-- mod-version:3 -- Not perfect, because we can't actually figure out when something closes, but should be good enough, so long as we check the list of open views. -- Maybe find a better way to get at "Node"? local core = require "core" local RootView = require "core.rootview" local command = require "core.command" local keymap = require "core.keymap" local update = RootView.update local initialized_tab_system = false local tab_history = { } local history_size = 10 RootView.update = function(self) update(self) if not initialized_tab_system then local Node = getmetatable(self.root_node) local old_close = Node.close_view Node.close_view = function(self, root, view) if view.doc and view.doc.abs_filename then local closing_filename = view.doc.abs_filename for i,filename in ipairs(tab_history) do if filename == closing_filename then table.remove(tab_history, i) break end end table.insert(tab_history, closing_filename) if #tab_history > history_size then table.remove(tab_history, 1) end end old_close(self, root, view) end initialized_tab_system = true end end command.add(nil, { ["restore-tabs:restore-tab"] = function() if #tab_history > 0 then local file = tab_history[#tab_history] core.root_view:open_doc(core.open_doc(file)) table.remove(tab_history) end end }) keymap.add { ["ctrl+shift+t"] = "restore-tabs:restore-tab" }