---@class core.object ---@field super core.object local Object = {} Object.__index = Object ---Can be overrided by child objects to implement a constructor. function Object:new() end ---@return core.object function Object:extend() local cls = {} for k, v in pairs(self) do if k:find("__") == 1 then cls[k] = v end end cls.__index = cls cls.super = self setmetatable(cls, self) return cls end ---Check if the object is strictly of the given type. ---@param T any ---@return boolean function Object:is(T) return getmetatable(self) == T end ---Check if the parameter is strictly of the object type. ---@param T any ---@return boolean function Object:is_class_of(T) return getmetatable(T) == self end ---Check if the object inherits from the given type. ---@param T any ---@return boolean function Object:extends(T) local mt = getmetatable(self) while mt do if mt == T then return true end mt = getmetatable(mt) end return false end ---Check if the parameter inherits from the object. ---@param T any ---@return boolean function Object:is_extended_by(T) local mt = getmetatable(T) while mt do if mt == self then return true end local _mt = getmetatable(T) if mt == _mt then break end mt = _mt end return false end ---Metamethod to get a string representation of an object. ---@return string function Object:__tostring() return "Object" end ---Methamethod to allow using the object call as a constructor. ---@return core.object function Object:__call(...) local obj = setmetatable({}, self) obj:new(...) return obj end return Object