
19 lines
772 B

Libhnj was written by Raph Levien <raph at acm dot org>.
Original Libhnj source with OOo's patches are managed by Rene Engelhard and
Chris Halls at Debian: http://packages.debian.org/stable/libdevel/libhnj-dev
and http://packages.debian.org/unstable/source/libhnj
This subset of Libhnj was extended by
Peter Novodvorsky <nidd at alt-linux dot org> (OOo integration),
László Németh <nemeth at OOo> (non-standard and compound hyphenation
with Unicode support),
Nanning Buitenhuis <nanning at elvenkind dot com> (substrings.c)
Write bug reports to László Németh or to the lingu-dev mailing list of
OpenOffice.org (after subscription: http://lingucomponent.openoffice.org)
Please contact Raph Levien for information about licensing for
proprietary applications.