local core = require "core" local command = require "core.command" local common = require "core.common" local config = require "core.config" local translate = require "core.doc.translate" local DocView = require "core.docview" local function dv() return core.active_view end local function doc() return core.active_view.doc end local function get_indent_string() if config.tab_type == "hard" then return "\t" end return string.rep(" ", config.indent_size) end local function doc_multiline_selections(sort) local iter, state, idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 = doc():get_selections(sort) return function() idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 = iter(state, idx) if idx and line2 > line1 and col2 == 1 then line2 = line2 - 1 col2 = #doc().lines[line2] end return idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 end end local function append_line_if_last_line(line) if line >= #doc().lines then doc():insert(line, math.huge, "\n") end end local function save(filename) doc():save(filename and core.normalize_to_project_dir(filename)) local saved_filename = doc().filename core.on_doc_save(saved_filename) core.log("Saved \"%s\"", saved_filename) end local function cut_or_copy(delete) local full_text = "" for idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in doc():get_selections() do if line1 ~= line2 or col1 ~= col2 then local text = doc():get_text(line1, col1, line2, col2) if delete then doc():delete_to(idx, 0) end full_text = full_text == "" and text or (full_text .. "\n" .. text) doc().cursor_clipboard[idx] = text else doc().cursor_clipboard[idx] = "" end end system.set_clipboard(full_text) end local commands = { ["doc:undo"] = function() doc():undo() end, ["doc:redo"] = function() doc():redo() end, ["doc:cut"] = function() cut_or_copy(true) end, ["doc:copy"] = function() cut_or_copy(false) end, ["doc:paste"] = function() for idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in doc():get_selections() do local value = doc().cursor_clipboard[idx] or system.get_clipboard() doc():text_input(value:gsub("\r", ""), idx) end end, ["doc:newline"] = function() for idx, line, col in doc():get_selections() do local indent = doc().lines[line]:match("^[\t ]*") if col <= #indent then indent = indent:sub(#indent + 2 - col) end doc():text_input("\n" .. indent, idx) end end, ["doc:newline-below"] = function() for idx, line in doc():get_selections() do local indent = doc().lines[line]:match("^[\t ]*") doc():insert(line, math.huge, "\n" .. indent) doc():set_selections(idx, line + 1, math.huge) end end, ["doc:newline-above"] = function() for idx, line in doc():get_selections() do local indent = doc().lines[line]:match("^[\t ]*") doc():insert(line, 1, indent .. "\n") doc():set_selections(idx, line, math.huge) end end, ["doc:delete"] = function() for idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in doc():get_selections() do if line1 == line2 and col1 == col2 and doc().lines[line1]:find("^%s*$", col1) then doc():remove(line1, col1, line1, math.huge) end doc():delete_to(idx, translate.next_char) end end, ["doc:backspace"] = function() for idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in doc():get_selections() do if line1 == line2 and col1 == col2 then local text = doc():get_text(line1, 1, line1, col1) if #text >= config.indent_size and text:find("^ *$") then doc():delete_to(idx, 0, -config.indent_size) return end end doc():delete_to(idx, translate.previous_char) end end, ["doc:select-all"] = function() doc():set_selection(1, 1, math.huge, math.huge) end, ["doc:select-none"] = function() local line, col = doc():get_selection() doc():set_selection(line, col) end, ["doc:select-lines"] = function() for idx, line1, _, line2 in doc():get_selections(true) do append_line_if_last_line(line2) doc():set_selections(idx, line1, 1, line2 + 1, 1, swap) end end, ["doc:select-word"] = function() for idx, line1, col1 in doc():get_selections(true) do local line1, col1 = translate.start_of_word(doc(), line1, col1) local line2, col2 = translate.end_of_word(doc(), line1, col1) doc():set_selections(idx, line2, col2, line1, col1) end end, ["doc:join-lines"] = function() for idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in doc():get_selections(true) do if line1 == line2 then line2 = line2 + 1 end local text = doc():get_text(line1, 1, line2, math.huge) text = text:gsub("(.-)\n[\t ]*", function(x) return x:find("^%s*$") and x or x .. " " end) doc():insert(line1, 1, text) doc():remove(line1, #text + 1, line2, math.huge) if line1 ~= line2 or col1 ~= col2 then doc():set_selections(idx, line1, math.huge) end end end, ["doc:indent"] = function() for idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in doc_multiline_selections(true) do print("LINE", line1, col1, line2, col2) local l1, c1, l2, c2 = doc():indent_text(false, line1, col1, line2, col2) if l1 then doc():set_selections(idx, l1, c1, l2, c2) end end end, ["doc:unindent"] = function() for idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in doc_multiline_selections(true) do local l1, c1, l2, c2 = doc():indent_text(true, line1, col1, line2, col2) if l1 then doc():set_selections(idx, l1, c1, l2, c2) end end end, ["doc:duplicate-lines"] = function() for idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in doc_multiline_selections(true) do append_line_if_last_line(line2) local text = doc():get_text(line1, 1, line2 + 1, 1) doc():insert(line2 + 1, 1, text) local n = line2 - line1 + 1 doc():set_selections(idx, line1 + n, col1, line2 + n, col2, swap) end end, ["doc:delete-lines"] = function() for idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in doc_multiline_selections(true) do