local core = require "core" local command = {} command.map = {} local always_true = function() return true end ---Used iternally by command.add, statusview, and contextmenu to generate a ---function with a condition to evaluate returning the boolean result of this ---evaluation. --- ---If a string predicate is given it is treated as a require import that should ---return a valid object which is checked against the current active view, the ---sames applies if a table is given. A function that returns a boolean can be ---used instead to perform a custom evaluation, setting to nil means always ---evaluates to true. --- ---@param predicate string | table | function ---@return function function command.generate_predicate(predicate) predicate = predicate or always_true if type(predicate) == "string" then predicate = require(predicate) end if type(predicate) == "table" then local class = predicate predicate = function() return core.active_view:extends(class) end end return predicate end function command.add(predicate, map) predicate = command.generate_predicate(predicate) for name, fn in pairs(map) do assert(not command.map[name], "command already exists: " .. name) command.map[name] = { predicate = predicate, perform = fn } end end local function capitalize_first(str) return str:sub(1, 1):upper() .. str:sub(2) end function command.prettify_name(name) return name:gsub(":", ": "):gsub("-", " "):gsub("%S+", capitalize_first) end function command.get_all_valid() local res = {} for name, cmd in pairs(command.map) do if cmd.predicate() then table.insert(res, name) end end return res end function command.is_valid(name, ...) return command.map[name] and command.map[name].predicate(...) end local function perform(name, ...) local cmd = command.map[name] if cmd and cmd.predicate(...) then cmd.perform(...) return true end return false end function command.perform(...) local ok, res = core.try(perform, ...) return not ok or res end function command.add_defaults() local reg = { "core", "root", "command", "doc", "findreplace", "files", "drawwhitespace", "dialog", "log", "statusbar" } for _, name in ipairs(reg) do require("core.commands." .. name) end end return command