#include #include #include #include #include "renderer.h" #include "font_renderer.h" #define MAX_GLYPHSET 256 #define REPLACEMENT_CHUNK_SIZE 8 struct RenImage { RenColor *pixels; int width, height; }; struct GlyphSet { FR_Bitmap *image; FR_Bitmap_Glyph_Metrics glyphs[256]; }; typedef struct GlyphSet GlyphSet; /* The field "padding" below must be there just before GlyphSet *sets[MAX_GLYPHSET] because the field "sets" can be indexed and writted with an index -1. For this reason the "padding" field must be there but is never explicitly used. */ struct RenFont { GlyphSet *padding; GlyphSet *sets[MAX_GLYPHSET]; float size; int height; int space_advance; FR_Renderer *renderer; }; static SDL_Window *window; static SDL_Renderer *window_renderer = NULL; static SDL_Texture *window_texture = NULL; static SDL_Surface *window_surface = NULL; static int window_w = -1, window_h = -1; static FR_Clip_Area clip; static void* check_alloc(void *ptr) { if (!ptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error: memory allocation failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return ptr; } static const char* utf8_to_codepoint(const char *p, unsigned *dst) { unsigned res, n; switch (*p & 0xf0) { case 0xf0 : res = *p & 0x07; n = 3; break; case 0xe0 : res = *p & 0x0f; n = 2; break; case 0xd0 : case 0xc0 : res = *p & 0x1f; n = 1; break; default : res = *p; n = 0; break; } while (n--) { res = (res << 6) | (*(++p) & 0x3f); } *dst = res; return p + 1; } static void init_window_surface() { if (window_surface) { SDL_FreeSurface(window_surface); } SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(window, &window_w, &window_h); window_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat(0, window_w, window_h, 32, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_BGRA32); ren_set_clip_rect( (RenRect) { 0, 0, window_w, window_h } ); } static SDL_Surface *get_window_surface() { return window_surface; } void ren_cp_replace_init(CPReplaceTable *rep_table) { rep_table->size = 0; rep_table->replacements = NULL; } void ren_cp_replace_free(CPReplaceTable *rep_table) { free(rep_table->replacements); } void ren_cp_replace_add(CPReplaceTable *rep_table, const char *src, const char *dst) { int table_size = rep_table->size; if (table_size % REPLACEMENT_CHUNK_SIZE == 0) { CPReplace *old_replacements = rep_table->replacements; const int new_size = (table_size / REPLACEMENT_CHUNK_SIZE + 1) * REPLACEMENT_CHUNK_SIZE; rep_table->replacements = malloc(new_size * sizeof(CPReplace)); if (!rep_table->replacements) { rep_table->replacements = old_replacements; return; } memcpy(rep_table->replacements, old_replacements, table_size * sizeof(CPReplace)); free(old_replacements); } CPReplace *rep = &rep_table->replacements[table_size]; utf8_to_codepoint(src, &rep->codepoint_src); utf8_to_codepoint(dst, &rep->codepoint_dst); rep_table->size = table_size + 1; } void ren_free_window_resources() { SDL_DestroyWindow(window); SDL_DestroyRenderer(window_renderer); SDL_DestroyTexture(window_texture); window = NULL; window_renderer = NULL; } static void setup_renderer(int w, int h) { /* Note that w and h here should always be in pixels and obtained from a call to SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(). */ if (window_renderer) { SDL_DestroyRenderer(window_renderer); SDL_DestroyTexture(window_texture); } window_renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0); // May be we could use: SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(sdlRenderer, mySurface); window_texture = SDL_CreateTexture(window_renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_BGRA32, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, w, h); } void