append_line_if_last_line(line2) doc():remove(line1, 1, line2 + 1, 1) doc():set_selections(idx, line1, col1) end end, ["doc:move-lines-up"] = function() for idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in doc_multiline_selections(true) do append_line_if_last_line(line2) if line1 > 1 then local text = doc().lines[line1 - 1] doc():insert(line2 + 1, 1, text) doc():remove(line1 - 1, 1, line1, 1) doc():set_selections(idx, line1 - 1, col1, line2 - 1, col2) end end end, ["doc:move-lines-down"] = function() for idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in doc_multiline_selections(true) do append_line_if_last_line(line2 + 1) if line2 < #doc().lines then local text = doc().lines[line2 + 1] doc():remove(line2 + 1, 1, line2 + 2, 1) doc():insert(line1, 1, text) doc():set_selections(idx, line1 + 1, col1, line2 + 1, col2) end end end, ["doc:toggle-line-comments"] = function() local comment = doc().syntax.comment if not comment then return end local indentation = get_indent_string() local comment_text = comment .. " " for idx, line1, _, line2 in doc_multiline_selections(true) do local uncomment = true local start_offset = math.huge for line = line1, line2 do local text = doc().lines[line] local s = text:find("%S") local cs, ce = text:find(comment_text, s, true) if s and cs ~= s then uncomment = false start_offset = math.min(start_offset, s) end end for line = line1, line2 do local text = doc().lines[line] local s = text:find("%S") if uncomment then local cs, ce = text:find(comment_text, s, true) if ce then doc():remove(line, cs, line, ce + 1) end elseif s then doc():insert(line, start_offset, comment_text) end end end end, ["doc:upper-case"] = function() doc():replace(string.upper) end, ["doc:lower-case"] = function() doc():replace(string.lower) end, ["doc:go-to-line"] = function() local dv = dv() local items local function init_items() if items then return end items = {} local mt = { __tostring = function(x) return x.text end } for i, line in ipairs(dv.doc.lines) do local item = { text = line:sub(1, -2), line = i, info = "line: " .. i } table.insert(items, setmetatable(item, mt)) end end core.command_view:enter("Go To Line", function(text, item) local line = item and item.line or tonumber(text) if not line then core.error("Invalid line number or unmatched string") return end dv.doc:set_selection(line, 1 ) dv:scroll_to_line(line, true) end, function(text) if not text:find("^%d*$") then init_items() return common.fuzzy_match(items, text) end end) end, ["doc:toggle-line-ending"] = function() doc().crlf = not doc().crlf end, ["doc:save-as"] = function() local last_doc = core.last_active_view and core.last_active_view.doc if doc().filename then core.command_view:set_text(doc().filename) elseif last_doc and last_doc.filename then local dirname, filename = core.last_active_view.doc.abs_filename:match("(.*)[/\\](.+)$") core.command_view:set_text(core.normalize_to_project_dir(dirname) .. PATHSEP) end core.command_view:enter("Save As", function(filename) save(common.home_expand(filename)) end, function (text) return common.home_encode_list(common.path_suggest(common.home_expand(text))) end) end, ["doc:save"] = function() if doc().filename then save() else command.perform("doc:save-as") end end, ["file:rename"] = function() local old_filename = doc().filename if not old_filename then core.error("Cannot rename unsaved doc") return end core.command_view:set_text(old_filename) core.command_view:enter("Rename", function(filename) doc():save(filename) core.log("Renamed \"%s\" to \"%s\"", old_filename, filename) if filename ~= old_filename then os.remove(old_filename) end end, common.path_suggest) end, ["file:delete"] = function() local filename = doc().abs_filename if not filename then core.error("Cannot remove unsaved doc") return end for i,docview in ipairs(core.get_views_referencing_doc(doc())) do local node = core.root_view.root_node:get_node_for_view(docview) node:close_view(core.root_view, docview) end os.remove(filename) core.log("Removed \"%s\"", filename) end } local translations = { ["previous-char"] = translate.previous_char, ["next-char"] = translate.next_char, ["previous-word-start"] = translate.previous_word_start, ["next-word-end"] = translate.next_word_end, ["previous-block-start"] = translate.previous_block_start, ["next-block-end"] = translate.next_block_end, ["start-of-doc"] = translate.start_of_doc, ["end-of-doc"] = translate.end_of_doc, ["start-of-line"] = translate.start_of_line, ["end-of-line"] = translate.end_of_line, ["start-of-word"] = translate.start_of_word, ["end-of-word"] = translate.end_of_word, ["previous-line"] = DocView.translate.previous_line, ["next-line"] = DocView.translate.next_line, ["previous-page"] = DocView.translate.previous_page, ["next-page"] = DocView.translate.next_page, } for name, fn in pairs(translations) do commands["doc:move-to-" .. name] = function() doc():move_to(nil, fn, dv()) end commands["doc:select-to-" .. name] = function() doc():select_to(nil, fn, dv()) end commands["doc:delete-to-" .. name] = function() doc():delete_to(nil, fn, dv()) end end commands["doc:move-to-previous-char"] = function() for idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in doc():get_selections(true) do if line1 ~= line2 or col1 ~= col2 then doc():set_selections(idx, line1, col1) end end doc():move_to(nil, translate.previous_char) end commands["doc:move-to-next-char"] = function() for idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in doc():get_selections(true) do if line1 ~= line2 or col1 ~= col2 then doc():set_selections(idx, line2, col2) end end doc():move_to(nil, translate.next_char) end command.add("core.docview", commands)