/* * Copyright(c) 2014 Tim Ruehsen * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * This file is part of libpsl. * * Precompile Public Suffix List into a C source file * * Changelog * 22.03.2014 Tim Ruehsen created * */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include /* #ifdef WITH_LIBIDN2 # include #endif */ #ifdef WITH_LIBICU # include # include #endif #ifdef WITH_BUILTIN #include typedef struct { char label_buf[48]; const char * label; unsigned short length; unsigned char nlabels, /* number of labels */ wildcard; /* this is a wildcard rule (e.g. *.sapporo.jp) */ } _psl_entry_t; /* stripped down version libmget vector routines */ typedef struct { int (*cmp)(const _psl_entry_t *, const _psl_entry_t *); /* comparison function */ _psl_entry_t **entry; /* pointer to array of pointers to elements */ int max, /* allocated elements */ cur; /* number of elements in use */ } _psl_vector_t; struct _psl_ctx_st { _psl_vector_t *suffixes, *suffix_exceptions; }; static _psl_vector_t *_vector_alloc(int max, int (*cmp)(const _psl_entry_t *, const _psl_entry_t *)) { _psl_vector_t *v; if (!(v = calloc(1, sizeof(_psl_vector_t)))) return NULL; if (!(v->entry = malloc(max * sizeof(_psl_entry_t *)))) { free(v); return NULL; } v->max = max; v->cmp = cmp; return v; } static void _vector_free(_psl_vector_t **v) { if (v && *v) { if ((*v)->entry) { int it; for (it = 0; it < (*v)->cur; it++) free((*v)->entry[it]); free((*v)->entry); } free(*v); } } static _psl_entry_t *_vector_get(const _psl_vector_t *v, int pos) { if (pos < 0 || !v || pos >= v->cur) return NULL; return v->entry[pos]; } static int _vector_add(_psl_vector_t *v, const _psl_entry_t *elem) { if (v) { void *elemp; elemp = malloc(sizeof(_psl_entry_t)); memcpy(elemp, elem, sizeof(_psl_entry_t)); if (v->max == v->cur) v->entry = realloc(v->entry, (v->max *= 2) * sizeof(_psl_entry_t *)); v->entry[v->cur++] = elemp; return v->cur - 1; } return -1; } static int _compare(const void *p1, const void *p2, void *v) { return ((_psl_vector_t *)v)->cmp(*((_psl_entry_t **)p1), *((_psl_entry_t **)p2)); } static void _vector_sort(_psl_vector_t *v) { if (v && v->cmp) qsort_r(v->entry, v->cur, sizeof(_psl_vector_t *), _compare, v); } /* by this kind of sorting, we can easily see if a domain matches or not (match = supercookie !) */ static int _suffix_compare(const _psl_entry_t *s1, const _psl_entry_t *s2) { int n; if ((n = s2->nlabels - s1->nlabels)) return n; /* most labels first */ if ((n = s1->length - s2->length)) return n; /* shorter rules first */ return strcmp(s1->label, s2->label); } static void _suffix_init(_psl_entry_t *suffix, const char *rule, size_t length) { const char *src; char *dst; suffix->label = suffix->label_buf; if (length >= sizeof(suffix->label_buf) - 1) { suffix->nlabels = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Suffix rule too long (%d, ignored): %s\n", (int) length, rule); return; } if (*rule == '*') { if (*++rule != '.') { suffix->nlabels = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported kind of rule (ignored): %s\n", rule); return; } rule++; suffix->wildcard = 1; suffix->length = (unsigned char)length - 2; } else { suffix->wildcard = 0; suffix->length = (unsigned char)length; } suffix->nlabels = 1; for (dst = suffix->label_buf, src = rule; *src;) { if (*src == '.') suffix->nlabels++; *dst++ = tolower(*src++); } *dst = 0; } psl_ctx_t *psl_load_file(const char *fname) { FILE *fp; psl_ctx_t *psl = NULL; if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r"))) { psl = psl_load_fp(fp); fclose(fp); } return psl; } psl_ctx_t *psl_load_fp(FILE *fp) { psl_ctx_t *psl; _psl_entry_t suffix, *suffixp; int nsuffixes = 0; char buf[256], *linep, *p; if (!fp) return NULL; if (!