Fix documentation and behavior for 1.13 release

This commit is contained in:
Francesco Abbate 2020-12-06 11:23:33 +01:00
parent afda299fe4
commit 1c4b8cf315
5 changed files with 84 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,49 @@ Lite XL is following closely [rxi/lite]( but with so
This files document the differences between Lite XL and rxi/lite for each version.
### 1.13
**Rendering options for fonts**
When loading fonts with the function renderer.font.load some rendering options can
be optionally specified:
- antialiasing: grayscale or subpixel
- hinting: none, slight or full
See data/core/style.lua for the details about its utilisation.
The default remains antialiasing subpixel and hinting slight to reproduce the
behavior of previous versions.
The option grayscale with full hinting is specially interesting for crisp font rendering
without color artifacts.
**Unix-like install directories**
Use unix-like install directories for the executable and for the data directory.
The executable will be placed under $prefix/bin and the data folder will be
The folder $prefix is not hard-coded in the binary but is determined at runtime
as the directory such as the executable is inside $prefix/bin.
If no such $prefix exist it will fall back to the old behavior and use the "data"
folder from the executable directory.
In addtion to the `EXEDIR` global variable an additional variable is exposed, `DATADIR`,
to point to the data directory.
The old behavior using the "data" directory can be still selected at compile time
using the "portable" option. The released Windows package will use the "data"
directory as before.
**Configuration stored into the user's home directory**
Now the Lite XL user's configuration will be stored in the user's home directory under
The home directory is determined using the "HOME" environment variable except on Windows
wher "USERPROFILE" is used instead.
A new global variable `USERDIR` is exposed to point to the user's directory.
### 1.11
- include changes from rxi's Lite 1.11

View File

@ -102,8 +102,15 @@ local function create_user_directory()
for _, dirname in ipairs(subdirs) do
dirname_create = dirname_create .. '/' .. dirname
local success_mkdir = system.mkdir(dirname_create)
if not success_mkdir then error("cannot create directory: \"" .. dirname_create .. "\"") end
if not system.mkdir(dirname_create) then
error("cannot create directory: \"" .. dirname_create .. "\"")
for _, modname in ipairs(['plugins', 'colors']) do
local subdirname = dirname_create .. '/' .. modname
if not system.mkdir(subdirname) then
error("cannot create directory: \"" .. subdirname .. "\"")
@ -242,14 +249,16 @@ end
function core.load_plugins()
local no_errors = true
local files = system.list_dir(DATADIR .. "/plugins")
for _, filename in ipairs(files) do
local modname = "plugins." .. filename:gsub(".lua$", "")
local ok = core.try(require, modname)
if ok then
core.log_quiet("Loaded plugin %q", modname)
no_errors = false
for _, root_dir in ipairs([DATADIR, USERDIR]) do
local files = system.list_dir(root_dir .. "/plugins")
for _, filename in ipairs(files) do
local modname = "plugins." .. filename:gsub(".lua$", "")
local ok = core.try(require, modname)
if ok then
core.log_quiet("Loaded plugin %q", modname)
no_errors = false
return no_errors

View File

@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ style.tab_width = common.round(170 * SCALE)
-- {antialiasing= "grayscale", hinting = "full"}
-- The possible values for each option are:
-- - for antialiang: grayscale, subpixel
-- - for antialiasing: grayscale, subpixel
-- - for hinting: none, slight, full
-- The defaults values are antialiang subpixel and hinting slight for optimal visualization
-- The defaults values are antialiasing subpixel and hinting slight for optimal visualization
-- on ordinary LCD monitor with RGB patterns.
-- On High DPI monitor or non RGB monitor you may consider using antialiang grayscale instead.
-- The antialising grayscale with full hinting is interesting for crisp font rendering.
-- On High DPI monitor or non RGB monitor you may consider using antialiasing grayscale instead.
-- The antialiasing grayscale with full hinting is interesting for crisp font rendering.
style.font = renderer.font.load(DATADIR .. "/fonts/font.ttf", 14 * SCALE)
style.big_font = renderer.font.load(DATADIR .. "/fonts/font.ttf", 34 * SCALE)
style.icon_font = renderer.font.load(DATADIR .. "/fonts/icons.ttf", 14 * SCALE, {antialiasing="grayscale", hinting="full"})

View File

@ -41,8 +41,12 @@ The user module is loaded by lite when the application starts, after the plugins
have been loaded.
The user module can be modified by running the `core:open-user-module` command
or otherwise directly opening the `data/user/init.lua` file.
or otherwise directly opening the `$HOME/.config/lite-xl/init.lua` file.
As an exception, on Windows, the variable `$USERPROFILE` will be used instead of
Please note that Lite XL differs from the standard Lite editor for the location
of the user's module.
## Project Module
The project module is an optional module which is loaded from the current
@ -119,14 +123,18 @@ Plugins in lite are normal lua modules and are treated as such — no
complicated plugin manager is provided, and, once a plugin is loaded, it is never
expected be to have to unload itself.
To install a plugin simply drop it in the `data/plugins` directory — installed
plugins will be automatically loaded when lite starts. To uninstall a plugin the
To install a plugin simply drop it in the `plugins` directory in the user
module directory.
When Lite XL starts it will first load the plugins included in the data directory
and will then loads the plugins located in the user module directory.
To uninstall a plugin the
plugin file can be deleted — any plugin (including those included with lite's
default installation) can be deleted to remove its functionality.
If you want to load a plugin only under a certain circumstance (for example,
only on a given project) the plugin can be placed somewhere other than the
`data/plugins` directory so that it is not automatically loaded. The plugin can
`plugins` directory so that it is not automatically loaded. The plugin can
then be loaded manually as needed by using the `require` function.
Plugins can be downloaded from the [plugins repository](
@ -134,12 +142,14 @@ Plugins can be downloaded from the [plugins repository](
## Color Themes
Colors themes in lite are lua modules which overwrite the color fields of lite's
`` module. Color themes should be placed in the `data/user/colors`
`` module.
Pre-defined color methods are located in the `colors` folder in the data directory.
Additional color themes can be installed in the user's directory in a folder named
A color theme can be set by requiring it in your user module:
require "user.colors.winter"
require "colors.winter"
Color themes can be downloaded from the [color themes repository](

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@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
lua_setglobal(L, "ARGS");
lua_pushstring(L, "1.11");
lua_pushstring(L, "1.13");
lua_setglobal(L, "VERSION");
lua_pushstring(L, SDL_GetPlatform());