Added the sticky_scroll plugin
This commit is contained in:
@ -194,6 +194,9 @@ Sorts selected lines alphabetically
Sort selected CSS properties alphabetically or using the concentric model.
Sort selected CSS properties alphabetically or using the concentric model.
Keep track of the current scope at the top of the view
Play Tetris inside Lite XL.
Play Tetris inside Lite XL.
@ -261,6 +264,7 @@
- Added the keyhud plugin
- Added the keyhud plugin
- Added the sort plugin
- Added the sort plugin
- Added the sortcss plugin
- Added the sortcss plugin
- Added the sticky_scroll plugin
### Updated
### Updated
- Updated the code to the upstream 2.1.7 release
- Updated the code to the upstream 2.1.7 release
@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
-- mod-version:3
local core = require "core"
local DocView = require "core.docview"
local style = require ""
local config = require "core.config"
local common = require "core.common"
local command = require "core.command"
local SS = {}
-- Ignore lines with only the opening bracket
function SS.get_level_ignore_open_bracket(doc, line)
if doc.lines[line]:match("^%s*{%s*$") then
return -1
return SS.get_level_default(doc, line)
local filetype_overrides = {
["Markdown"] = function(doc, line)
-- Use the markdown heading level only
local indent = string.match(doc.lines[line], "^#+() .+")
return indent or math.huge
["C"] = SS.get_level_ignore_open_bracket,
["C++"] = SS.get_level_ignore_open_bracket,
["Plain Text"] = false
config.plugins.sticky_scroll = common.merge({
enabled = true,
max_sticky_lines = 5,
-- Override the function to get the level of a line.
-- The key is the syntax name, the value is a function that receives the doc
-- and the line, and returns the level [-1; math.huge].
-- The default function is `SS.get_level_default`, which is indent based,
-- and ignores comment-only lines.
-- Use `false` to disable the plugin for that filetype.
filetype_overrides = filetype_overrides,
config_spec = {
name = "Sticky Scroll",
label = "Enabled",
description = "Enable or disable drawing the Sticky Scroll.",
path = "enabled",
type = "toggle",
default = true
label = "Maximum number of sticky lines",
description = "The maximum number of sticky lines to show",
path = "max_sticky_lines",
type = "number",
default = 5,
min = 1,
step = 1
}, config.plugins.sticky_scroll)
-- Merge user changes with the default overrides
config.plugins.sticky_scroll.filetype_overrides = common.merge(filetype_overrides, config.plugins.sticky_scroll.filetype_overrides)
-- Automatically remove docview (keys) when not needed anymore
-- Automatically create a docview entry on access
SS.managed_docviews = setmetatable({}, {
__mode = "k",
__index = function(t, k)
local v = {enabled = true, sticky_lines = {}, reference_line = 1, syntax = nil}
rawset(t, k, v)
return v
local regex_pattern = regex.compile([[(\s*)\S]])
---Return the indent level of a string.
---The indent level is counted as the number of spaces and tabs in the string.
---A tab is counted as a space, so mixed tab types can cause issues.
---TODO: maybe only consider the indent type of the file,
--- or even only consider valid the type of the first character in the line.
---@param doc core.doc
---@param line integer
---@return integer #>0 for lines with indents and text, 0 for lines with no indent, -1 for lines without any non-whitespace characters
function SS.get_level_from_indent(doc, line)
local text = doc.lines[line]
local s, e = regex.find_offsets(regex_pattern --[[@as regex]], text)
return s and e - s or -1
---Same as SS.get_level_from_indent, but ignores lines with only comments.
---@param doc core.doc
---@param line integer
---@return integer #>0 for lines with indents and text, 0 for lines with no indent, -1 for lines without any non-whitespace characters
function SS.get_level_default(doc, line)
for _, type, text in doc.highlighter:each_token(line) do
if type ~= "comment" then
return SS.get_level_from_indent(doc, line)
return -1
---Return the function to use to get the level.
---@param doc core.doc
---@param line integer
---@return function
function SS.get_level_getter(doc)
local get_level = SS.get_level_default
if config.plugins.sticky_scroll
and config.plugins.sticky_scroll.filetype_overrides[] ~= nil then
get_level = config.plugins.sticky_scroll.filetype_overrides[]
if get_level == false then
get_level = nil
return get_level
---Returns whether the plugin is enabled.
---If `dv` is provided, returns if the docview is enabled.
---The "global" check has priority over the docview check.
---@param dv core.docview?
---return boolean
function SS.should_run(dv)
if dv and not dv:is(DocView) then return false end
if dv and not SS.managed_docviews[dv].enabled then return false end
if not config.plugins.sticky_scroll or not config.plugins.sticky_scroll.enabled then return false end
return true
---Return an array of the sticly lines that should be shown.
