local core = require "core" local common = require "core.common" local config = require "core.config" local tokenizer = require "core.tokenizer" local Object = require "core.object" local Highlighter = Object:extend() function Highlighter:new(doc) self.doc = doc self.running = false self:reset() end -- init incremental syntax highlighting function Highlighter:start() if self.running then return end self.running = true core.add_thread(function() while self.first_invalid_line < self.max_wanted_line do local max = math.min(self.first_invalid_line + 40, self.max_wanted_line) local retokenized_from for i = self.first_invalid_line, max do local state = (i > 1) and self.lines[i - 1].state local line = self.lines[i] if not (line and line.init_state == state and line.text == self.doc.lines[i]) then retokenized_from = retokenized_from or i self.lines[i] = self:tokenize_line(i, state) elseif retokenized_from then self:update_notify(retokenized_from, i - retokenized_from - 1) retokenized_from = nil end end if retokenized_from then self:update_notify(retokenized_from, max - retokenized_from) end self.first_invalid_line = max + 1 core.redraw = true coroutine.yield() end self.max_wanted_line = 0 self.running = false end, self) end local function set_max_wanted_lines(self, amount) self.max_wanted_line = amount if self.first_invalid_line < self.max_wanted_line then self:start() end end function Highlighter:reset() self.lines = {} self:soft_reset() end function Highlighter:soft_reset() for i=1,#self.lines do self.lines[i] = false end self.first_invalid_line = 1 self.max_wanted_line = 0 end function Highlighter:invalidate(idx) self.first_invalid_line = math.min(self.first_invalid_line, idx) set_max_wanted_lines(self, math.min(self.max_wanted_line, #self.doc.lines)) end function Highlighter:insert_notify(line, n) self:invalidate(line) local blanks = { } for i = 1, n do blanks[i] = false end common.splice(self.lines, line, 0, blanks) end function Highlighter:remove_notify(line, n) self:invalidate(line) common.splice(self.lines, line, n) end function Highlighter:update_notify(line, n) -- plugins can hook here to be notified that lines have been retokenized end function Highlighter:tokenize_line(idx, state) local res = {} res.init_state = state res.text = self.doc.lines[idx] res.tokens, res.state = tokenizer.tokenize(self.doc.syntax, res.text, state) return res end function Highlighter:get_line(idx) local line = self.lines[idx] if not line or line.text ~= self.doc.lines[idx] then local prev = self.lines[idx - 1] line = self:tokenize_line(idx, prev and prev.state) self.lines[idx] = line self:update_notify(idx, 0) end set_max_wanted_lines(self, math.max(self.max_wanted_line, idx)) return line end function Highlighter:each_token(idx) return tokenizer.each_token(self:get_line(idx).tokens) end return Highlighter