ren_init(SDL_Window *win) { assert(win); window = win; init_window_surface(); } void ren_resize(int w, int h) { int new_w, new_h; SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(window, &new_w, &new_h); /* Note that (w, h) may differ from (new_w, new_h) on retina displays. */ if (new_w != window_h || new_h != window_h) { init_window_surface(); setup_renderer(new_w, new_h); } } void ren_update_rects(RenRect *rects, int count) { static bool initial_frame = true; if (initial_frame) { int w, h; SDL_ShowWindow(window); SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(window, &w, &h); setup_renderer(w, h); initial_frame = false; } // FIXME: we ignore the rects here. SDL_UpdateTexture(window_texture, NULL, window_surface->pixels, window_w * 4); SDL_RenderCopy(window_renderer, window_texture, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(window_renderer); } void ren_set_clip_rect(RenRect rect) { clip.left = rect.x; clip.top = rect.y; clip.right = rect.x + rect.width; clip.bottom = rect.y + rect.height; } void ren_get_size(int *x, int *y) { SDL_Surface *surf = get_window_surface(window); *x = surf->w; *y = surf->h; } RenImage* ren_new_image(int width, int height) { assert(width > 0 && height > 0); RenImage *image = malloc(sizeof(RenImage) + width * height * sizeof(RenColor)); check_alloc(image); image->pixels = (void*) (image + 1); image->width = width; image->height = height; return image; } void ren_free_image(RenImage *image) { free(image); } static GlyphSet* load_glyphset(RenFont *font, int idx) { GlyphSet *set = check_alloc(calloc(1, sizeof(GlyphSet))); set->image = FR_Bake_Font_Bitmap(font->renderer, font->height, idx << 8, 256, set->glyphs); check_alloc(set->image); return set; } static GlyphSet* get_glyphset(RenFont *font, int codepoint) { int idx = (codepoint >> 8) % MAX_GLYPHSET; if (!font->sets[idx]) { font->sets[idx] = load_glyphset(font, idx); } return font->sets[idx]; } RenFont* ren_load_font(const char *filename, float size, unsigned int renderer_flags) { RenFont *font = NULL; /* init font */ font = check_alloc(calloc(1, sizeof(RenFont))); font->size = size; unsigned int fr_renderer_flags = 0; if ((renderer_flags & RenFontAntialiasingMask) == RenFontSubpixel) { fr_renderer_flags |= FR_SUBPIXEL; } if ((renderer_flags & RenFontHintingMask) == RenFontHintingSlight) { fr_renderer_flags |= (FR_HINTING | FR_PRESCALE_X); } else if ((renderer_flags & RenFontHintingMask) == RenFontHintingFull) { fr_renderer_flags |= FR_HINTING; } font->renderer = FR_Renderer_New(fr_renderer_flags); if (FR_Load_Font(font->renderer, filename)) { free(font); return NULL; } font->height = FR_Get_Font_Height(font->renderer, size); FR_Bitmap_Glyph_Metrics *gs = get_glyphset(font, ' ')->glyphs; font->space_advance = gs[' '].xadvance; /* make tab and newline glyphs invisible */ FR_Bitmap_Glyph_Metrics *g = get_glyphset(font, '\n')->glyphs; g['\t'].x1 = g['\t'].x0; g['\n'].x1 = g['\n'].x0; return font; } void ren_free_font(RenFont *font) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GLYPHSET; i++) { GlyphSet *set = font->sets[i]; if (set) { FR_Bitmap_Free(set->image); free(set); } } FR_Renderer_Free(font->renderer); free(font); } void ren_set_font_tab_size(RenFont *font, int n) { GlyphSet *set = get_glyphset(font, '\t'); set->glyphs['\t'].xadvance = font->space_advance * n; } int ren_get_font_tab_size(RenFont *font) { GlyphSet *set = get_glyphset(font, '\t'); return set->glyphs['\t'].xadvance / font->space_advance; } int ren_get_font_width(RenFont *font, const char *text, int *subpixel_scale) { int x = 0; const char *p = text; unsigned