local core = require "core" local command = require "core.command" local config = require "core.config" local search = require "core.doc.search" local keymap = require "core.keymap" local DocView = require "core.docview" local CommandView = require "core.commandview" local StatusView = require "core.statusview" local max_last_finds = 50 local last_finds, last_view, last_fn, last_text, last_sel local case_sensitive = config.find_case_sensitive or false local find_regex = config.find_regex or false local function doc() return core.active_view:is(DocView) and core.active_view.doc or last_view.doc end local function get_find_tooltip() local rf = keymap.get_binding("find-replace:repeat-find") local ti = keymap.get_binding("find-replace:toggle-sensitivity") local tr = keymap.get_binding("find-replace:toggle-regex") return (find_regex and "[Regex] " or "") .. (case_sensitive and "[Sensitive] " or "") .. (rf and ("Press " .. rf .. " to select the next match.") or "") .. (ti and (" " .. ti .. " toggles case sensitivity.") or "") .. (tr and (" " .. tr .. " toggles regex find.") or "") end local function update_preview(sel, search_fn, text) local ok, line1, col1, line2, col2 = pcall(search_fn, last_view.doc, sel[1], sel[2], text, case_sensitive, find_regex) if ok and line1 and text ~= "" then last_view.doc:set_selection(line2, col2, line1, col1) last_view:scroll_to_line(line2, true) return true else last_view.doc:set_selection(unpack(sel)) return false end end local function insert_unique(t, v) local n = #t for i = 1, n do if t[i] == v then return end end t[n + 1] = v end local function find(label, search_fn) last_view, last_sel, last_finds = core.active_view, { core.active_view.doc:get_selection() }, {} local text, found = last_view.doc:get_text(unpack(last_sel)), false core.command_view:set_text(text, true) core.status_view:show_tooltip(get_find_tooltip()) core.command_view:set_hidden_suggestions() core.command_view:enter(label, function(text, item) insert_unique(core.previous_find, text) core.status_view:remove_tooltip() if found then last_fn, last_text = search_fn, text else core.error("Couldn't find %q", text) last_view.doc:set_selection(unpack(last_sel)) last_view:scroll_to_make_visible(unpack(last_sel)) end end, function(text) found = update_preview(last_sel, search_fn, text) last_fn, last_text = search_fn, text return core.previous_find end, function(explicit) core.status_view:remove_tooltip() if explicit then last_view.doc:set_selection(unpack(last_sel)) last_view:scroll_to_make_visible(unpack(last_sel)) end end) end local function replace(kind, default, fn) core.command_view:set_text(default, true) core.status_view:show_tooltip(get_find_tooltip()) core.command_view:set_hidden_suggestions() core.command_view:enter("Find To Replace " .. kind, function(old) insert_unique(core.previous_find, old) core.command_view:set_text(old, true) local s = string.format("Replace %s %q With", kind, old) core.command_view:set_hidden_suggestions() core.command_view:enter(s, function(new) core.status_view:remove_tooltip() insert_unique(core.previous_replace, new) local n = doc():replace(function(text) return fn(text, old, new) end) core.log("Replaced %d instance(s) of %s %q with %q", n, kind, old, new) end, function() return core.previous_replace end, function() core.status_view:remove_tooltip() end) end, function() return core.previous_find end, function() core.status_view:remove_tooltip() end) end local function has_selection() return core.active_view:is(DocView) and core.active_view.doc:has_selection() end local function has_unique_selection() if not core.active_view:is(DocView) then return false end local text = nil for idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in doc():get_selections(true, true) do if line1 == line2 and col1 == col2 then return false end local selection = doc():get_text(line1, col1, line2, col2) if text ~= nil and text ~= selection then return false end text = selection end return text ~= nil end local function select_next(all) local il1, ic1 = doc():get_selection(true) for idx, l1, c1, l2, c2 in doc():get_selections(true, true) do local text = doc():get_text(l1, c1, l2, c2) repeat l1, c1, l2, c2 = search.find(doc(), l2, c2, text, { wrap = true }) if l1 == il1 and c1 == ic1 then break end if l2 then doc():add_selection(l2, c2, l1, c1) end until not all or not l2 break end end command.add(has_unique_selection, { ["find-replace:select-next"] = function() select_next(false) end, ["find-replace:select-all"] = function() select_next(true) end }) command.add("core.docview", { ["find-replace:find"] = function() find("Find Text", function(doc, line, col, text, case_sensitive, find_regex) local opt = { wrap = true, no_case = not case_sensitive, regex = find_regex } return search.find(doc, line, col, text, opt) end) end, ["find-replace:replace"] = function() local selected_text = doc():get_text(doc():get_selection()) local has_newlines = selected_text:find("\n", 1, true) replace("Text", has_newlines and "" or selected_text, function(text, old, new) if not find_regex then return text:gsub(old:gsub("%W", "%%%1"), new:gsub("%%", "%%%%"), nil) end local result, matches = regex.gsub(regex.compile(old, "m"), text, new) return result, #matches end) end, ["find-replace:replace-symbol"] = function() local first = "" if doc():has_selection() then local text = doc():get_text(doc():get_selection()) first = text:match(config.symbol_pattern) or "" end replace("Symbol", first, function(text, old, new) local n = 0 local res = text:gsub(config.symbol_pattern, function(sym) if old == sym then n = n + 1 return new end end) return res, n end) end, }) local function valid_for_finding() return core.active_view:is(DocView) or core.active_view:is(CommandView) end command.add(valid_for_finding, { ["find-replace:repeat-find"] = function() if not last_fn then core.error("No find to continue from") else local sl1, sc1, sl2, sc2 = doc():get_selection(true) local line1, col1, line2, col2 = last_fn(doc(), sl1, sc2, last_text, case_sensitive, find_regex) if line1 then if last_view.doc ~= doc() then last_finds = {} end if #last_finds >= max_last_finds then table.remove(last_finds, 1) end table.insert(last_finds, { sl1, sc1, sl2, sc2 }) doc():set_selection(line2, col2, line1, col1) last_view:scroll_to_line(line2, true) end end end, ["find-replace:previous-find"] = function() local sel = table.remove(last_finds) if not sel or doc() ~= last_view.doc then core.error("No previous finds") return end doc():set_selection(table.unpack(sel)) last_view:scroll_to_line(sel[3], true) end, }) command.add("core.commandview", { ["find-replace:toggle-sensitivity"] = function() case_sensitive = not case_sensitive core.status_view:show_tooltip(get_find_tooltip()) if last_sel then update_preview(last_sel, last_fn, last_text) end end, ["find-replace:toggle-regex"] = function() find_regex = not find_regex core.status_view:show_tooltip(get_find_tooltip()) if last_sel then update_preview(last_sel, last_fn, last_text) end end })