
HB_UShort MaxBacktrackLength;
/* maximal backtrack length */
HB_ClassDefinition BacktrackClassDef;
/* BacktrackClassDef table */
HB_UShort MaxInputLength;
/* maximal input length */
HB_ClassDefinition InputClassDef;
/* InputClassDef table */
HB_UShort MaxLookaheadLength;
/* maximal lookahead length */
HB_ClassDefinition LookaheadClassDef;
/* LookaheadClassDef table */
HB_UShort ChainPosClassSetCount;
/* number of ChainPosClassSet
tables */
HB_ChainPosClassSet* ChainPosClassSet;
/* array of ChainPosClassSet
tables */
typedef struct HB_ChainContextPosFormat2_ HB_ChainContextPosFormat2;
struct HB_ChainContextPosFormat3_
HB_UShort BacktrackGlyphCount;
/* number of backtrack glyphs */
HB_Coverage* BacktrackCoverage;
/* array of backtrack Coverage
tables */
HB_UShort InputGlyphCount;
/* number of input glyphs */
HB_Coverage* InputCoverage;
/* array of input coverage
tables */
HB_UShort LookaheadGlyphCount;
/* number of lookahead glyphs */
HB_Coverage* LookaheadCoverage;
/* array of lookahead coverage
tables */
HB_UShort PosCount; /* number of PosLookupRecords */
HB_PosLookupRecord* PosLookupRecord;
/* array of substitution lookups */
typedef struct HB_ChainContextPosFormat3_ HB_ChainContextPosFormat3;
struct HB_ChainContextPos_
HB_UShort PosFormat; /* 1, 2, or 3 */
HB_ChainContextPosFormat1 ccpf1;
HB_ChainContextPosFormat2 ccpf2;
HB_ChainContextPosFormat3 ccpf3;
} ccpf;
typedef struct HB_ChainContextPos_ HB_ChainContextPos;
#if 0
/* LookupType 10 */
struct HB_ExtensionPos_
HB_UShort PosFormat; /* always 1 */
HB_UShort LookuptType; /* lookup-type of referenced subtable */
HB_GPOS_SubTable *subtable; /* referenced subtable */
typedef struct HB_ExtensionPos_ HB_ExtensionPos;
union HB_GPOS_SubTable_
HB_SinglePos single;
HB_PairPos pair;
HB_CursivePos cursive;
HB_MarkBasePos markbase;
HB_MarkLigPos marklig;
HB_MarkMarkPos markmark;
HB_ContextPos context;
HB_ChainContextPos chain;
typedef union HB_GPOS_SubTable_ HB_GPOS_SubTable;
_HB_GPOS_Load_SubTable( HB_GPOS_SubTable* st,
FT_Stream stream,
HB_UShort lookup_type );
_HB_GPOS_Free_SubTable( HB_GPOS_SubTable* st,
HB_UShort lookup_type );