Ensure tab's text and close button don't overlaps

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Francesco Abbate 2021-02-27 17:19:47 +01:00
parent 4cda8fc122
commit e861ea1d66
1 changed files with 7 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -234,10 +234,10 @@ function Node:get_tab_overlapping_point(px, py)
local function close_button_location(x, y, w, h)
local function close_button_location(x, w)
local cw = style.icon_font:get_width("C")
local pad = style.padding.y
return x + w - pad - cw, y, cw, h
return x + w - pad - cw, cw, pad
@ -245,8 +245,8 @@ function Node:tab_mouse_moved(px, py)
local tab_index = self:get_tab_overlapping_point(px, py)
if tab_index then
local x, y, w, h = self:get_tab_rect(tab_index)
local cx, cy, cw, ch = close_button_location(x, y, w, h)
if px >= cx and px < cx + cw and py >= cy and py < cy + ch then
local cx, cw = close_button_location(x, w)
if px >= cx and px < cx + cw and py >= y and py < y + h then
self.hovered_close = tab_index
@ -401,15 +401,15 @@ function Node:draw_tabs()
renderer.draw_rect(x + w, y, ds, h, style.divider)
renderer.draw_rect(x - ds, y, ds, h, style.divider)
local cx, cw, cspace = close_button_location(x, w)
if view == self.active_view or i == self.hovered_tab then
local cx, cy, cw, ch = close_button_location(x, y, w, h)
local close_style = self.hovered_close == i and style.text or style.dim
common.draw_text(style.icon_font, close_style, "C", nil, cx, cy, 0, ch)
common.draw_text(style.icon_font, close_style, "C", nil, cx, y, 0, h)
if i == self.hovered_tab then
color = style.text
core.push_clip_rect(x, y, w, h)
core.push_clip_rect(x, y, cx - x - cspace, h)
x, w = x + style.padding.x, w - style.padding.x * 2
local align = style.font:get_width(text) > w and "left" or "center"
common.draw_text(style.font, color, text, align, x, y, w, h)