Significantly improved performance of tokenization for larger documents by by default not requiring tokenization.

This commit is contained in:
Adam Harrison 2022-04-17 13:01:45 -04:00
parent 04adb10f97
commit c112bd8d7c
1 changed files with 20 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -9,29 +9,42 @@ local command = require "core.command"
local keymap = require "core.keymap"
local translate = require "core.doc.translate"
config.plugins.linewrapping = common.merge({
-- The type of wrapping to perform. Can be "letter" or "word".
mode = "letter",
-- If nil, uses the DocView's size, otherwise, uses this exact width.
-- If nil, uses the DocView's size, otherwise, uses this exact width. Can be a function.
width_override = nil,
-- Whether or not to draw a guide
guide = true,
-- Whether or not we should indent ourselves like the first line of a wrapped block.
indent = true,
-- Whether or not to enable wrapping by default when opening files.
enable_by_default = true
enable_by_default = false,
-- Requires tokenization
require_tokenization = false
}, config.plugins.linewrapping)
local LineWrapping = {}
-- Optimzation function. The tokenizer is relatively slow (at present), and
-- so if we don't need to run it, should be run sparingly.
local function spew_tokens(doc, line) if line < math.huge then return math.huge, "normal", doc.lines[line] end end
local function get_tokens(doc, line)
if config.plugins.linewrapping.require_tokenization then
return doc.highlighter:each_token(line)
return spew_tokens, doc, line
-- Computes the breaks for a given line, width and mode. Returns a list of columns
-- at which the line should be broken.
function LineWrapping.compute_line_breaks(doc, default_font, line, width, mode)
local xoffset, last_i, i, last_space, last_width, begin_width = 0, 1, 1, nil, 0, 0
local splits = { 1 }
for idx, type, text in doc.highlighter:each_token(line) do
for idx, type, text in get_tokens(doc, line) do
local font = style.syntax_fonts[type] or default_font
if idx == 1 and config.plugins.linewrapping.indent then
if idx == 1 or idx == math.huge and config.plugins.linewrapping.indent then
local _, indent_end = text:find("^%s+")
if indent_end then begin_width = font:get_width(text:sub(1, indent_end)) end
@ -164,7 +177,8 @@ end
function LineWrapping.update_docview_breaks(docview)
local x,y,w,h = docview:get_scrollbar_rect()
local width = config.plugins.linewrapping.width_override or (docview.size.x - docview:get_gutter_width() - w)
local width = (type(config.plugins.linewrapping.width_override) == "function" and config.plugins.linewrapping.width_override(docview))
or config.plugins.linewrapping.width_override or (docview.size.x - docview:get_gutter_width() - w)
if (not docview.wrapped_settings or docview.wrapped_settings.width == nil or width ~= docview.wrapped_settings.width) then = 0
LineWrapping.reconstruct_breaks(docview, docview:get_font(), width)
@ -235,7 +249,7 @@ local function get_line_col_from_index_and_x(docview, idx, x)
local xoffset, last_i, i = (col ~= 1 and docview.wrapped_line_offsets[line] or 0), col, 1
if x < xoffset then return line, col end
local default_font = docview:get_font()
for _, type, text in docview.doc.highlighter:each_token(line) do
for _, type, text in doc.highlighter:each_token(line) do
local font, w = style.syntax_fonts[type] or default_font, 0
for char in common.utf8_chars(text) do
if i >= col then