-- mod-version:3 local core = require "core" local common = require "core.common" local command = require "core.command" local keymap = require "core.keymap" local Doc = require "core.doc" local DocView = require "core.docview" local navigate = { list = {}, current = nil, index = 0 } -- -- Private functions -- local function get_active_view() if getmetatable(core.active_view) == DocView then return core.active_view end return nil end -- Solution to safely remove elements from array table: -- found at https://stackoverflow.com/a/53038524 local function array_remove(t, fnKeep) local j, n = 1, #t; for i=1, n do if (fnKeep(t, i, j)) then if (i ~= j) then t[j] = t[i]; t[i] = nil; end j = j + 1; else t[i] = nil; end end return t; end local function add(doc) -- Make new navigation point last in list if navigate.index > 0 and navigate.index < #navigate.list then local remove_start = navigate.index + 1 local remove_end = #navigate.list array_remove(navigate.list, function(_, i) if i >= remove_start and i <= remove_end then return false end return true end) end local line, col = doc:get_selection() table.insert(navigate.list, { filename = doc.filename, line = line, col = col }) navigate.current = navigate.list[#navigate.list] navigate.index = #navigate.list end local function open_doc(doc) core.root_view:open_doc( core.open_doc( common.home_expand( doc.filename ) ) ) local av_doc = get_active_view().doc local line, col = av_doc:get_selection() if doc.line ~= line or doc.col ~= col then av_doc:set_selection(doc.line, doc.col, doc.line, doc.col) end end -- -- Public functions -- function navigate.next() if navigate.index < #navigate.list then navigate.index = navigate.index + 1 navigate.current = navigate.list[navigate.index] open_doc(navigate.current) end end function navigate.prev() if navigate.index > 1 then navigate.index = navigate.index - 1 navigate.current = navigate.list[navigate.index] open_doc(navigate.current) end end -- -- Thread -- core.add_thread(function() while true do local av = get_active_view() if av and av.doc and av.doc.filename then local doc = av.doc local line, col = doc:get_selection() local current = navigate.current if not current or current.filename ~= doc.filename or current.line ~= line then add(doc) else current.col = col end end coroutine.yield(0.5) end end) -- -- Patching -- local doc_on_close = Doc.on_close function Doc:on_close() local filename = self.filename -- remove all positions referencing closed file array_remove(navigate.list, function(t, i) if t[i].filename == filename then return false end return true end) doc_on_close(self) end -- -- Commands -- command.add("core.docview", { ["navigate:previous"] = function() navigate.prev() end, ["navigate:next"] = function() navigate.next() end, }) -- -- Default Keybindings -- keymap.add { ["alt+left"] = "navigate:previous", ["alt+right"] = "navigate:next", } return navigate