(psl = calloc(1, sizeof(psl_ctx_t)))) return NULL; /* * as of 02.11.2012, the list at http://publicsuffix.org/list/ contains ~6000 rules and 40 exceptions. * as of 19.02.2014, the list at http://publicsuffix.org/list/ contains ~6500 rules and 19 exceptions. */ psl->suffixes = _vector_alloc(8*1024, _suffix_compare); psl->suffix_exceptions = _vector_alloc(64, _suffix_compare); while ((linep = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp))) { while (isspace(*linep)) linep++; /* ignore leading whitespace */ if (!*linep) continue; /* skip empty lines */ if (*linep == '/' && linep[1] == '/') continue; /* skip comments */ /* parse suffix rule */ for (p = linep; *linep && !isspace(*linep);) linep++; *linep = 0; if (*p == '!') { /* add to exceptions */ _suffix_init(&suffix, p + 1, linep - p - 1); suffixp = _vector_get(psl->suffix_exceptions, _vector_add(psl->suffix_exceptions, &suffix)); } else { _suffix_init(&suffix, p, linep - p); suffixp = _vector_get(psl->suffixes, _vector_add(psl->suffixes, &suffix)); } if (suffixp) suffixp->label = suffixp->label_buf; /* set label to changed address */ nsuffixes++;; } _vector_sort(psl->suffix_exceptions); _vector_sort(psl->suffixes); return psl; } static void _print_psl_entries(FILE *fpout, const _psl_vector_t *v, const char *varname) { int it; #ifdef WITH_LIBICU do { UVersionInfo version_info; char version[U_MAX_VERSION_STRING_LENGTH]; u_getVersion(version_info); u_versionToString(version_info, version); fprintf(fpout, "/* automatically generated by psl2c (punycode generated with libicu/%s) */\n", version); } while (0); #else fprintf(fpout, "/* automatically generated by psl2c (punycode generated with idn2) */\n"); #endif fprintf(fpout, "static _psl_entry_t %s[] = {\n", varname); for (it = 0; it < v->cur; it++) { _psl_entry_t *e = _vector_get(v, it); fprintf(fpout, "\t{ \"%s\", NULL, %hd, %d, %d },\n", e->label_buf, e->length, (int) e->nlabels, (int) e->wildcard); } fprintf(fpout, "};\n"); } void psl_free(psl_ctx_t *psl) { if (psl) { _vector_free(&psl->suffixes); _vector_free(&psl->suffix_exceptions); free(psl); } } static int _str_needs_encoding(const char *s) { while (*s > 0) s++; return !!*s; } static void _add_punycode_if_needed(_psl_vector_t *v) { int it, n; /* do not use 'it < v->cur' since v->cur is changed by _vector_add() ! */ for (it = 0, n = v->cur; it < n; it++) { _psl_entry_t *e = _vector_get(v, it); if (_str_needs_encoding(e->label_buf)) { _psl_entry_t suffix, *suffixp; char lookupname[64] = ""; /* the following lines will have GPL3+ license issues */ /* char *asc = NULL; int rc; if ((rc = idn2_lookup_u8((uint8_t *)e->label_buf, (uint8_t **)&asc, 0)) == IDN2_OK) { // fprintf(stderr, "idn2 '%s' -> '%s'\n", e->label_buf, asc); _suffix_init(&suffix, asc, strlen(asc)); suffix.wildcard = e->wildcard; suffixp = _vector_get(v, _vector_add(v, &suffix)); suffixp->label = suffixp->e_label_buf; // set label to changed address } else fprintf(stderr, "toASCII(%s) failed (%d): %s\n", e->label_buf, rc, idn2_strerror(rc)); */ #ifdef WITH_LIBICU UIDNA *idna; UErrorCode status = 0; /* IDNA2003 punycode conversion */ /* destLen = uidna_toASCII(e->label_buf, (int32_t) strlen(e->label_buf), lookupname, (int32_t) sizeof(lookupname), UIDNA_DEFAULT, NULL, &status); */ /* IDNA2008 UTS#46 punycode conversion */ if ((idna = uidna_openUTS46(UIDNA_USE_STD3_RULES, &status))) { uidna_nameToASCII(idna, (UChar *) e->label_buf, (int32_t) strlen(e->label_buf), (UChar *) lookupname, (int32_t) sizeof(lookupname), NULL, &status); uidna_close(idna); } if (U_FAILURE(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to convert '%s' to ASCII\n", e->label_buf); } else if (strcmp(e->label_buf, lookupname)) { /* fprintf(stderr, "libicu '%s' -> '%s'\n", e->label_buf, lookupname); */ _suffix_init(&suffix, lookupname, strlen(lookupname)); suffix.wildcard = e->wildcard; suffixp = _vector_get(v, _vector_add(v, &suffix)); suffixp->label = suffixp->label_buf; /* set label to changed address */ } /* else ignore */ #else /* this is much slower than the libidn2 API but should have no license issues */ FILE *pp; char cmd[16 + sizeof(e->label_buf)]; snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "idn2 '%s'", e->label_buf); if ((pp = popen(cmd, "r"))) { if (fscanf(pp, "%63s", lookupname) >= 1 && strcmp(e->label_buf, lookupname)) { /* fprintf(stderr, "idn2 '%s' -> '%s'\n", e->label_buf, lookupname); */ _suffix_init(&suffix, lookupname, strlen(lookupname)); suffix.wildcard = e->wildcard; suffixp = _vector_get(v, _vector_add(v, &suffix)); suffixp->label = suffixp->label_buf; /* set label to changed address */ } pclose(pp); } else fprintf(stderr, "Failed to call popen(%s, \"r\")\n", cmd); #endif } } _vector_sort(v); } #endif /* WITH_BUILTIN */ int main(int argc, const char **argv) { FILE *fpout; #ifdef WITH_BUILTIN psl_ctx_t *psl; #endif int ret = 0; if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: psl2c \n"); fprintf(stderr, " is the 'effective_tld_names.dat' (aka Public Suffix List)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " is the the C filename to be generated from \n"); return 1; } #ifdef WITH_BUILTIN if (!(psl = psl_load_file(argv[1]))) return 2; if ((fpout = fopen(argv[2], "w"))) { FILE *pp; struct stat st; size_t cmdsize = 16 + strlen(argv[1]); char *cmd = alloca(cmdsize), checksum[64] = ""; _add_punycode_if_needed(psl->suffixes); _add_punycode_if_needed(psl->suffix_exceptions); _print_psl_entries(fpout, psl->suffixes, "suffixes"); _print_psl_entries(fpout, psl->suffix_exceptions, "suffix_exceptions"); snprintf(cmd, cmdsize, "sha1sum %s", argv[1]); if ((pp = popen(cmd, "r"))) { if (fscanf(pp, "%63[0-9a-zA-Z]", checksum) < 1) *checksum = 0; pclose(pp); } if (stat(argv[1], &st) != 0) st.st_mtime = 0; fprintf(fpout, "static time_t _psl_file_time = %lu;\n", st.st_mtime); fprintf(fpout, "static time_t _psl_compile_time = %lu;\n", time(NULL)); fprintf(fpout, "static const char _psl_sha1_checksum[] = \"%s\";\n", checksum); fprintf(fpout, "static const char _psl_filename[] = \"%s\";\n", checksum); if (fclose(fpout) != 0) ret = 4; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write open '%s'\n", argv[2]); ret = 3; } psl_free(psl); #else if ((fpout = fopen(argv[2], "w"))) { fprintf(fpout, "static _psl_entry_t suffixes[0];\n"); fprintf(fpout, "static _psl_entry_t suffix_exceptions[0];\n"); fprintf(fpout, "static time_t _psl_file_time;\n"); fprintf(fpout, "static time_t _psl_compile_time;\n"); fprintf(fpout, "static const char _psl_sha1_checksum[] = \"\";\n"); fprintf(fpout, "static const char _psl_filename[] = \"\";\n"); if (fclose(fpout) != 0) ret = 4; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write open '%s'\n", argv[2]); ret = 3; } #endif /* WITH_BUILTIN */ return ret; }