# EditorConfig This plugin implements the [EditorConfig](https://editorconfig.org/) spec purely on lua by leveraging lua patterns and the regex engine on lite-xl. Installing additional dependencies is not required. The EditorConfig spec was implemented as best understood, if you find any bugs please report them on this repository [issue tracker](https://github.com/lite-xl/lite-xl-plugins/issues). ## Implemented Features Global options: * root - prevents upward searching of .editorconfig files Applied to documents indent info: * indent_style * indent_size * tab_width Applied on document save: * end_of_line - if set to `cr` it is ignored * trim_trailing_whitespace * insert_final_newline boolean ## Not implemented * charset - this feature would need the encoding [PR](https://github.com/lite-xl/lite-xl/pull/1161) or [plugin](https://github.com/jgmdev/lite-xl-encoding) ## Extras * Supports multiple project directories * Implements hot reloading, so modifying an .editorconfig file from within the editor will re-apply all rules to currently opened files. ## Testing This plugin includes a test suite to check how well the .editorconfig parser is working. The [editorconfig-core-test](https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-core-test) glob, parser and properties cmake tests where ported and we are getting a 100% pass rate. If you are interested in running the test suite, from the terminal execute the following: ```sh lite-xl test editorconfig ``` To inspect the generated sections and regex rules: ```sh lite-xl test editorconfig --parsers ```