-- this file is used by lite-xl to setup the Lua environment when starting, parse command line options, and return the desired core, in a normal flow VERSION = "1.16.11" MOD_VERSION = "1" SCALE = tonumber(os.getenv("LITE_SCALE")) or SCALE PATHSEP = package.config:sub(1, 1) EXEDIR = EXEFILE:match("^(.+)[/\\][^/\\]+$") if MACOS_RESOURCES then DATADIR = MACOS_RESOURCES else local prefix = EXEDIR:match("^(.+)[/\\]bin$") DATADIR = prefix and (prefix .. '/share/lite-xl') or (EXEDIR .. '/data') end USERDIR = os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") or (HOME and (HOME .. '/.config/lite-xl') or (EXEDIR .. '/user')) package.path = DATADIR .. '/?.lua;' .. package.path package.path = DATADIR .. '/?/init.lua;' .. package.path package.path = USERDIR .. '/?.lua;' .. package.path package.path = USERDIR .. '/?/init.lua;' .. package.path local function arg_error(error) io.stderr:write(ARGV[1] .. ": " .. error .. "\n") os.exit(-1) end -- returns a lua table with both numeric and non-numeric keys like getoptlong local function parse_args_to_dict_and_array(argv, t) local options, arg = { argv[1] } local function parse_value(value) if t[arg] == "i" and not tonumber(value) or (#t[arg] and #value == 0) then arg_error("error parsing argument " .. value) end options[arg], arg = t[arg] == "i" and tonumber(value) or value, nil end for i=2, #argv do if argv[i]:sub(1,1) == "-" then local equal, value = argv[i]:find("="), "" arg = argv[i]:sub(argv[i]:find("[^-]"), equal and equal - 1 or #argv[i]) if t[arg] == nil then arg_error("unknown argument " .. argv[i]) end if #t[arg] == 0 or equal then parse_value(argv[i]:sub((equal or #argv[i])+1)) end elseif arg then parse_value(argv[i]) else table.insert(options, argv[i]) end end if arg then arg_error("expected argument for " .. arg) end return options end ARGS = parse_args_to_dict_and_array(ARGV, { ["core"] = "s", ["version"] = "", ["v"] = "" }); if ARGS["version"] or ARGS["v"] then print(VERSION) os.exit(0) end return require(ARGS["core"] or 'core')