codepoint; while (*p) { p = utf8_to_codepoint(p, &codepoint); GlyphSet *set = get_glyphset(font, codepoint); FR_Bitmap_Glyph_Metrics *g = &set->glyphs[codepoint & 0xff]; x += g->xadvance; } if (subpixel_scale) { *subpixel_scale = FR_Subpixel_Scale(font->renderer); } return x; } int ren_get_font_height(RenFont *font) { return font->height; } static inline RenColor blend_pixel(RenColor dst, RenColor src) { int ia = 0xff - src.a; dst.r = ((src.r * src.a) + (dst.r * ia)) >> 8; dst.g = ((src.g * src.a) + (dst.g * ia)) >> 8; dst.b = ((src.b * src.a) + (dst.b * ia)) >> 8; return dst; } static inline RenColor blend_pixel2(RenColor dst, RenColor src, RenColor color) { src.a = (src.a * color.a) >> 8; int ia = 0xff - src.a; dst.r = ((src.r * color.r * src.a) >> 16) + ((dst.r * ia) >> 8); dst.g = ((src.g * color.g * src.a) >> 16) + ((dst.g * ia) >> 8); dst.b = ((src.b * color.b * src.a) >> 16) + ((dst.b * ia) >> 8); return dst; } #define rect_draw_loop(expr) \ for (int j = y1; j < y2; j++) { \ for (int i = x1; i < x2; i++) { \ *d = expr; \ d++; \ } \ d += dr; \ } void ren_draw_rect(RenRect rect, RenColor color) { if (color.a == 0) { return; } int x1 = rect.x < clip.left ? clip.left : rect.x; int y1 = rect.y < clip.top ? clip.top : rect.y; int x2 = rect.x + rect.width; int y2 = rect.y + rect.height; x2 = x2 > clip.right ? clip.right : x2; y2 = y2 > clip.bottom ? clip.bottom : y2; SDL_Surface *surf = get_window_surface(window); RenColor *d = (RenColor*) surf->pixels; d += x1 + y1 * surf->w; int dr = surf->w - (x2 - x1); if (color.a == 0xff) { rect_draw_loop(color); } else { rect_draw_loop(blend_pixel(*d, color)); } } static int codepoint_replace(CPReplaceTable *rep_table, unsigned *codepoint) { for (int i = 0; i < rep_table->size; i++) { const CPReplace *rep = &rep_table->replacements[i]; if (*codepoint == rep->codepoint_src) { *codepoint = rep->codepoint_dst; return 1; } } return 0; } void ren_draw_text_subpixel(RenFont *font, const char *text, int x_subpixel, int y, RenColor color, CPReplaceTable *replacements, RenColor replace_color) { const char *p = text; unsigned codepoint; SDL_Surface *surf = get_window_surface(window); const FR_Color color_fr = { .r = color.r, .g = color.g, .b = color.b }; while (*p) { FR_Color color_rep; p = utf8_to_codepoint(p, &codepoint); GlyphSet *set = get_glyphset(font, codepoint); FR_Bitmap_Glyph_Metrics *g = &set->glyphs[codepoint & 0xff]; const int xadvance_original_cp = g->xadvance; const int replaced = replacements ? codepoint_replace(replacements, &codepoint) : 0; if (replaced) { set = get_glyphset(font, codepoint); g = &set->glyphs[codepoint & 0xff]; color_rep = (FR_Color) { .r = replace_color.r, .g = replace_color.g, .b = replace_color.b}; } else { color_rep = color_fr; } if (color.a != 0) { FR_Blend_Glyph(font->renderer, &clip, x_subpixel, y, (uint8_t *) surf->pixels, surf->w, set->image, g, color_rep); } x_subpixel += xadvance_original_cp; } } void ren_draw_text(RenFont *font, const char *text, int x, int y, RenColor color, CPReplaceTable *replacements, RenColor replace_color) { const int subpixel_scale = FR_Subpixel_Scale(font->renderer); ren_draw_text_subpixel(font, text, subpixel_scale * x, y, color, replacements, replace_color); } // Could be declared as static inline int ren_font_subpixel_round(int width, int subpixel_scale, int orientation) { int w_mult; if (orientation < 0) { w_mult = width; } else if (orientation == 0) { w_mult = width + subpixel_scale / 2; } else { w_mult = width + subpixel_scale - 1; } return w_mult / subpixel_scale; } int ren_get_font_subpixel_scale(RenFont *font) { return FR_Subpixel_Scale(font->renderer); }