local core = require "core" local common = require "core.common" local style = require "core.style" local Doc = require "core.doc" local DocView = require "core.docview" local View = require "core.view" local SingleLineDoc = Doc:extend() function SingleLineDoc:insert(line, col, text) SingleLineDoc.super.insert(self, line, col, text:gsub("\n", "")) end local CommandView = DocView:extend() CommandView.context = "application" local max_suggestions = 10 local noop = function() end local default_state = { submit = noop, suggest = noop, cancel = noop, validate = function() return true end } function CommandView:new() CommandView.super.new(self, SingleLineDoc()) self.suggestion_idx = 1 self.suggestions = {} self.suggestions_height = 0 self.show_suggestions = true self.last_change_id = 0 self.gutter_width = 0 self.gutter_text_brightness = 0 self.selection_offset = 0 self.state = default_state self.font = "font" self.size.y = 0 self.label = "" end function CommandView:set_hidden_suggestions() self.show_suggestions = false end function CommandView:get_name() return View.get_name(self) end function CommandView:get_line_screen_position() local x = CommandView.super.get_line_screen_position(self, 1) local _, y = self:get_content_offset() local lh = self:get_line_height() return x, y + (self.size.y - lh) / 2 end function CommandView:get_scrollable_size() return 0 end function CommandView:scroll_to_make_visible() -- no-op function to disable this functionality end function CommandView:get_text() return self.doc:get_text(1, 1, 1, math.huge) end function CommandView:set_text(text, select) self.doc:remove(1, 1, math.huge, math.huge) self.doc:text_input(text) if select then self.doc:set_selection(math.huge, math.huge, 1, 1) end end function CommandView:move_suggestion_idx(dir) if self.show_suggestions then local n = self.suggestion_idx + dir self.suggestion_idx = common.clamp(n, 1, #self.suggestions) self:complete() self.last_change_id = self.doc:get_change_id() else local current_suggestion = #self.suggestions > 0 and self.suggestions[self.suggestion_idx].text local text = self:get_text() if text == current_suggestion then local n = self.suggestion_idx + dir if n == 0 and self.save_suggestion then self:set_text(self.save_suggestion) else self.suggestion_idx = common.clamp(n, 1, #self.suggestions) self:complete() end else self.save_suggestion = text self:complete() end self.last_change_id = self.doc:get_change_id() self.state.suggest(self:get_text()) end end function CommandView:complete() if #self.suggestions > 0 then self:set_text(self.suggestions[self.suggestion_idx].text) end end function CommandView:submit() local suggestion = self.suggestions[self.suggestion_idx] local text = self:get_text() if self.state.validate(text) then local submit = self.state.submit self:exit(true) submit(text, suggestion) end end function CommandView:enter(text, submit, suggest, cancel, validate) if self.state ~= default_state then return end self.state = { submit = submit or noop, suggest = suggest or noop, cancel = cancel or noop, validate = validate or function() return true end } core.set_active_view(self) self:update_suggestions() self.gutter_text_brightness = 100 self.label = text .. ": " end function CommandView:exit(submitted, inexplicit) if core.active_view == self then core.set_active_view(core.last_active_view) end local cancel = self.state.cancel self.state = default_state self.doc:reset() self.suggestions = {} if not submitted then cancel(not inexplicit) end self.show_suggestions = true self.save_suggestion = nil end function CommandView:get_gutter_width() return self.gutter_width end function CommandView:get_suggestion_line_height() return self:get_font():get_height() + style.padding.y end function CommandView:update_suggestions() local t = self.state.suggest(self:get_text()) or {} local res = {} for i, item in ipairs(t) do if type(item) == "string" then item = { text = item } end res[i] = item end self.suggestions = res self.suggestion_idx = 1 end function CommandView:update() CommandView.super.update(self) if core.active_view ~= self and self.state ~= default_state then self:exit(false, true) end -- update suggestions if text has changed if self.last_change_id ~= self.doc:get_change_id() then self:update_suggestions() self.last_change_id = self.doc:get_change_id() end -- update gutter text color brightness self:move_towards("gutter_text_brightness", 0, 0.1) -- update gutter width local dest = self:get_font():get_width(self.label) + style.padding.x if self.size.y <= 0 then self.gutter_width = dest else self:move_towards("gutter_width", dest) end -- update suggestions box height local lh = self:get_suggestion_line_height() local dest = self.show_suggestions and math.min(#self.suggestions, max_suggestions) * lh or 0 self:move_towards("suggestions_height", dest) -- update suggestion cursor offset local dest = math.min(self.suggestion_idx, max_suggestions) * self:get_suggestion_line_height() self:move_towards("selection_offset", dest) -- update size based on whether this is the active_view local dest = 0 if self == core.active_view then dest = style.font:get_height() + style.padding.y * 2 end self:move_towards(self.size, "y", dest) end function CommandView:draw_line_highlight() -- no-op function to disable this functionality end function CommandView:draw_line_gutter(idx, x, y) local yoffset = self:get_line_text_y_offset() local pos = self.position local color = common.lerp(style.text, style.accent, self.gutter_text_brightness / 100) core.push_clip_rect(pos.x, pos.y, self:get_gutter_width(), self.size.y) x = x + style.padding.x renderer.draw_text(self:get_font(), self.label, x, y + yoffset, color) core.pop_clip_rect() end local function draw_suggestions_box(self) local lh = self:get_suggestion_line_height() local dh = style.divider_size local x, _ = self:get_line_screen_position() local h = math.ceil(self.suggestions_height) local rx, ry, rw, rh = self.position.x, self.position.y - h - dh, self.size.x, h -- draw suggestions background if #self.suggestions > 0 then renderer.draw_rect(rx, ry, rw, rh, style.background3) renderer.draw_rect(rx, ry - dh, rw, dh, style.divider) local y = self.position.y - self.selection_offset - dh renderer.draw_rect(rx, y, rw, lh, style.line_highlight) end -- draw suggestion text local suggestion_offset = math.max(self.suggestion_idx - max_suggestions, 0) core.push_clip_rect(rx, ry, rw, rh) local i = 1 + suggestion_offset while i <= #self.suggestions do local item = self.suggestions[i] local color = (i == self.suggestion_idx) and style.accent or style.text local y = self.position.y - (i - suggestion_offset) * lh - dh common.draw_text(self:get_font(), color, item.text, nil, x, y, 0, lh) if item.info then local w = self.size.x - x - style.padding.x common.draw_text(self:get_font(), style.dim, item.info, "right", x, y, w, lh) end i = i + 1 end core.pop_clip_rect() end function CommandView:draw() CommandView.super.draw(self) if self.show_suggestions then core.root_view:defer_draw(draw_suggestions_box, self) end end -- Suppress the drawing of the scrollbar function CommandView:draw_scrollbar() end return CommandView