project('lite', 'c', 'cpp', default_options : ['c_std=gnu11', 'cpp_std=c++03']) if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' add_languages('objc') endif cc = meson.get_compiler('c') libm = cc.find_library('m', required : false) libdl = cc.find_library('dl', required : false) libx11 = dependency('x11', required : false) lua_dep = dependency('lua5.2', required : false) pcre2_dep = dependency('libpcre2-8') sdl_dep = dependency('sdl2', method: 'config-tool') if not lua_dep.found() lua_subproject = subproject('lua', default_options: ['shared=false', 'use_readline=false', 'app=false']) lua_dep = lua_subproject.get_variable('lua_dep') endif reproc_subproject = subproject('reproc', default_options: ['default_library=static', 'multithreaded=false', 'reproc-cpp=false', 'examples=false']) reproc_dep = reproc_subproject.get_variable('reproc_dep') lite_deps = [lua_dep, sdl_dep, reproc_dep, pcre2_dep, libm, libdl, libx11] if host_machine.system() == 'windows' # Note that we need to explicitly add the windows socket DLL because # the pkg-config file from reproc does not include it. lite_deps += meson.get_compiler('cpp').find_library('ws2_32', required: true) endif lite_cargs = [] if get_option('portable') lite_docdir = 'doc' lite_datadir = 'data' else lite_docdir = 'share/doc' lite_datadir = 'share/lite-xl' endif lite_include = include_directories('src') foreach data_module : ['core', 'fonts', 'plugins', 'colors'] install_subdir('data' / data_module , install_dir : lite_datadir) endforeach install_data('licenses/', install_dir : lite_docdir) lite_link_args = [] if cc.get_id() == 'gcc' and get_option('buildtype') == 'release' lite_link_args += ['-static-libgcc', '-static-libstdc++'] endif if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' lite_link_args += ['-framework', 'CoreServices', '-framework', 'Foundation'] endif lite_rc = [] if host_machine.system() == 'windows' windows = import('windows') lite_rc += windows.compile_resources('res.rc') endif # On macos we need to use the SDL renderer to support retina displays if get_option('renderer') or host_machine.system() == 'darwin' lite_cargs += '-DLITE_USE_SDL_RENDERER' endif subdir('lib/font_renderer') subdir('src')