local config = {} config.fps = 60 config.max_log_items = 80 config.message_timeout = 5 config.mouse_wheel_scroll = 50 * SCALE config.animate_drag_scroll = false config.scroll_past_end = true config.file_size_limit = 10 config.ignore_files = { "^%." } config.symbol_pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*" config.non_word_chars = " \t\n/\\()\"':,.;<>~!@#$%^&*|+=[]{}`?-" config.undo_merge_timeout = 0.3 config.max_undos = 10000 config.max_tabs = 8 config.always_show_tabs = true -- Possible values: false, true, "no_selection" config.highlight_current_line = true config.line_height = 1.2 config.indent_size = 2 config.tab_type = "soft" config.line_limit = 80 config.max_project_files = 2000 config.transitions = true config.disabled_transitions = { scroll = false, commandview = false, contextmenu = false, logview = false, nagbar = false, tabs = false, tab_drag = false, statusbar = false, } config.animation_rate = 1.0 config.blink_period = 0.8 config.disable_blink = false config.draw_whitespace = false config.borderless = false config.tab_close_button = true config.max_clicks = 3 -- set as true to be able to test non supported plugins config.skip_plugins_version = false config.plugins = {} -- Allow you to set plugin configs even if we haven't seen the plugin before. setmetatable(config.plugins, { __index = function(t, k) if rawget(t, k) == nil then rawset(t, k, {}) end return rawget(t, k) end }) -- Disable these plugins by default. config.plugins.trimwhitespace = false config.plugins.drawwhitespace = false return config