---@param doc core.doc
---@param start_line integer #the reference line
---@param max_sticky_lines integer #the maximum allowed sticky lines
---@return table #an ordered list of lines that should be shown as sticky
function SS.get_sticky_lines(doc, start_line, max_sticky_lines)
local res = {}
local last_level
local original_start_line = start_line
start_line = common.clamp(start_line, 1, #doc.lines)
local get_level = SS.get_level_getter(doc)
if not get_level then return res end
-- Find the first usable line
if start_line <= 0 then return res end
last_level = get_level(doc, start_line)
start_line = start_line - 1
until last_level >= 0
-- If we had to skip some lines, check if we need to stick the usable one
if original_start_line ~= start_line + 1 then
local found = false
-- Check if there are valid lines after the original start line
for i = original_start_line, #doc.lines do
local next_indent_level = get_level(doc, i)
if next_indent_level >= 0 then
if next_indent_level == 0 and next_indent_level < last_level then
-- We are at the end of the block,
-- so there aren't any sticky lines to be shown
return res
-- If there is an indent level higher than original start line,
-- stick the usable line that was found
if next_indent_level > last_level then
table.insert(res, start_line + 1)
found = true
-- If there are no valid lines, we don't need to show sticky lines.
if not found then return res end
-- Find sticky lines to show, starting from the current line,
-- until we get to one that has level 0.
for i = start_line, 1, -1 do
local level = get_level(doc, i)
if level >= 0 and level < last_level then
table.insert(res, i)
last_level = level
if level == 0 then break end
-- Only keep the lines we're allowed to show
common.splice(res, 1, math.max(0, #res - max_sticky_lines))
return res
-- TODO: Workaround - Remove when lite-xl/lite-xl#1382 is merged and released
local function get_visible_line_range(dv)
local _, y, _, y2 = dv:get_content_bounds()
local lh = dv:get_line_height()
local minline = math.max(1, math.floor((y - style.padding.y) / lh) + 1)
local maxline = math.min(#dv.doc.lines, math.floor((y2 - style.padding.y) / lh) + 1)
return minline, maxline
local last_max_sticky_lines
local old_dv_update = DocView.update
function DocView:update(...)
local res = old_dv_update(self, ...)
if not SS.should_run(self) then return res end
-- Simple cache. Gets reset on every doc change.
-- Could be made smarter, but this will do for now™.
local docview = SS.managed_docviews[self]
local current_change_id = self.doc:get_change_id()
if docview.sticky_scroll_last_change_id ~= current_change_id
or last_max_sticky_lines ~= config.plugins.sticky_scroll.max_sticky_lines
or docview.syntax ~= self.doc.syntax then
docview.sticky_scroll_cache = {}
docview.reference_line = 1
docview.syntax = self.doc.syntax
docview.sticky_scroll_last_change_id = current_change_id
last_max_sticky_lines = config.plugins.sticky_scroll.max_sticky_lines
local minline, _ = get_visible_line_range(self)
local lh = self:get_line_height()
-- We need to find the first line that'll be visible
-- even after the sticky lines are drawn.
local from = math.max(1, minline)
local to = math.min(minline + config.plugins.sticky_scroll.max_sticky_lines, #self.doc.lines)
local new_sticky_lines = {}
local new_reference_line = to
for i = from, to do
-- Simple cache
if not docview.sticky_scroll_cache[i] then
docview.sticky_scroll_cache[i] = SS.get_sticky_lines(self.doc, i, config.plugins.sticky_scroll.max_sticky_lines)
local scroll_lines = docview.sticky_scroll_cache[i]
local _, nl_y = self:get_line_screen_position(i)
if nl_y >= self.position.y + lh * #scroll_lines then
new_sticky_lines = scroll_lines
new_reference_line = i
docview.sticky_lines = new_sticky_lines
docview.reference_line = new_reference_line
return res
local old_dv_draw_overlay = DocView.draw_overlay
function DocView:draw_overlay(...)
local res = old_dv_draw_overlay(self, ...)
if not SS.should_run(self) then return res end
local minline, _ = get_visible_line_range(self)
local lh = self:get_line_height()
-- Ignore the horizontal scroll position when drawing sticky lines
local scroll_x = self.scroll.x
self.scroll.x = 0
local x = self:get_line_screen_position(minline)
self.scroll.x = scroll_x
local y
local gw, gpad = self:get_gutter_width()
local data = SS.managed_docviews[self]
local _, rl_y = self:get_line_screen_position(data.reference_line)
-- We need to reset the clip, because when DocView:draw_overlay is called
-- it's too small for us.
