-- mod-version:1 -- lite-xl 1.16 local core = require "core" local common = require "core.common" local config = require "core.config" local command = require "core.command" local style = require "core.style" local keymap = require "core.keymap" local translate = require "core.doc.translate" local RootView = require "core.rootview" local DocView = require "core.docview" local Doc = require "core.doc" -- Amount of characters that need to be written for autocomplete config.autocomplete_min_len = config.autocomplete_min_len or 1 -- The max amount of visible items config.autocomplete_max_height = config.autocomplete_max_height or 6 -- The max amount of scrollable items config.autocomplete_max_suggestions = config.autocomplete_max_suggestions or 100 -- Maximum amount of symbols to cache per document config.max_symbols = config.max_symbols or 2000 local autocomplete = {} autocomplete.map = {} autocomplete.map_manually = {} autocomplete.on_close = nil -- Flag that indicates if the autocomplete box was manually triggered -- with the autocomplete.complete() function to prevent the suggestions -- from getting cluttered with arbitrary document symbols by using the -- autocomplete.map_manually table. local triggered_manually = false local mt = { __tostring = function(t) return t.text end } function autocomplete.add(t, triggered_manually) local items = {} for text, info in pairs(t.items) do if type(info) == "table" then table.insert( items, setmetatable( { text = text, info = info.info, desc = info.desc, -- Description shown on item selected cb = info.cb, -- A callback called once when item is selected data = info.data -- Optional data that can be used on cb }, mt ) ) else info = (type(info) == "string") and info table.insert(items, setmetatable({ text = text, info = info }, mt)) end end if not triggered_manually then autocomplete.map[t.name] = { files = t.files or ".*", items = items } else autocomplete.map_manually[t.name] = { files = t.files or ".*", items = items } end end -- -- Thread that scans open document symbols and cache them -- local max_symbols = config.max_symbols core.add_thread(function() local cache = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" }) local function get_symbols(doc) if doc.disable_symbols then return {} end local i = 1 local s = {} local symbols_count = 0 while i < #doc.lines do for sym in doc.lines[i]:gmatch(config.symbol_pattern) do if not s[sym] then symbols_count = symbols_count + 1 if symbols_count > max_symbols then s = nil doc.disable_symbols = true core.status_view:show_message("!", style.accent, "Too many symbols in document "..doc.filename.. ": stopping auto-complete for this document according to config.max_symbols.") collectgarbage('collect') return {} end s[sym] = true end end i = i + 1 if i % 100 == 0 then coroutine.yield() end end return s end local function cache_is_valid(doc) local c = cache[doc] return c and c.last_change_id == doc:get_change_id() end while true do local symbols = {} -- lift all symbols from all docs for _, doc in ipairs(core.docs) do -- update the cache if the doc has changed since the last iteration if not cache_is_valid(doc) then cache[doc] = { last_change_id = doc:get_change_id(), symbols = get_symbols(doc) } end -- update symbol set with doc's symbol set for sym in pairs(cache[doc].symbols) do symbols[sym] = true end coroutine.yield() end -- update symbols list autocomplete.add { name = "open-docs", items = symbols } -- wait for next scan local valid = true while valid do coroutine.yield(1) for _, doc in ipairs(core.docs) do if not cache_is_valid(doc) then valid = false end end end end end) local partial = "" local suggestions_idx = 1 local suggestions = {} local last_line, last_col local function reset_suggestions() suggestions_idx = 1 suggestions = {} triggered_manually = false local doc = core.active_view.doc if autocomplete.on_close then autocomplete.on_close(doc, suggestions[suggestions_idx]) autocomplete.on_close = nil end end local function in_table(value, table_array) for i, element in pairs(table_array) do if element == value then return true end end return false end local function update_suggestions() local doc = core.active_view.doc local filename = doc and doc.filename or "" local map = autocomplete.map if triggered_manually then map = autocomplete.map_manually end -- get all relevant suggestions for given filename local items = {} for _, v in pairs(map) do if common.match_pattern(filename, v.files) then for _, item in pairs(v.items) do table.insert(items, item) end end end -- fuzzy match, remove duplicates and store items = common.fuzzy_match(items, partial) local j = 1 for i = 1, config.autocomplete_max_suggestions do suggestions[i] = items[j] while items[j] and items[i].text == items[j].text do items[i].info = items[i].info or items[j].info j = j + 1 end end end local function get_partial_symbol() local doc = core.active_view.doc local line2, col2 = doc:get_selection() local line1, col1 = doc:position_offset(line2, col2, translate.start_of_word) return doc:get_text(line1, col1, line2, col2) end local function get_active_view() if getmetatable(core.active_view) == DocView then return core.active_view end end local function get_suggestions_rect(av) if #suggestions == 0 then return 0, 0, 0, 0 end local line, col = av.doc:get_selection() local x, y = av:get_line_screen_position(line) x = x + av:get_col_x_offset(line, col - #partial) y = y + av:get_line_height() + style.padding.y local font = av:get_font() local th = font:get_height() local max_width = 0 for _, s in ipairs(suggestions) do local w = font:get_width(s.text) if s.info then w = w + style.font:get_width(s.info) + style.padding.x end max_width = math.max(max_width, w) end local ah = config.autocomplete_max_height local max_items = #suggestions if max_items > ah then max_items = ah end -- additional line to display total items max_items = max_items + 1 if max_width < 150 then max_width = 150 end return x - style.padding.x, y - style.padding.y, max_width + style.padding.x * 2, max_items * (th + style.padding.y) + style.padding.y end local function draw_description_box(text, av, sx, sy, sw, sh) local width = 0 local lines = {} for line in string.gmatch(text.."