local search = {} local default_opt = {} local function pattern_lower(str) if str:sub(1, 1) == "%" then return str end return str:lower() end local function init_args(doc, line, col, text, opt) opt = opt or default_opt line, col = doc:sanitize_position(line, col) if opt.no_case and not opt.regex then text = text:lower() end return doc, line, col, text, opt end -- This function is needed to uniform the behavior of -- `regex:cmatch` and `string.find`. local function regex_func(text, re, index, _) local s, e = re:cmatch(text, index) return s, e and e - 1 end local function rfind(func, text, pattern, index, plain) local s, e = func(text, pattern, 1, plain) local last_s, last_e if index < 0 then index = #text - index + 1 end while e and e <= index do last_s, last_e = s, e s, e = func(text, pattern, s + 1, plain) end return last_s, last_e end function search.find(doc, line, col, text, opt) doc, line, col, text, opt = init_args(doc, line, col, text, opt) local plain = not opt.pattern local pattern = text local search_func = string.find if opt.regex then pattern = regex.compile(text, opt.no_case and "i" or "") search_func = regex_func end local start, finish, step = line, #doc.lines, 1 if opt.reverse then start, finish, step = line, 1, -1 end for line = start, finish, step do local line_text = doc.lines[line] if opt.no_case and not opt.regex then line_text = line_text:lower() end local s, e if opt.reverse then s, e = rfind(search_func, line_text, pattern, col - 1, plain) else s, e = search_func(line_text, pattern, col, plain) end if s then local line2 = line -- If we've matched the newline too, -- return until the initial character of the next line. if e >= #doc.lines[line] then line2 = line + 1 e = 0 end -- Avoid returning matches that go beyond the last line. -- This is needed to avoid selecting the "last" newline. if line2 <= #doc.lines then return line, s, line2, e + 1 end end col = opt.reverse and -1 or 1 end if opt.wrap then opt = { no_case = opt.no_case, regex = opt.regex, reverse = opt.reverse } if opt.reverse then return search.find(doc, #doc.lines, #doc.lines[#doc.lines], text, opt) else return search.find(doc, 1, 1, text, opt) end end end return search