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---Provides the base functionality for regular expressions matching.
---@class regex
regex = {}
---Instruct regex:cmatch() to match only at the first position.
---@type integer
regex.ANCHORED = 0x80000000
---Tell regex:cmatch() that the pattern can match only at end of subject.
---@type integer
regex.ENDANCHORED = 0x20000000
---Tell regex:cmatch() that subject string is not the beginning of a line.
---@type integer
regex.NOTBOL = 0x00000001
---Tell regex:cmatch() that subject string is not the end of a line.
---@type integer
regex.NOTEOL = 0x00000002
---Tell regex:cmatch() that an empty string is not a valid match.
---@type integer
regex.NOTEMPTY = 0x00000004
---Tell regex:cmatch() that an empty string at the start of the
---subject is not a valid match.
---@type integer
regex.NOTEMPTY_ATSTART = 0x00000008
---@alias RegexModifiers
---|>'"i"' # Case insesitive matching
---| '"m"' # Multiline matching
---| '"s"' # Match all characters with dot (.) metacharacter even new lines
---Compiles a regular expression pattern that can be used to search in strings.
---@param pattern string
---@param options? RegexModifiers A string of one or more pattern modifiers.
---@return regex|string regex Ready to use regular expression object or error
---message if compiling the pattern failed.
function regex.compile(pattern, options) end
---Search a string for valid matches and returns a list of matching offsets.
---@param subject string The string to search for valid matches.
---@param offset? integer The position on the subject to start searching.
---@param options? integer A bit field of matching options, eg:
---regex.NOTBOL | regex.NOTEMPTY
---@return table<integer, integer> list List of offsets where a match was found.
function regex:cmatch(subject, offset, options) end