-- mod-version:3 local syntax = require "core.syntax" -- Regex pattern explanation: -- This will match / and will look ahead for something that looks like a regex. -- -- (?!/) Don't match empty regexes. -- -- (?>...) this is using an atomic group to minimize backtracking, as that'd -- cause "Catastrophic Backtracking" in some cases. -- -- [^\\[\/]++ will match anything that's isn't an escape, a start of character -- class or an end of pattern, without backtracking (the second +). -- -- \\. will match anything that's escaped. -- -- \[(?:[^\\\]++]|\\.)*+\] will match character classes. -- -- /[gmiyuvsd]*\s*[\n,;\)\]\}\.]) will match the end of pattern delimiter, optionally -- followed by pattern options, and anything that can -- be after a pattern. -- -- Demo with some unit tests (click on the Unit Tests entry): https://regex101.com/r/R0w8Qw/1 -- Note that it has a couple of changes to make it work on that platform. local regex_pattern = { [=[/(?=(?!/)(?:(?>[^\\[\/]++|\\.|\[(?:[^\\\]]++|\\.)*+\])*+)++/[gmiyuvsd]*\s*[\n,;\)\]\}\.])()]=], "/()[gmiyuvsd]*", "\\" } -- For the moment let's not actually differentiate the insides of the regex, -- as this will need new token types... local inner_regex_syntax = { patterns = { { pattern = "%(()%?[:!=><]", type = { "string", "string" } }, { pattern = "[.?+*%(%)|]", type = "string" }, { pattern = "{%d*,?%d*}", type = "string" }, { regex = { [=[\[()\^?]=], [=[(?:\]|(?=\n))()]=], "\\" }, type = { "string", "string" }, syntax = { -- Inside character class patterns = { { pattern = "\\\\", type = "string" }, { pattern = "\\%]", type = "string" }, { pattern = "[^%]\n]", type = "string" } }, symbols = {} } }, { regex = "\\/", type = "string" }, { regex = "[^/\n]", type = "string" }, }, symbols = {} } syntax.add { name = "JavaScript", files = { "%.js$", "%.json$", "%.cson$", "%.mjs$", "%.cjs$" }, comment = "//", block_comment = { "/*", "*/" }, patterns = { { pattern = "//.*", type = "comment" }, { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" }, { regex = regex_pattern, syntax = inner_regex_syntax, type = {"string", "string"} }, { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" }, { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" }, { pattern = { "`", "`", '\\' }, type = "string" }, -- Use (?:\/(?!\/))? to avoid that a regex can start after a number, while also allowing // comments { regex = [[-?0[xXbBoO][\da-fA-F_]+n?()\s*()(?:\/(?!\/))?]], type = {"number", "normal", "operator"} }, { regex = [[-?\d+[0-9.eE_n]*()\s*()(?:\/(?!\/))?]], type = {"number", "normal", "operator"} }, { regex = [[-?\.?\d+()\s*()(?:\/(?!\/))?]], type = {"number", "normal", "operator"} }, { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&]", type = "operator" }, { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" }, { regex = [=[[a-zA-Z_]\w*()\s*()(?:\/(?!\/))?]=], type = {"symbol", "normal", "operator"} }, }, symbols = { ["async"] = "keyword", ["await"] = "keyword", ["break"] = "keyword", ["case"] = "keyword", ["catch"] = "keyword", ["class"] = "keyword", ["const"] = "keyword", ["continue"] = "keyword", ["debugger"] = "keyword", ["default"] = "keyword", ["delete"] = "keyword", ["do"] = "keyword", ["else"] = "keyword", ["export"] = "keyword", ["extends"] = "keyword", ["finally"] = "keyword", ["for"] = "keyword", ["function"] = "keyword", ["get"] = "keyword", ["if"] = "keyword", ["import"] = "keyword", ["in"] = "keyword", ["of"] = "keyword", ["instanceof"] = "keyword", ["let"] = "keyword", ["new"] = "keyword", ["return"] = "keyword", ["set"] = "keyword", ["static"] = "keyword", ["super"] = "keyword", ["switch"] = "keyword", ["throw"] = "keyword", ["try"] = "keyword", ["typeof"] = "keyword", ["var"] = "keyword", ["void"] = "keyword", ["while"] = "keyword", ["with"] = "keyword", ["yield"] = "keyword", ["true"] = "literal", ["false"] = "literal", ["null"] = "literal", ["undefined"] = "literal", ["arguments"] = "keyword2", ["Infinity"] = "keyword2", ["NaN"] = "keyword2", ["this"] = "keyword2", }, }