-- mod-version:3 local syntax = require "core.syntax" local style = require "core.style" local core = require "core" local initial_color = style.syntax["keyword2"] -- Add 3 type of font styles for use on markdown files for _, attr in pairs({"bold", "italic", "bold_italic"}) do local attributes = {} if attr ~= "bold_italic" then attributes[attr] = true else attributes["bold"] = true attributes["italic"] = true end style.syntax_fonts["markdown_"..attr] = style.code_font:copy( style.code_font:get_size(), attributes ) -- also add a color for it style.syntax["markdown_"..attr] = style.syntax["keyword2"] end local in_squares_match = "^%[%]" local in_parenthesis_match = "^%(%)" syntax.add { name = "Markdown", files = { "%.md$", "%.markdown$" }, block_comment = { "<!--", "-->" }, space_handling = false, -- turn off this feature to handle it our selfs patterns = { ---- Place patterns that require spaces at start to optimize matching speed ---- and apply the %s+ optimization immediately afterwards -- bullets { pattern = "^%s*%*%s", type = "number" }, { pattern = "^%s*%-%s", type = "number" }, { pattern = "^%s*%+%s", type = "number" }, -- numbered bullet { pattern = "^%s*[0-9]+[%.%)]%s", type = "number" }, -- blockquote { pattern = "^%s*>+%s", type = "string" }, -- alternative bold italic formats { pattern = { "%s___", "___" }, type = "markdown_bold_italic" }, { pattern = { "%s__", "__" }, type = "markdown_bold" }, { pattern = { "%s_[%S]", "_" }, type = "markdown_italic" }, -- reference links { pattern = "^%s*%[%^()["..in_squares_match.."]+()%]: ", type = { "function", "number", "function" } }, { pattern = "^%s*%[%^?()["..in_squares_match.."]+()%]:%s+.*", type = { "function", "number", "function" } }, -- optimization { pattern = "%s+", type = "normal" }, ---- HTML rules imported and adapted from language_html ---- to not conflict with markdown rules -- Inline JS and CSS { pattern = { "<%s*[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]%s+[tT][yY][pP][eE]%s*=%s*" .. "['\"]%a+/[jJ][aA][vV][aA][sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]['\"]%s*>", "<%s*/[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]>" }, syntax = ".js", type = "function" }, { pattern = { "<%s*[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]%s*>", "<%s*/%s*[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]>" }, syntax = ".js", type = "function" }, { pattern = { "<%s*[sS][tT][yY][lL][eE][^>]*>", "<%s*/%s*[sS][tT][yY][lL][eE]%s*>" }, syntax = ".css", type = "function" }, -- Comments { pattern = { "<!%-%-", "%-%->" }, type = "comment" }, -- Tags { pattern = "%f[^<]![%a_][%w_]*", type = "keyword2" }, { pattern = "%f[^<][%a_][%w_]*", type = "function" }, { pattern = "%f[^<]/[%a_][%w_]*", type = "function" }, -- Attributes { pattern = "[a-z%-]+%s*()=%s*()\".-\"", type = { "keyword", "operator", "string" } }, { pattern = "[a-z%-]+%s*()=%s*()'.-'", type = { "keyword", "operator", "string" } }, { pattern = "[a-z%-]+%s*()=%s*()%-?%d[%d%.]*", type = { "keyword", "operator", "number" } }, -- Entities { pattern = "&#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;", type = "keyword2" }, ---- Markdown rules -- math { pattern = { "%$%$", "%$%$", "\\" }, type = "string", syntax = ".tex"}, { regex = { "\\$", [[\$|(?=\\*\n)]], "\\" }, type = "string", syntax = ".tex"}, -- code blocks { pattern = { "```caddyfile", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = "Caddyfile" }, { pattern = { "```c++", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".cpp" }, { pattern = { "```cpp", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".cpp" }, { pattern = { "```python", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".py" }, { pattern = { "```ruby", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".rb" }, { pattern = { "```perl", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".pl" }, { pattern = { "```php", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".php" }, { pattern = { "```javascript", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".js" }, { pattern = { "```json", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".js" }, { pattern = { "```html", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".html" }, { pattern = { "```ini", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".ini" }, { pattern = { "```xml", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".xml" }, { pattern = { "```css", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".css" }, { pattern = { "```lua", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".lua" }, { pattern = { "```bash", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".sh" }, { pattern = { "```sh", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".sh" }, { pattern = { "```java", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".java" }, { pattern = { "```c#", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".cs" }, { pattern = { "```cmake", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".cmake" }, { pattern = { "```d", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".d" }, { pattern = { "```glsl", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".glsl" }, { pattern = { "```c", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".c" }, { pattern = { "```julia", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".jl" }, { pattern = { "```rust", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".rs" }, { pattern = { "```dart", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".dart" }, { pattern = { "```v", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".v" }, { pattern = { "```toml", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".toml" }, { pattern = { "```yaml", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".yaml" }, { pattern = { "```nim", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".nim" }, { pattern = { "```typescript", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".ts" }, { pattern = { "```rescript", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".res" }, { pattern = { "```moon", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".moon" }, { pattern = { "```go", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".go" }, { pattern = { "```lobster", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".lobster" }, { pattern = { "```liquid", "```" }, type = "string", syntax = ".liquid" }, { pattern = { "```", "```" }, type = "string" }, { pattern = { "``", "``" }, type = "string" }, { pattern = { "%f[\\`]%`[%S]", "`" }, type = "string" }, -- lines { pattern = "^%-%-%-+\n" , type = "comment" }, { pattern = "^%*%*%*+\n", type = "comment" }, { pattern = "^___+\n", type = "comment" }, { pattern = "^===+\n", type = "comment" }, -- strike { pattern = { "~~", "~~" }, type = "keyword2" }, -- highlight { pattern = { "==", "==" }, type = "literal" }, -- bold and italic { pattern = { "%*%*%*%S", "%*%*%*" }, type = "markdown_bold_italic" }, { pattern = { "%*%*%S", "%*%*" }, type = "markdown_bold" }, -- handle edge case where asterisk can be at end of line and not close { pattern = { "%f[\\%*]%*[%S]", "%*%f[^%*]" }, type = "markdown_italic" }, -- alternative bold italic formats { pattern = "^___[%s%p%w]+___" , type = "markdown_bold_italic" }, { pattern = "^__[%s%p%w]+__" , type = "markdown_bold" }, { pattern = "^_[%s%p%w]+_" , type = "markdown_italic" }, -- heading with custom id { pattern = "^#+%s[%w%s%p]+(){()#[%w%-]+()}", type = { "keyword", "function", "string", "function" } }, -- headings { pattern = "^#+%s.+\n", type = "keyword" }, -- superscript and subscript { pattern = "%^()%d+()%^", type = { "function", "number", "function" } }, { pattern = "%~()%d+()%~", type = { "function", "number", "function" } }, -- definitions { pattern = "^:%s.+", type = "function" }, -- emoji { pattern = ":[a-zA-Z0-9_%-]+:", type = "literal" }, -- images and link { pattern = "!?%[!?%[()["..in_squares_match.."]+()%]%(()["..in_parenthesis_match.."]+()%)%]%(()["..in_parenthesis_match.."]+()%)", type = { "function", "string", "function", "number", "function", "number", "function" } }, { pattern = "!?%[!?%[?()["..in_squares_match.."]+()%]?%]%(()["..in_parenthesis_match.."]+()%)", type = { "function", "string", "function", "number", "function" } }, -- reference links { pattern = "%[()["..in_squares_match.."]+()%] *()%[()["..in_squares_match.."]+()%]", type = { "function", "string", "function", "function", "number", "function" } }, { pattern = "!?%[%^?()["..in_squares_match.."]+()%]", type = { "function", "number", "function" } }, -- url's and email { pattern = "<[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+%.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+>", type = "function" }, { pattern = "<https?://%S+>", type = "function" }, { pattern = "https?://%S+", type = "function" }, -- optimize consecutive dashes used in tables { pattern = "%-+", type = "normal" }, }, symbols = { }, } -- Adjust the color on theme changes core.add_thread(function() while true do if initial_color ~= style.syntax["keyword2"] then for _, attr in pairs({"bold", "italic", "bold_italic"}) do style.syntax["markdown_"..attr] = style.syntax["keyword2"] end initial_color = style.syntax["keyword2"] end coroutine.yield(1) end end)