#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include "renderer.h" #include "renwindow.h" #define DIVIDE_BY_255_SIGNED(x, sign_val) (((x) + (sign_val) + ((x)>>8)) >> 8) #define DIVIDE_BY_255(x) DIVIDE_BY_255_SIGNED(x, 1) #define MAX_GLYPHSET 256 #define SUBPIXEL_BITMAPS_CACHED 3 static RenWindow window_renderer = {0}; static FT_Library library; static void* check_alloc(void *ptr) { if (!ptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error: memory allocation failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return ptr; } /************************* Fonts *************************/ typedef struct { unsigned short x0, x1, y0, y1; short bitmap_left, bitmap_top; float xadvance; } GlyphMetric; typedef struct { SDL_Surface* surface[SUBPIXEL_BITMAPS_CACHED]; GlyphMetric metrics[256]; } GlyphSet; typedef struct RenFont { FT_Face face; GlyphSet* sets[MAX_GLYPHSET]; float size; short max_height, space_advance, tab_advance; bool subpixel; ERenFontHinting hinting; unsigned char style; char path[0]; } RenFont; static const char* utf8_to_codepoint(const char *p, unsigned *dst) { unsigned res, n; switch (*p & 0xf0) { case 0xf0 : res = *p & 0x07; n = 3; break; case 0xe0 : res = *p & 0x0f; n = 2; break; case 0xd0 : case 0xc0 : res = *p & 0x1f; n = 1; break; default : res = *p; n = 0; break; } while (n--) { res = (res << 6) | (*(++p) & 0x3f); } *dst = res; return p + 1; } static int font_set_load_options(RenFont* font) { switch (font->hinting) { case FONT_HINTING_SLIGHT: return FT_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT | FT_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT; case FONT_HINTING_FULL: return FT_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL | FT_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT; case FONT_HINTING_NONE: return FT_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL | FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING; } return FT_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL | FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING; } static int font_set_render_options(RenFont* font) { if (font->subpixel) { switch (font->hinting) { case FONT_HINTING_NONE: FT_Library_SetLcdFilter(library, FT_LCD_FILTER_NONE); break; case FONT_HINTING_SLIGHT: FT_Library_SetLcdFilter(library, FT_LCD_FILTER_LIGHT); break; case FONT_HINTING_FULL: FT_Library_SetLcdFilter(library, FT_LCD_FILTER_DEFAULT); break; } return FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD; } else { switch (font->hinting) { case FONT_HINTING_NONE: return FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL; break; case FONT_HINTING_SLIGHT: return FT_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT; break; case FONT_HINTING_FULL: return FT_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT; break; } } return 0; } static int font_set_style(FT_Outline* outline, int x_translation, unsigned char style) { FT_Outline_Translate(outline, x_translation, 0 ); if (style & FONT_STYLE_BOLD) FT_Outline_EmboldenXY(outline, 1 << 5, 0); if (style & FONT_STYLE_ITALIC) { FT_Matrix matrix = { 1 << 16, 1 << 14, 0, 1 << 16 }; FT_Outline_Transform(outline, &matrix); } return 0; } static GlyphSet* font_load_glyphset(RenFont* font, int idx) { GlyphSet* set = check_alloc(calloc(1, sizeof(GlyphSet))); unsigned int render_option = font_set_render_options(font), load_option = font_set_load_options(font); int pen_x = 0, bitmaps_cached = font->subpixel ? SUBPIXEL_BITMAPS_CACHED : 1; unsigned int byte_width = font->subpixel ? 3 : 1; for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { int glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index( font->face, i + idx * MAX_GLYPHSET); if (!glyph_index || FT_Load_Glyph(font->face, glyph_index, load_option | FT_LOAD_BITMAP_METRICS_ONLY) || font_set_style(&font->face->glyph->outline, 0, font->style) || FT_Render_Glyph(font->face->glyph, render_option)) continue; FT_GlyphSlot slot = font->face->glyph; int glyph_width = slot->bitmap.width / byte_width; set->metrics[i] = (GlyphMetric){ pen_x, pen_x + glyph_width, 0, slot->bitmap.rows, slot->bitmap_left, slot->bitmap_top, (slot->advance.x + slot->lsb_delta - slot->rsb_delta) / 64.0f}; pen_x += glyph_width; font->max_height = slot->bitmap.rows > font->max_height ? slot->bitmap.rows : font->max_height; // xadvance for some reason should be computed like this. if (FT_Load_Glyph(font->face, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_BITMAP_METRICS_ONLY) || font_set_style(&slot->outline, 0, font->style) || FT_Render_Glyph(font->face->glyph, render_option)) continue; set->metrics[i].xadvance = (slot->advance.x + slot->lsb_delta - slot->rsb_delta) / 64.0f; } for (int j = 0; j < bitmaps_cached; ++j) { set->surface[j] = check_alloc(SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, pen_x, font->max_height, font->subpixel ? 