local core = require "core" local common = require "core.common" local command = require "core.command" local config = require "core.config" local keymap = require "core.keymap" local style = require "core.style" local Object = require "core.object" local View = require "core.view" local border_width = 1 local divider_width = 1 local divider_padding = 5 local DIVIDER = {} ---@class core.contextmenu : core.object local ContextMenu = Object:extend() ContextMenu.DIVIDER = DIVIDER function ContextMenu:new() self.itemset = {} self.show_context_menu = false self.selected = -1 self.height = 0 self.position = { x = 0, y = 0 } self.current_scale = SCALE end local function get_item_size(item) local lw, lh if item == DIVIDER then lw = 0 lh = divider_width + divider_padding * SCALE * 2 else lw = style.font:get_width(item.text) if item.info then lw = lw + style.padding.x + style.font:get_width(item.info) end lh = style.font:get_height() + style.padding.y end return lw, lh end local function update_items_size(items, update_binding) local width, height = 0, 0 for _, item in ipairs(items) do if update_binding and item ~= DIVIDER then item.info = keymap.get_binding(item.command) end local lw, lh = get_item_size(item) width = math.max(width, lw) height = height + lh end width = width + style.padding.x * 2 items.width, items.height = width, height end function ContextMenu:register(predicate, items) predicate = command.generate_predicate(predicate) update_items_size(items, true) table.insert(self.itemset, { predicate = predicate, items = items }) end function ContextMenu:show(x, y) self.items = nil local items_list = { width = 0, height = 0 } for _, items in ipairs(self.itemset) do if items.predicate(x, y) then items_list.width = math.max(items_list.width, items.items.width) items_list.height = items_list.height for _, subitems in ipairs(items.items) do if not subitems.command or command.is_valid(subitems.command) then local lw, lh = get_item_size(subitems) items_list.height = items_list.height + lh table.insert(items_list, subitems) end end end end if #items_list > 0 then self.items = items_list local w, h = self.items.width, self.items.height -- by default the box is opened on the right and below if x + w >= core.root_view.size.x then x = x - w end if y + h >= core.root_view.size.y then y = y - h end self.position.x, self.position.y = x, y self.show_context_menu = true core.request_cursor("arrow") return true end return false end function ContextMenu:hide() self.show_context_menu = false self.items = nil self.selected = -1 self.height = 0 core.request_cursor(core.active_view.cursor) end function ContextMenu:each_item() local x, y, w = self.position.x, self.position.y, self.items.width local oy = y return coroutine.wrap(function() for i, item in ipairs(self.items) do local _, lh = get_item_size(item) if y - oy > self.height then break end coroutine.yield(i, item, x, y, w, lh) y = y + lh end end) end function ContextMenu:on_mouse_moved(px, py) if not self.show_context_menu then return end self.selected = -1 for i, item, x, y, w, h in self:each_item() do if px > x and px <= x + w and py > y and py <= y + h then self.selected = i break end end return true end function ContextMenu:on_selected(item) if type(item.command) == "string" then command.perform(item.command) else item.command() end end local function change_value(value, change) return value + change end function ContextMenu:focus_previous() self.selected = (self.selected == -1 or self.selected == 1) and #self.items or change_value(self.selected, -1) if self:get_item_selected() == DIVIDER then self.selected = change_value(self.selected, -1) end end function ContextMenu:focus_next() self.selected = (self.selected == -1 or self.selected == #self.items) and 1 or change_value(self.selected, 1) if self:get_item_selected() == DIVIDER then self.selected = change_value(self.selected, 1) end end function ContextMenu:get_item_selected() return (self.items or {})[self.selected] end function ContextMenu:call_selected_item() local selected = self:get_item_selected() self:hide() if selected then self:on_selected(selected) end end function ContextMenu:on_mouse_pressed(button, px, py, clicks) local caught = false if self.show_context_menu then if button == "left" then local selected = self:get_item_selected() if selected then self:on_selected(selected) end end self:hide() caught = true else if button == "right" then caught = self:show(px, py) end end return caught end ContextMenu.move_towards = View.move_towards function ContextMenu:update() if self.show_context_menu then self:move_towards("height", self.items.height, nil, "contextmenu") end end function ContextMenu:draw() if not self.show_context_menu then return end if self.current_scale ~= SCALE then update_items_size(self.items) for _, set in ipairs(self.itemset) do update_items_size(set.items) end self.current_scale = SCALE end core.root_view:defer_draw(self.draw_context_menu, self) end function ContextMenu:draw_context_menu() if not self.items then return end local bx, by, bw, bh = self.position.x, self.position.y, self.items.width, self.height renderer.draw_rect( bx - border_width, by - border_width, bw + (border_width * 2), bh + (border_width * 2), style.divider ) renderer.draw_rect(bx, by, bw, bh, style.background3) for i, item, x, y, w, h in self:each_item() do if item == DIVIDER then renderer.draw_rect(x, y + divider_padding * SCALE, w, divider_width, style.divider) else if i == self.selected then renderer.draw_rect(x, y, w, h, style.selection) end common.draw_text(style.font, style.text, item.text, "left", x + style.padding.x, y, w, h) if item.info then common.draw_text(style.font, style.dim, item.info, "right", x, y, w - style.padding.x, h) end end end end return ContextMenu