local core = require "core" local common = require "core.common" local config = require "core.config" local style = require "core.style" local keymap = require "core.keymap" local translate = require "core.doc.translate" local View = require "core.view" local DocView = View:extend() local function move_to_line_offset(dv, line, col, offset) local xo = dv.last_x_offset if xo.line ~= line or xo.col ~= col then xo.offset = dv:get_col_x_offset(line, col) end xo.line = line + offset xo.col = dv:get_x_offset_col(line + offset, xo.offset) return xo.line, xo.col end DocView.translate = { ["previous_page"] = function(doc, line, col, dv) local min, max = dv:get_visible_line_range() return line - (max - min), 1 end, ["next_page"] = function(doc, line, col, dv) local min, max = dv:get_visible_line_range() return line + (max - min), 1 end, ["previous_line"] = function(doc, line, col, dv) if line == 1 then return 1, 1 end return move_to_line_offset(dv, line, col, -1) end, ["next_line"] = function(doc, line, col, dv) if line == #doc.lines then return #doc.lines, math.huge end return move_to_line_offset(dv, line, col, 1) end, } function DocView:new(doc) DocView.super.new(self) self.cursor = "ibeam" self.scrollable = true self.doc = assert(doc) self.font = "code_font" self.last_x_offset = {} end function DocView:try_close(do_close) if self.doc:is_dirty() and #core.get_views_referencing_doc(self.doc) == 1 then core.command_view:enter("Unsaved Changes; Confirm Close", function(_, item) if item.text:match("^[cC]") then do_close() elseif item.text:match("^[sS]") then self.doc:save() do_close() end end, function(text) local items = {} if not text:find("^[^cC]") then table.insert(items, "Close Without Saving") end if not text:find("^[^sS]") then table.insert(items, "Save And Close") end return items end) else do_close() end end function DocView:get_name() local post = self.doc:is_dirty() and "*" or "" local name = self.doc:get_name() return name:match("[^/%\\]*$") .. post end function DocView:get_filename() if self.doc.abs_filename then local post = self.doc:is_dirty() and "*" or "" return common.home_encode(self.doc.abs_filename) .. post end return self:get_name() end function DocView:get_scrollable_size() return self:get_line_height() * (#self.doc.lines - 1) + self.size.y end function DocView:get_font() return style[self.font] end function DocView:get_line_height() return math.floor(self:get_font():get_height() * config.line_height) end function DocView:get_gutter_width() return self:get_font():get_width(#self.doc.lines) + style.padding.x * 2 end function DocView:get_line_screen_position(idx) local x, y = self:get_content_offset() local lh = self:get_line_height() local gw = self:get_gutter_width() return x + gw, y + (idx-1) * lh + style.padding.y end function DocView:get_line_text_y_offset() local lh = self:get_line_height() local th = self:get_font():get_height() return (lh - th) / 2 end function DocView:get_visible_line_range() local x, y, x2, y2 = self:get_content_bounds() local lh = self:get_line_height() local minline = math.max(1, math.floor(y / lh)) local maxline = math.min(#self.doc.lines, math.floor(y2 / lh) + 1) return minline, maxline end function DocView:get_col_x_offset(line, col) local default_font = self:get_font() local column = 1 local xoffset = 0 for _, type, text in self.doc.highlighter:each_token(line) do local font = style.syntax_fonts[type] or default_font for char in common.utf8_chars(text) do if column == col then return xoffset / font:subpixel_scale() end xoffset = xoffset + font:get_width_subpixel(char) column = column + #char end end return xoffset / default_font:subpixel_scale() end function DocView:get_x_offset_col(line, x) local line_text = self.doc.lines[line] local xoffset, last_i, i = 0, 1, 1 local default_font = self:get_font() local subpixel_scale = default_font:subpixel_scale() local x_subpixel = subpixel_scale * x + subpixel_scale / 2 for _, type, text in self.doc.highlighter:each_token(line) do local font = style.syntax_fonts[type] or default_font for char in common.utf8_chars(text) do local w = font:get_width_subpixel(char) if xoffset >= subpixel_scale * x then return (xoffset - x_subpixel > w / 2) and last_i or i end xoffset = xoffset + w last_i = i i = i + #char end end return #line_text end function DocView:resolve_screen_position(x, y) local ox, oy = self:get_line_screen_position(1) local line = math.floor((y - oy) / self:get_line_height()) + 1 line = common.clamp(line, 1, #self.doc.lines) local col = self:get_x_offset_col(line, x - ox) return line, col end function DocView:scroll_to_line(line, ignore_if_visible, instant) local min, max = self:get_visible_line_range() if not (ignore_if_visible and line > min and line < max) then local lh = self:get_line_height() self.scroll.to.y = math.max(0, lh * (line - 1) - self.size.y / 2) if instant then self.scroll.y = self.scroll.to.y end end end function DocView:scroll_to_make_visible(line, col) local min = self:get_line_height() * (line - 1) local max = self:get_line_height() * (line + 2) - self.size.y self.scroll.to.y = math.min(self.scroll.to.y, min) self.scroll.to.y = math.max(self.scroll.to.y, max) local gw = self:get_gutter_width() local xoffset = self:get_col_x_offset(line, col) local xmargin = 3 * self:get_font():get_width(' ') local xsup = xoffset + gw + xmargin local xinf = xoffset - xmargin if xsup > self.scroll.x + self.size.x then self.scroll.to.x = xsup - self.size.x elseif xinf < self.scroll.x then self.scroll.to.x = math.max(0, xinf) end end local function mouse_selection(doc, clicks, line1, col1, line2, col2) local swap = line2 < line1 or line2 == line1 and col2 <= col1 if swap then