24 : 8, 0, 0, 0, 0)); unsigned char* pixels = set->surface[j]->pixels; for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { int glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(font->face, i + idx * MAX_GLYPHSET); if (!glyph_index || FT_Load_Glyph(font->face, glyph_index, load_option)) continue; FT_GlyphSlot slot = font->face->glyph; font_set_style(&slot->outline, (64 / bitmaps_cached) * j, font->style); if (FT_Render_Glyph(slot, render_option)) continue; for (int line = 0; line < slot->bitmap.rows; ++line) { int target_offset = set->surface[j]->pitch * line + set->metrics[i].x0 * byte_width; int source_offset = line * slot->bitmap.pitch; memcpy(&pixels[target_offset], &slot->bitmap.buffer[source_offset], slot->bitmap.width); } } } return set; } static void font_free_glyphset(GlyphSet* set) { for (int i = 0; i < SUBPIXEL_BITMAPS_CACHED; ++i) { if (set->surface[i]) SDL_FreeSurface(set->surface[i]); } free(set); } static GlyphSet* font_get_glyphset(RenFont* font, int codepoint) { int idx = (codepoint >> 8) % MAX_GLYPHSET; if (!font->sets[idx]) font->sets[idx] = font_load_glyphset(font, idx); return font->sets[idx]; } RenFont* ren_font_load(const char* path, float size, bool subpixel, unsigned char hinting, unsigned char style) { FT_Face face; if (FT_New_Face( library, path, 0, &face)) return NULL; if (FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 0, (int)size)) goto failure; int len = strlen(path); RenFont* font = check_alloc(calloc(1, sizeof(RenFont) + len + 1)); strcpy(font->path, path); font->face = face; font->size = size; font->subpixel = subpixel; font->hinting = hinting; font->style = style; GlyphSet* set = font_get_glyphset(font, ' '); font->space_advance = (int)set->metrics[' '].xadvance; font->tab_advance = font->space_advance * 2; return font; failure: FT_Done_Face(face); return NULL; } RenFont* ren_font_copy(RenFont* font, float size) { return ren_font_load(font->path, size, font->subpixel, font->hinting, font->style); } void ren_font_free(RenFont* font) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GLYPHSET; ++i) { if (font->sets[i]) font_free_glyphset(font->sets[i]); } FT_Done_Face(font->face); free(font); } void ren_font_set_tab_size(RenFont *font, int n) { font_get_glyphset(font, '\t')->metrics['\t'].xadvance = font->space_advance * n; } int ren_font_get_tab_size(RenFont *font) { return font_get_glyphset(font, '\t')->metrics['\t'].xadvance / font->space_advance; } int ren_font_get_width(RenFont *font, const char *text) { int width = 0; const char* end = text + strlen(text); while (text < end) { unsigned int codepoint; text = utf8_to_codepoint(text, &codepoint); width += font_get_glyphset(font, codepoint)->metrics[codepoint % 256].xadvance; } return width; } float ren_font_get_size(RenFont *font) { return font->size; } int ren_font_get_height(RenFont *font) { return font->size + 3; } int ren_draw_text(RenFont *font, const char *text, float x, int y, RenColor color) { SDL_Surface *surface = renwin_get_surface(&window_renderer); const RenRect clip = window_renderer.clip; float pen_x = x; int bytes_per_pixel = surface->format->BytesPerPixel; const char* end = text + strlen(text); unsigned char* destination_pixels = surface->pixels; int clip_end_x = clip.x + clip.width, clip_end_y = clip.y + clip.height; while (text < end) { unsigned int codepoint, r, g, b; text = utf8_to_codepoint(text, &codepoint); GlyphSet* set = font_get_glyphset(font, codepoint); GlyphMetric* metric = &set->metrics[codepoint % 256]; int bitmap_index = font->subpixel ? (int)(fmod(pen_x, 1.0) * SUBPIXEL_BITMAPS_CACHED) : 