Fix files limited project with dir monintoring

Changed approach to files limited project. Now we keep into the
top-level dir a list of subdirectories to be shown. When in file
limited mode we will not scan subdirectories unless they are in
the list of shown subdirectories.

With the new mechanism the function get_subdirectory_files always
recurse into subdirectories by default but is able to figure out
to stop recursing into subdirectories for files limited project.

The new mechanism is more robust of the previous one. Now the
rescan of subdirectories is compatible with files limited project.
This commit is contained in:
Francesco Abbate 2021-07-25 20:49:35 +02:00
parent db24dbc3a0
commit b7ef9a5609
2 changed files with 29 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -114,29 +114,27 @@ end
-- When recursing "root" will always be the same, only "path" will change.
-- Returns a list of file "items". In eash item the "filename" will be the
-- complete file path relative to "root" *without* the trailing '/'.
local function get_directory_files(root, path, t, recursive, begin_hook)
local function get_directory_files(dir, root, path, t, begin_hook, max_files)
if begin_hook then begin_hook() end
local all = system.list_dir(root .. path) or {}
local dirs, files = {}, {}
local entries_count = 0
local max_entries = config.max_project_files
for _, file in ipairs(all) do
local info = get_project_file_info(root, path .. PATHSEP .. file)
if info then
table.insert(info.type == "dir" and dirs or files, info)
entries_count = entries_count + 1
if recursive and entries_count > max_entries then return nil, entries_count end
table.sort(dirs, compare_file)
for _, f in ipairs(dirs) do
table.insert(t, f)
if recursive and entries_count <= max_entries then
local subdir_t, subdir_count = get_directory_files(root, PATHSEP .. f.filename, t, recursive, begin_hook)
entries_count = entries_count + subdir_count
f.scanned = true
if (not max_files or entries_count <= max_files) and core.project_subdir_is_shown(dir, f.filename) then
local sub_limit = max_files and max_files - entries_count
local _, n = get_directory_files(dir, root, PATHSEP .. f.filename, t, begin_hook, sub_limit)
entries_count = entries_count + n
@ -149,6 +147,16 @@ local function get_directory_files(root, path, t, recursive, begin_hook)
function core.project_subdir_set_show(dir, filename, show)
dir.shown_subdir[filename] = show
function core.project_subdir_is_shown(dir, filename)
return not dir.files_limit or dir.shown_subdir[filename]
local function show_max_files_warning()
core.status_view:show_message("!", style.accent,
"Too many files in project directory: stopped reading at "..
@ -160,7 +168,7 @@ end
-- Populate a project folder top directory by scanning the filesystem.
local function scan_project_folder(index)
local dir = core.project_directories[index]
local t, entries_count = get_directory_files(, "", {}, true)
local t, entries_count = get_directory_files(dir,, "", {}, nil, config.max_project_files)
if entries_count > config.max_project_files then
dir.files_limit = true
if core.status_view then -- May be not yet initialized.
@ -184,6 +192,7 @@ function core.add_project_directory(path)
files_limit = false,
is_dirty = true,
watch_id = watch_id,
shown_subdir = {},
table.insert(core.project_directories, dir)
@ -277,8 +286,7 @@ local function project_subdir_bounds(dir, filename)
local function rescan_project_subdir(dir, filename_rooted)
local recursive = not dir.files_limit
local new_files = get_directory_files(, filename_rooted, {}, recursive, coroutine.yield)
local new_files = get_directory_files(dir,, filename_rooted, {}, coroutine.yield)
local index, n = 0, #dir.files
if filename_rooted ~= "" then
local filename = strip_leading_path(filename_rooted)
@ -296,9 +304,9 @@ end
function core.scan_project_subdir(dir, filename)
local index, n, file = project_subdir_bounds(dir, filename)
if index then
local new_files = get_directory_files(, PATHSEP .. filename, {})
local new_files = get_directory_files(dir,, PATHSEP .. filename, {})
files_list_replace(dir.files, index, n, new_files)
file.scanned = true
dir.is_dirty = true
return true
@ -1051,6 +1059,7 @@ function core.has_pending_rescan()
function core.dir_rescan_add_job(dir, filepath)
local dirpath = filepath:match("^(.+)[/\\].+$")
local dirpath_rooted = dirpath and PATHSEP .. dirpath or ""
@ -1058,7 +1067,8 @@ function core.dir_rescan_add_job(dir, filepath)
if dirpath then
-- check if the directory is in the project files list, if not exit
local dir_index, dir_match = file_search(dir.files, {filename = dirpath, type = "dir"})
if not dir_match or (dir.files_limit and not dir.files[dir_index].scanned) then return end
local dir_filename = dir.files[dir_index].filename
if not dir_match or not core.project_subdir_is_shown(dir, dir_filename) then return end
local new_time = system.get_time() + 1

View File

@ -217,10 +217,13 @@ function TreeView:on_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks)
if keymap.modkeys["ctrl"] and button == "left" then
if hovered_item.dir.files_limit and not hovered_item.expanded then
core.scan_project_subdir(hovered_item.dir, hovered_item.filename)
hovered_item.expanded = not hovered_item.expanded
if hovered_item.dir.files_limit then
if hovered_item.expanded then
core.scan_project_subdir(hovered_item.dir, hovered_item.filename)
core.project_subdir_set_show(hovered_item.dir, hovered_item.filename, hovered_item.expanded)