# configuration for dmgbuild import os.path app_path = "Lite XL.app" app_name = os.path.basename(app_path) # Image options format = defines.get("format", "UDZO") # all sizes here are in points (pt)s # for reference, size-in-points = size-in-pixels * 72 / dpi # background DPI is 300, icon DPI is assumed to be 96 # Content options files = [(app_path, app_name)] symlinks = {"Applications": "/Applications"} icon = "resources/icons/icon.icns" icon_locations = {app_name: (170, 140), "Applications": (384, 140)} # Window options background = "resources/macos/background.tiff" window_rect = ((100, 338), (550, 362)) default_view = "coverflow" include_icon_view_settings = True show_icon_preview = True # Icon view options icon_size = 128 text_size = 13