local common = require "core.common" local style = {} style.padding = { x = common.round(14 * SCALE), y = common.round(7 * SCALE) } style.divider_size = common.round(1 * SCALE) style.scrollbar_size = common.round(4 * SCALE) style.caret_width = common.round(2 * SCALE) style.tab_width = common.round(170 * SCALE) -- The function renderer.font.load can accept an option table as a second optional argument. -- It shoud be like the following: -- -- {antialiasing= "grayscale", hinting = "full"} -- -- The possible values for each option are: -- - for antialiang: grayscale, subpixel -- - for hinting: none, slight, full -- -- The defaults values are antialiang subpixel and hinting slight for optimal visualization -- on ordinary LCD monitor with RGB patterns. -- -- On High DPI monitor or non RGB monitor you may consider using antialiang grayscale instead. -- The antialising grayscale with full hinting is interesting for crisp font rendering. style.font = renderer.font.load(DATADIR .. "/fonts/font.ttf", 14 * SCALE) style.big_font = renderer.font.load(DATADIR .. "/fonts/font.ttf", 34 * SCALE) style.icon_font = renderer.font.load(DATADIR .. "/fonts/icons.ttf", 14 * SCALE, {antialiasing="grayscale", hinting="full"}) style.code_font = renderer.font.load(DATADIR .. "/fonts/monospace.ttf", 13.5 * SCALE) style.background = { common.color "#2e2e32" } style.background2 = { common.color "#252529" } style.background3 = { common.color "#252529" } style.text = { common.color "#97979c" } style.caret = { common.color "#93DDFA" } style.accent = { common.color "#e1e1e6" } style.dim = { common.color "#525257" } style.divider = { common.color "#202024" } style.selection = { common.color "#48484f" } style.line_number = { common.color "#525259" } style.line_number2 = { common.color "#83838f" } style.line_highlight = { common.color "#343438" } style.scrollbar = { common.color "#414146" } style.scrollbar2 = { common.color "#4b4b52" } style.syntax = {} style.syntax["normal"] = { common.color "#e1e1e6" } style.syntax["symbol"] = { common.color "#e1e1e6" } style.syntax["comment"] = { common.color "#676b6f" } style.syntax["keyword"] = { common.color "#E58AC9" } style.syntax["keyword2"] = { common.color "#F77483" } style.syntax["number"] = { common.color "#FFA94D" } style.syntax["literal"] = { common.color "#FFA94D" } style.syntax["string"] = { common.color "#f7c95c" } style.syntax["operator"] = { common.color "#93DDFA" } style.syntax["function"] = { common.color "#93DDFA" } return style