local core = require "core" local ime = { } function ime.reset() ime.editing = false end ---Convert from utf-8 offset and length (from SDL) to byte offsets ---@param text string @Textediting string ---@param start integer @0-based utf-8 offset of the starting position of the selection ---@param length integer @Size of the utf-8 length of the selection function ime.ingest(text, start, length) if #text == 0 then -- finished textediting ime.reset() return "", 0, 0 end ime.editing = true if start < 0 then -- we assume no selection and caret at the end return text, #text, 0 end -- start is 0-based, so we use start + 1 local start_byte = utf8.offset(text, start + 1) if not start_byte then -- bad start offset -- we assume it meant the last byte of the text start_byte = #text else start_byte = math.min(start_byte - 1, #text) end if length < 0 then -- caret only return text, start_byte, 0 end local end_byte = utf8.offset(text, start + length + 1) if not end_byte or end_byte - 1 < start_byte then -- bad length, assume caret only return text, start_byte, 0 end end_byte = math.min(end_byte - 1, #text) return text, start_byte, end_byte - start_byte end ---Forward the given textediting SDL event data to Views. ---@param text string @Textediting string ---@param start integer @0-based utf-8 offset of the starting position of the selection ---@param length integer @Size of the utf-8 length of the selection function ime.on_text_editing(text, start, length, ...) if ime.editing or #text > 0 then core.root_view:on_ime_text_editing(ime.ingest(text, start, length, ...)) end end ---Stop IME composition. ---Might not completely work on every platform. function ime.stop() if ime.editing then -- SDL_ClearComposition for now doesn't work everywhere system.clear_ime() ime.on_text_editing("", 0, 0) end end ---Set the bounding box of the text pertaining the IME. ---The IME will draw its interface based on this info. ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param w number ---@param h number function ime.set_location(x, y, w, h) system.set_text_input_rect(x, y, w, h) end ime.reset() return ime