local old_clip_rect = core.clip_rect_stack[#core.clip_rect_stack]
renderer.set_clip_rect(self.position.x, self.position.y, self.size.x, self.size.y)
local drawn = false
local max_y = 0
for i=1, #data.sticky_lines do
y = self.position.y + (#data.sticky_lines - i) * lh
local l = data.sticky_lines[i]
y = math.min(y, rl_y)
max_y = math.max(y, max_y)
drawn = true
renderer.draw_rect(self.position.x, y, self.size.x, lh, style.background)
self:draw_line_gutter(l, self.position.x, y, gpad and gw - gpad or gw)
self:draw_line_text(l, x, y)
if data.hovered_sticky_scroll_line == l then
renderer.draw_rect(self.position.x, y, self.size.x, lh, style.drag_overlay)
if drawn then
renderer.draw_rect(self.position.x, max_y + lh, self.size.x, style.divider_size, style.divider)
-- Restore clip rect
return res
local old_mouse_pressed = DocView.on_mouse_pressed
function DocView:on_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks, ...)
if not SS.should_run(self) then return old_mouse_pressed(self, button, x, y, clicks, ...) end
local data = SS.managed_docviews[self]
data.sticky_lines_mouse_pressed = false
if #data.sticky_lines == 0 then
return old_mouse_pressed(self, button, x, y, clicks, ...)
local lh = self:get_line_height()
local rl_x, rl_y = self:get_line_screen_position(data.reference_line)
if y >= math.min(rl_y + lh, lh * #data.sticky_lines + self.position.y) or y < self.position.y then
data.sticky_lines_mouse_pressed = true
return old_mouse_pressed(self, button, x, y, clicks, ...)
local clicked_line = data.sticky_lines[#data.sticky_lines - (y - self.position.y) // lh]
local col = self:get_x_offset_col(clicked_line, x - rl_x)
self:scroll_to_make_visible(clicked_line, col)
self.doc:set_selection(clicked_line, col)
return true
local old_mouse_moved = DocView.on_mouse_moved
function DocView:on_mouse_moved(x, y, ...)
if not SS.should_run(self) then return old_mouse_moved(self, x, y, ...) end
local data = SS.managed_docviews[self]
data.hovered_sticky_scroll_line = nil
if #data.sticky_lines == 0 then
return old_mouse_moved(self, x, y, ...)
local lh = self:get_line_height()
local _, rl_y = self:get_line_screen_position(data.reference_line)
if self.mouse_selecting
or y >= math.min(rl_y + lh, lh * #data.sticky_lines + self.position.y)
or y < self.position.y
or x < self.position.x
or x >= self.position.x + self.size.x
or self.v_scrollbar:overlaps(x, y)
return old_mouse_moved(self, x, y, ...)
self.cursor = "hand"
data.hovered_sticky_scroll_line = data.sticky_lines[#data.sticky_lines - (y - self.position.y) // lh]
return true
local old_scroll_to_make_visible = DocView.scroll_to_make_visible
function DocView:scroll_to_make_visible(line, col, ...)
old_scroll_to_make_visible(self, line, col, ...)
if not SS.should_run(self) then return end
-- We need to scroll the view to account for the sticky lines.
local lh = self:get_line_height()
local before_scroll = self.scroll.y
local _, ly = self:get_line_screen_position(line, col)
ly = ly - self.position.y + (before_scroll -
local data = SS.managed_docviews[self]
-- Avoid moving the caret under the sticky lines.
local num_sticky_lines
if data.sticky_lines_mouse_pressed or self.mouse_selecting then
-- On mouse click, use the current number of visible sticky lines
-- to avoid scrolling too much.
data.sticky_lines_mouse_pressed = false
num_sticky_lines = data.sticky_lines and #data.sticky_lines or 0
-- When the movement wasn't caused by mouse clicks, use the maximum number
-- of possible sticky lines, to avoid scrolling in an inconsistent way
-- when adjusting for the changing number of sticky lines.
num_sticky_lines = config.plugins.sticky_scroll.max_sticky_lines
if ly < num_sticky_lines * lh then
| = - ((num_sticky_lines * lh) - ly)
-- Generic commands
command.add(function() return config.plugins.sticky_scroll end, {
["sticky-lines:toggle"] = function()
config.plugins.sticky_scroll.enabled = not config.plugins.sticky_scroll.enabled
command.add(function() return config.plugins.sticky_scroll and not config.plugins.sticky_scroll.enabled end, {
["sticky-lines:enable"] = function()
config.plugins.sticky_scroll.enabled = true
command.add(function() return config.plugins.sticky_scroll and config.plugins.sticky_scroll.enabled end, {
["sticky-lines:disable"] = function()
config.plugins.sticky_scroll.enabled = false
-- Per-docview commands
command.add(SS.should_run, {
["sticky-lines:toggle-doc"] = function()
local dv = core.active_view
SS.managed_docviews[dv].enabled = not SS.managed_docviews[dv].enabled
local dv = core.active_view
return SS.should_run() and not SS.managed_docviews[dv].enabled, dv
end, {
["sticky-lines:enable-doc"] = function(dv)
SS.managed_docviews[dv].enabled = true
local dv = core.active_view
return SS.should_run() and SS.managed_docviews[dv].enabled, dv
end, {
["sticky-lines:disable-doc"] = function(dv)
SS.managed_docviews[dv].enabled = false
return SS
Reference in New Issue