line1, col1, line2, col2 = line2, col2, line1, col1 end if clicks % 4 == 2 then line1, col1 = translate.start_of_word(doc, line1, col1) line2, col2 = translate.end_of_word(doc, line2, col2) elseif clicks % 4 == 3 then if line2 == #doc.lines and doc.lines[#doc.lines] ~= "\n" then doc:insert(math.huge, math.huge, "\n") end line1, col1, line2, col2 = line1, 1, line2 + 1, 1 end if swap then return line2, col2, line1, col1 end return line1, col1, line2, col2 end function DocView:on_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks) local caught = DocView.super.on_mouse_pressed(self, button, x, y, clicks) if caught then return end if keymap.modkeys["shift"] then if clicks % 2 == 1 then local line1, col1 = select(3, self.doc:get_selection()) local line2, col2 = self:resolve_screen_position(x, y) self.doc:set_selection(line2, col2, line1, col1) end else local line, col = self:resolve_screen_position(x, y) self.doc:set_selection(mouse_selection(self.doc, clicks, line, col, line, col)) self.mouse_selecting = { line, col, clicks = clicks } end core.blink_reset() end function DocView:on_mouse_moved(x, y, ...) DocView.super.on_mouse_moved(self, x, y, ...) if self:scrollbar_overlaps_point(x, y) or self.dragging_scrollbar then self.cursor = "arrow" else self.cursor = "ibeam" end if self.mouse_selecting then local l1, c1 = self:resolve_screen_position(x, y) local l2, c2 = table.unpack(self.mouse_selecting) local clicks = self.mouse_selecting.clicks if keymap.modkeys["ctrl"] then if l1 > l2 then l1, l2 = l2, l1 end local idx = 1 for i = l1, l2 do self.doc:set_selections(i - l1 + 1, i, math.min(c1, #self.doc.lines[i]), i, math.min(c1, #self.doc.lines[i])) end else self.doc:set_selection(mouse_selection(self.doc, clicks, l1, c1, l2, c2)) end end end function DocView:on_mouse_released(button) DocView.super.on_mouse_released(self, button) self.mouse_selecting = nil end function DocView:on_text_input(text) self.doc:text_input(text) end function DocView:update() -- scroll to make caret visible and reset blink timer if it moved local line, col = self.doc:get_selection() if (line ~= self.last_line or col ~= self.last_col) and self.size.x > 0 then if core.active_view == self then self:scroll_to_make_visible(line, col) end core.blink_reset() self.last_line, self.last_col = line, col end -- update blink timer if self == core.active_view and not self.mouse_selecting then local T, t0 = config.blink_period, core.blink_start local ta, tb = core.blink_timer, system.get_time() if ((tb - t0) % T < T / 2) ~= ((ta - t0) % T < T / 2) then core.redraw = true end core.blink_timer = tb end DocView.super.update(self) end function DocView:draw_line_highlight(x, y) local lh = self:get_line_height() renderer.draw_rect(x, y, self.size.x, lh, style.line_highlight) end function DocView:draw_line_text(idx, x, y) local default_font = self:get_font() local subpixel_scale = default_font:subpixel_scale() local tx, ty = subpixel_scale * x, y + self:get_line_text_y_offset() for _, type, text in self.doc.highlighter:each_token(idx) do local color = style.syntax[type] local font = style.syntax_fonts[type] or default_font if config.draw_whitespace then tx = renderer.draw_text_subpixel(font, text, tx, ty, color, core.replacements, style.syntax.comment) else tx = renderer.draw_text_subpixel(font, text, tx, ty, color) end end end function DocView:draw_line_body(idx, x, y) -- draw selection if it overlaps this line for lidx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in self.doc:get_selections(true) do if idx >= line1 and idx <= line2 then local text = self.doc.lines[idx] if line1 ~= idx then col1 = 1 end if line2 ~= idx then col2 = #text + 1 end local x1 = x + self:get_col_x_offset(idx, col1) local x2 = x + self:get_col_x_offset(idx, col2) local lh = self:get_line_height() renderer.draw_rect(x1, y, x2 - x1, lh, style.selection) end end for lidx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in self.doc:get_selections(true) do -- draw line highlight if caret is on this line if config.highlight_current_line and not self.doc:has_selection(lidx) and line1 == idx and core.active_view == self then self:draw_line_highlight(x + self.scroll.x, y) end end -- draw line's text self:draw_line_text(idx, x, y) -- draw caret if it overlaps this line local T = config.blink_period for _, line, col in self.doc:get_selections() do if line == idx and core.active_view == self and (core.blink_timer - core.blink_start) % T < T / 2 and system.window_has_focus() then local lh = self:get_line_height() local x1 = x + self:get_col_x_offset(line, col) renderer.draw_rect(x1, y, style.caret_width, lh, style.caret) end end end function DocView:draw_line_gutter(idx, x, y) local color = style.line_number for _, line1, _, line2 in self.doc:get_selections(true) do if idx >= line1 and idx <= line2 then color = style.line_number2 break end end local yoffset = self:get_line_text_y_offset() x = x + style.padding.x renderer.draw_text(self:get_font(), idx, x, y + yoffset, color) end function DocView:draw() self:draw_background(style.background) local font = self:get_font() font:set_tab_size(config.indent_size) local minline, maxline = self:get_visible_line_range() local lh = self:get_line_height() local _, y = self:get_line_screen_position(minline) local x = self.position.x for i = minline, maxline do self:draw_line_gutter(i, x, y) y = y + lh end local x, y = self:get_line_screen_position(minline) local gw = self:get_gutter_width() local pos = self.position core.push_clip_rect(pos.x + gw, pos.y, self.size.x, self.size.y) for i = minline, maxline do self:draw_line_body(i, x, y) y = y + lh end core.pop_clip_rect() self:draw_scrollbar() end return DocView