\n", "(.-)\n") do width = math.max(width, style.font:get_width(line)) table.insert(lines, line) end local height = #lines * style.font:get_height() -- draw background rect renderer.draw_rect( sx + sw + style.padding.x / 4, sy, width + style.padding.x * 2, height + style.padding.y * 2, style.background3 ) -- draw text local lh = style.font:get_height() local y = sy + style.padding.y local x = sx + sw + style.padding.x / 4 for _, line in pairs(lines) do common.draw_text( style.font, style.text, line, "left", x + style.padding.x, y, width, lh ) y = y + lh end end local function draw_suggestions_box(av) if #suggestions <= 0 then return end local ah = config.autocomplete_max_height -- draw background rect local rx, ry, rw, rh = get_suggestions_rect(av) renderer.draw_rect(rx, ry, rw, rh, style.background3) -- draw text local font = av:get_font() local lh = font:get_height() + style.padding.y local y = ry + style.padding.y / 2 local show_count = #suggestions <= ah and #suggestions or ah local start_index = suggestions_idx > ah and (suggestions_idx-(ah-1)) or 1 for i=start_index, start_index+show_count-1, 1 do if not suggestions[i] then break end local s = suggestions[i] local color = (i == suggestions_idx) and style.accent or style.text common.draw_text(font, color, s.text, "left", rx + style.padding.x, y, rw, lh) if s.info then color = (i == suggestions_idx) and style.text or style.dim common.draw_text(style.font, color, s.info, "right", rx, y, rw - style.padding.x, lh) end y = y + lh if suggestions_idx == i then if s.cb then s.cb(suggestions_idx, s) s.cb = nil s.data = nil end if s.desc and #s.desc > 0 then draw_description_box(s.desc, av, rx, ry, rw, rh) end end end renderer.draw_rect(rx, y, rw, 2, style.caret) renderer.draw_rect(rx, y+2, rw, lh, style.background) common.draw_text( style.font, style.accent, "Items", "left", rx + style.padding.x, y, rw, lh ) common.draw_text( style.font, style.accent, tostring(suggestions_idx) .. "/" .. tostring(#suggestions), "right", rx, y, rw - style.padding.x, lh ) end local function show_autocomplete() local av = get_active_view() if av then -- update partial symbol and suggestions partial = get_partial_symbol() if #partial >= config.autocomplete_min_len or triggered_manually then update_suggestions() if not triggered_manually then last_line, last_col = av.doc:get_selection() else local line, col = av.doc:get_selection() local char = av.doc:get_char(line, col-1, line, col-1) if char:match("%s") or (char:match("%p") and col ~= last_col) then reset_suggestions() end end else reset_suggestions() end -- scroll if rect is out of bounds of view local _, y, _, h = get_suggestions_rect(av) local limit = av.position.y + av.size.y if y + h > limit then av.scroll.to.y = av.scroll.y + y + h - limit end end end -- -- Patch event logic into RootView and Doc -- local on_text_input = RootView.on_text_input local on_text_remove = Doc.remove local update = RootView.update local draw = RootView.draw RootView.on_text_input = function(...) on_text_input(...) show_autocomplete() end Doc.remove = function(self, line1, col1, line2, col2) on_text_remove(self, line1, col1, line2, col2) if triggered_manually and line1 == line2 then if last_col >= col1 then reset_suggestions() else show_autocomplete() end end end RootView.update = function(...) update(...) local av = get_active_view() if av then -- reset suggestions if caret was moved local line, col = av.doc:get_selection() if not triggered_manually then if line ~= last_line or col ~= last_col then reset_suggestions() end else if line ~= last_line or col < last_col then reset_suggestions() end end end end RootView.draw = function(...) draw(...) local av = get_active_view() if av then -- draw suggestions box after everything else core.root_view:defer_draw(draw_suggestions_box, av) end end -- -- Public functions -- function autocomplete.open(on_close) triggered_manually = true if on_close then autocomplete.on_close = on_close end local av = get_active_view() last_line, last_col = av.doc:get_selection() update_suggestions() end function autocomplete.close() reset_suggestions() end function autocomplete.is_open() return #suggestions > 0 end function autocomplete.complete(completions, on_close) reset_suggestions() autocomplete.map_manually = {} autocomplete.add(completions, true) autocomplete.open(on_close) end function autocomplete.can_complete() if #partial >= config.autocomplete_min_len then return true end return false end -- -- Commands -- local function predicate() return get_active_view() and #suggestions > 0 end command.add(predicate, { ["autocomplete:complete"] = function() local doc = core.active_view.doc local line, col = doc:get_selection() local text = suggestions[suggestions_idx].text doc:insert(line, col, text) doc:remove(line, col, line, col - #partial) doc:set_selection(line, col + #text - #partial) reset_suggestions() end, ["autocomplete:previous"] = function() suggestions_idx = math.max(suggestions_idx - 1, 1) end, ["autocomplete:next"] = function() suggestions_idx = math.min(suggestions_idx + 1, #suggestions) end, ["autocomplete:cancel"] = function() reset_suggestions() end, }) -- -- Keymaps -- keymap.add { ["tab"] = "autocomplete:complete", ["up"] = "autocomplete:previous", ["down"] = "autocomplete:next", ["escape"] = "autocomplete:cancel", } return autocomplete