0; unsigned char* source_pixels = set->surface[bitmap_index]->pixels; int start_x = pen_x + metric->bitmap_left, endX = metric->x1 - metric->x0 + pen_x; int glyph_end = metric->x1, glyph_start = metric->x0; if (color.a > 0 && endX >= clip.x && start_x <= clip_end_x) { for (int line = metric->y0; line < metric->y1; ++line) { int target_y = line + y - metric->y0 - metric->bitmap_top + font->size; if (target_y < clip.y) continue; if (target_y >= clip_end_y) break; unsigned int* destination_pixel = (unsigned int*)&destination_pixels[surface->pitch * target_y + start_x * bytes_per_pixel]; unsigned char* source_pixel = &source_pixels[line * set->surface[bitmap_index]->pitch + metric->x0 * (font->subpixel ? 3 : 1)]; for (int x = glyph_start; x < glyph_end; ++x) { unsigned int destination_color = *destination_pixel; SDL_Color dst = { (destination_color >> 16) & 0xFF, (destination_color >> 8) & 0xFF, (destination_color >> 0) & 0xFF, (destination_color >> 24) & 0xFF }; if (font->subpixel) { SDL_Color src = { *source_pixel++, *source_pixel++, *source_pixel++ }; r = color.r * src.r + dst.r * (255 - src.r) + 127; r = DIVIDE_BY_255(r); g = color.g * src.g + dst.g * (255 - src.g) + 127; g = DIVIDE_BY_255(g); b = color.b * src.b + dst.b * (255 - src.b) + 127; b = DIVIDE_BY_255(b); } else { unsigned char intensity = *source_pixel++; r = color.r * intensity + dst.r * (255 - intensity) + 127; r = DIVIDE_BY_255(r); g = color.g * intensity + dst.g * (255 - intensity) + 127; g = DIVIDE_BY_255(g); b = color.b * intensity + dst.b * (255 - intensity) + 127; b = DIVIDE_BY_255(b); } *destination_pixel++ = dst.a << 24 | r << 16 | g << 8 | b; } } } pen_x += metric->xadvance ? metric->xadvance : font->space_advance; } return pen_x; } /******************* Rectangles **********************/ static inline RenColor blend_pixel(RenColor dst, RenColor src) { int ia = 0xff - src.a; dst.r = ((src.r * src.a) + (dst.r * ia)) >> 8; dst.g = ((src.g * src.a) + (dst.g * ia)) >> 8; dst.b = ((src.b * src.a) + (dst.b * ia)) >> 8; return dst; } #define rect_draw_loop(expr) \ for (int j = y1; j < y2; j++) { \ for (int i = x1; i < x2; i++) { \ *d = expr; \ d++; \ } \ d += dr; \ } void ren_draw_rect(RenRect rect, RenColor color) { if (color.a == 0) { return; } const int surface_scale = renwin_surface_scale(&window_renderer); /* transforms coordinates in pixels. */ rect.x *= surface_scale; rect.y *= surface_scale; rect.width *= surface_scale; rect.height *= surface_scale; const RenRect clip = window_renderer.clip; int x1 = rect.x < clip.x ? clip.x : rect.x; int y1 = rect.y < clip.y ? clip.y : rect.y; int x2 = rect.x + rect.width; int y2 = rect.y + rect.height; x2 = x2 > clip.x + clip.width ? clip.x + clip.width : x2; y2 = y2 > clip.y + clip.height ? clip.y + clip.height : y2; SDL_Surface *surface = renwin_get_surface(&window_renderer); RenColor *d = (RenColor*) surface->pixels; d += x1 + y1 * surface->w; int dr = surface->w - (x2 - x1); if (color.a == 0xff) { SDL_Rect rect = { x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1 }; SDL_FillRect(surface, &rect, SDL_MapRGBA(surface->format, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a)); } else { rect_draw_loop(blend_pixel(*d, color)); } } /*************** Window Management ****************/ void ren_free_window_resources() { renwin_free(&window_renderer); } void ren_init(SDL_Window *win) { assert(win); int error = FT_Init_FreeType( &library ); if ( error ) { fprintf(stderr, "internal font error when starting the application\n"); return; } window_renderer.window = win; renwin_init_surface(&window_renderer); renwin_clip_to_surface(&window_renderer); } void ren_resize_window() { renwin_resize_surface(&window_renderer); } void ren_update_rects(RenRect *rects, int count) { static bool initial_frame = true; if (initial_frame) { renwin_show_window(&window_renderer); initial_frame = false; } renwin_update_rects(&window_renderer, rects, count); } void ren_set_clip_rect(RenRect rect) { renwin_set_clip_rect(&window_renderer, rect); } void ren_get_size(int *x, int *y) { RenWindow *ren = &window_renderer; const int scale = renwin_surface_scale(ren); SDL_Surface *surface = renwin_get_surface(ren); *x = surface->w / scale; *y = surface->h / scale; }