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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright 2010, SIL International, All rights reserved.
// This direct threaded interpreter implmentation for machine.h
// Author: Tim Eves
// Build either this interpreter or the call_machine implementation.
// The direct threaded interpreter is relies upon a gcc feature called
// labels-as-values so is only portable to compilers that support the
// extension (gcc only as far as I know) however it should build on any
// architecture gcc supports.
// This is twice as fast as the call threaded model and is likely faster on
// inorder processors with short pipelines and little branch prediction such
// as the ARM and possibly Atom chips.
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include "inc/Machine.h"
#include "inc/Segment.h"
#include "inc/ShapingContext.hpp"
#include "inc/Slot.h"
#include "inc/Rule.h"
#define STARTOP(name) name: {
#define ENDOP }; goto *((reg.sp - reg.sb)/Machine::STACK_MAX ? &&end : *++reg.ip);
#define EXIT(status) { push(status); goto end; }
#define do_(name) &&name
using namespace graphite2;
using namespace vm;
namespace {
// The GCC manual has this to say about labels as values:
// The &&foo expressions for the same label might have different values
// if the containing function is inlined or cloned. If a program relies
// on them being always the same, __attribute__((__noinline__,__noclone__))
// should be used to prevent inlining and cloning.
// is_return in Code.cpp relies on being able to do comparisons, so it needs
// them to be always the same.
// The GCC manual further adds:
// If &&foo is used in a static variable initializer, inlining and
// cloning is forbidden.
// In this file, &&foo *is* used in a static variable initializer, and it's not
// entirely clear whether this should prevent inlining of the function or not.
// In practice, though, clang 7 can end up inlining the function with ThinLTO,
// which breaks at least is_return. https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39241
// So all in all, we need at least the __noinline__ attribute. __noclone__
// is not supported by clang.
const void * direct_run(Machine::regbank * _reg = nullptr)
// We need to define and return to opcode table from within this function
// other inorder to take the addresses of the instruction bodies.
#include "inc/opcode_table.h"
if (_reg == nullptr)
return opcode_table;
auto & reg = *_reg;
// start the program
goto **reg.ip;
// Pull in the opcode definitions
#include "inc/opcodes.h"
end: return nullptr;
const opcode_t * Machine::getOpcodeTable() throw()
return static_cast<const opcode_t *>(direct_run());
Machine::stack_t Machine::run(const instr * program,
const byte * data,
const_slotref * & slot_in,
slotref & slot_out)
assert(program != 0);
// Declare virtual machine registers
regbank reg = {
program, // reg.ip
data, // reg.dp
_stack + Machine::STACK_GUARD, // reg.sp
_stack + Machine::STACK_GUARD, // reg.sb
_status, // reg.status
_ctxt, // reg.ctxt
_ctxt.segment, // reg.seg
slot_in, // reg.is
_ctxt.map.begin()+_ctxt.context(), // reg.isb
slot_out, // reg.os
0, // reg.flags
slot_in = reg.is;
slot_out = reg.os;
const stack_t ret = reg.sp == _stack+STACK_GUARD+1 ? *reg.sp-- : 0;
return ret;