local command = require "core.command" local config = require "core.config" local keymap = {} keymap.modkeys = {} keymap.map = {} keymap.reverse_map = {} local macos = PLATFORM == "Mac OS X" -- Thanks to mathewmariani, taken from his lite-macos github repository. local modkeys_os = require("core.modkeys-" .. (macos and "macos" or "generic")) local modkey_map = modkeys_os.map local modkeys = modkeys_os.keys local function key_to_stroke(k) local stroke = "" for _, mk in ipairs(modkeys) do if keymap.modkeys[mk] then stroke = stroke .. mk .. "+" end end return stroke .. k end function keymap.add_direct(map) for stroke, commands in pairs(map) do if type(commands) == "string" then commands = { commands } end keymap.map[stroke] = commands for _, cmd in ipairs(commands) do keymap.reverse_map[cmd] = keymap.reverse_map[cmd] or {} table.insert(keymap.reverse_map[cmd], stroke) end end end function keymap.add(map, overwrite) for stroke, commands in pairs(map) do if macos then stroke = stroke:gsub("%f[%a]ctrl%f[%A]", "cmd") end if type(commands) == "string" then commands = { commands } end if overwrite then keymap.map[stroke] = commands else keymap.map[stroke] = keymap.map[stroke] or {} for i = #commands, 1, -1 do table.insert(keymap.map[stroke], 1, commands[i]) end end for _, cmd in ipairs(commands) do keymap.reverse_map[cmd] = keymap.reverse_map[cmd] or {} table.insert(keymap.reverse_map[cmd], stroke) end end end local function remove_only(tbl, k, v) for key, values in pairs(tbl) do if key == k then if v then for i, value in ipairs(values) do if value == v then table.remove(values, i) end end else tbl[key] = nil end break end end end function keymap.unbind(key, cmd) remove_only(keymap.map, key, cmd) remove_only(keymap.reverse_map, cmd, key) end function keymap.get_binding(cmd) return table.unpack(keymap.reverse_map[cmd] or {}) end function keymap.on_key_pressed(k, ...) local mk = modkey_map[k] if mk then keymap.modkeys[mk] = true -- work-around for windows where `altgr` is treated as `ctrl+alt` if mk == "altgr" then keymap.modkeys["ctrl"] = false end else local stroke = key_to_stroke(k) local commands, performed = keymap.map[stroke] if commands then for _, cmd in ipairs(commands) do performed = command.perform(cmd, ...) if performed then break end end return performed end end return false end function keymap.on_mouse_wheel(delta, ...) return not (keymap.on_key_pressed("wheel" .. (delta > 0 and "up" or "down"), delta, ...) or keymap.on_key_pressed("wheel", delta, ...)) end function keymap.on_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks) local click_number = (((clicks - 1) % config.max_clicks) + 1) return not (keymap.on_key_pressed(click_number .. button:sub(1,1) .. "click", x, y, clicks) or keymap.on_key_pressed(button:sub(1,1) .. "click", x, y, clicks) or keymap.on_key_pressed(click_number .. "click", x, y, clicks) or keymap.on_key_pressed("click", x, y, clicks)) end function keymap.on_key_released(k) local mk = modkey_map[k] if mk then keymap.modkeys[mk] = false end end if macos then local keymap_macos = require("core.keymap-macos") keymap_macos(keymap) return keymap end keymap.add_direct { ["ctrl+shift+p"] = "core:find-command", ["ctrl+p"] = "core:find-file", ["ctrl+o"] = "core:open-file", ["ctrl+n"] = "core:new-doc", ["ctrl+shift+c"] = "core:change-project-folder", ["ctrl+shift+o"] = "core:open-project-folder", ["alt+return"] = "core:toggle-fullscreen", ["f11"] = "core:toggle-fullscreen", ["alt+shift+j"] = "root:split-left", ["alt+shift+l"] = "root:split-right", ["alt+shift+i"] = "root:split-up", ["alt+shift+k"] = "root:split-down", ["alt+j"] = "root:switch-to-left", ["alt+l"] = "root:switch-to-right", ["alt+i"] = "root:switch-to-up", ["alt+k"] = "root:switch-to-down", ["ctrl+w"] = "root:close", ["ctrl+tab"] = "root:switch-to-next-tab", ["ctrl+shift+tab"] = "root:switch-to-previous-tab", ["ctrl+pageup"] = "root:move-tab-left", ["ctrl+pagedown"] = "root:move-tab-right", ["alt+1"] = "root:switch-to-tab-1", ["alt+2"] = "root:switch-to-tab-2", ["alt+3"] = "root:switch-to-tab-3", ["alt+4"] = "root:switch-to-tab-4", ["alt+5"] = "root:switch-to-tab-5", ["alt+6"] = "root:switch-to-tab-6", ["alt+7"] = "root:switch-to-tab-7", ["alt+8"] = "root:switch-to-tab-8", ["alt+9"] = "root:switch-to-tab-9", ["wheel"] = "root:scroll", ["ctrl+f"] = "find-replace:find", ["ctrl+r"] = "find-replace:replace", ["f3"] = "find-replace:repeat-find", ["shift+f3"] = "find-replace:previous-find", ["ctrl+i"] = "find-replace:toggle-sensitivity", ["ctrl+shift+i"] = "find-replace:toggle-regex", ["ctrl+g"] = "doc:go-to-line", ["ctrl+s"] = "doc:save", ["ctrl+shift+s"] = "doc:save-as", ["ctrl+z"] = "doc:undo", ["ctrl+y"] = "doc:redo", ["ctrl+x"] = "doc:cut", ["ctrl+c"] = "doc:copy", ["ctrl+v"] = "doc:paste", ["ctrl+insert"] = "doc:copy", ["shift+insert"] = "doc:paste", ["escape"] = { "command:escape", "doc:select-none", "dialog:select-no" }, ["tab"] = { "command:complete", "doc:indent" }, ["shift+tab"] = "doc:unindent", ["backspace"] = "doc:backspace", ["shift+backspace"] = "doc:backspace", ["ctrl+backspace"] = "doc:delete-to-previous-word-start", ["ctrl+shift+backspace"] = "doc:delete-to-previous-word-start", ["delete"] = "doc:delete", ["shift+delete"] = "doc:delete", ["ctrl+delete"] = "doc:delete-to-next-word-end", ["ctrl+shift+delete"] = "doc:delete-to-next-word-end", ["return"] = { "command:submit", "doc:newline", "dialog:select" }, ["keypad enter"] = { "command:submit", "doc:newline", "dialog:select" }, ["ctrl+return"] = "doc:newline-below", ["ctrl+shift+return"] = "doc:newline-above", ["ctrl+j"] = "doc:join-lines", ["ctrl+a"] = "doc:select-all", ["ctrl+d"] = { "find-replace:select-add-next", "doc:select-word" }, ["ctrl+f3"] = "find-replace:select-next", ["ctrl+shift+f3"] = "find-replace:select-previous", ["ctrl+l"] = "doc:select-lines", ["ctrl+shift+l"] = { "find-replace:select-add-all", "doc:select-word" }, ["ctrl+/"] = "doc:toggle-line-comments", ["ctrl+up"] = "doc:move-lines-up", ["ctrl+down"] = "doc:move-lines-down", ["ctrl+shift+d"] = "doc:duplicate-lines", ["ctrl+shift+k"] = "doc:delete-lines", ["ctrl+shift+u"] = "doc:type-unicode", ["left"] = { "doc:move-to-previous-char", "dialog:previous-entry" }, ["right"] = { "doc:move-to-next-char", "dialog:next-entry"}, ["up"] = { "command:select-previous", "doc:move-to-previous-line" }, ["down"] = { "command:select-next", "doc:move-to-next-line" }, ["ctrl+left"] = "doc:move-to-previous-word-start", ["ctrl+right"] = "doc:move-to-next-word-end", ["ctrl+["] = "doc:move-to-previous-block-start", ["ctrl+]"] = "doc:move-to-next-block-end", ["home"] = "doc:move-to-start-of-indentation", ["end"] = "doc:move-to-end-of-line", ["ctrl+home"] = "doc:move-to-start-of-doc", ["ctrl+end"] = "doc:move-to-end-of-doc", ["pageup"] = "doc:move-to-previous-page", ["pagedown"] = "doc:move-to-next-page", ["shift+1lclick"] = "doc:select-to-cursor", ["ctrl+1lclick"] = "doc:split-cursor", ["1lclick"] = "doc:set-cursor", ["2lclick"] = "doc:set-cursor-word", ["3lclick"] = "doc:set-cursor-line", ["shift+left"] = "doc:select-to-previous-char", ["shift+right"] = "doc:select-to-next-char", ["shift+up"] = "doc:select-to-previous-line", ["shift+down"] = "doc:select-to-next-line", ["ctrl+shift+left"] = "doc:select-to-previous-word-start", ["ctrl+shift+right"] = "doc:select-to-next-word-end", ["ctrl+shift+["] = "doc:select-to-previous-block-start", ["ctrl+shift+]"] = "doc:select-to-next-block-end", ["shift+home"] = "doc:select-to-start-of-indentation", ["shift+end"] = "doc:select-to-end-of-line", ["ctrl+shift+home"] = "doc:select-to-start-of-doc", ["ctrl+shift+end"] = "doc:select-to-end-of-doc", ["shift+pageup"] = "doc:select-to-previous-page", ["shift+pagedown"] = "doc:select-to-next-page", ["ctrl+shift+up"] = "doc:create-cursor-previous-line", ["ctrl+shift+down"] = "doc:create-cursor-next-line" } return keymap