-- mod-version:3 local core = require "core" local common = require "core.common" local keymap = require "core.keymap" local command = require "core.command" local style = require "core.style" local View = require "core.view" ---@class plugins.projectsearch.resultsview : core.view local ResultsView = View:extend() ResultsView.context = "session" function ResultsView:new(path, text, fn) ResultsView.super.new(self) self.scrollable = true self.brightness = 0 self.max_h_scroll = 0 self:begin_search(path, text, fn) end function ResultsView:get_name() return "Search Results" end local function find_all_matches_in_file(t, filename, fn) local fp = io.open(filename) if not fp then return t end local n = 1 for line in fp:lines() do local s = fn(line) if s then -- Insert maximum 256 characters. If we insert more, for compiled files, which can have very long lines -- things tend to get sluggish. If our line is longer than 80 characters, begin to truncate the thing. local start_index = math.max(s - 80, 1) local text = (start_index > 1 and "..." or "") .. line:sub(start_index, 256 + start_index) if #line > 256 + start_index then text = text .. "..." end table.insert(t, { file = filename, text = text, line = n, col = s }) core.redraw = true end if n % 100 == 0 then coroutine.yield() end n = n + 1 core.redraw = true end fp:close() end function ResultsView:begin_search(path, text, fn) self.search_args = { path, text, fn } self.results = {} self.last_file_idx = 1 self.query = text self.searching = true self.selected_idx = 0 core.add_thread(function() local i = 1 for dir_name, file in core.get_project_files() do if file.type == "file" and (not path or (dir_name .. "/" .. file.filename):find(path, 1, true) == 1) then local truncated_path = (dir_name == core.project_dir and "" or (dir_name .. PATHSEP)) find_all_matches_in_file(self.results, truncated_path .. file.filename, fn) end self.last_file_idx = i i = i + 1 end self.searching = false self.brightness = 100 core.redraw = true end, self.results) self.scroll.to.y = 0 end function ResultsView:refresh() self:begin_search(table.unpack(self.search_args)) end function ResultsView:on_mouse_moved(mx, my, ...) ResultsView.super.on_mouse_moved(self, mx, my, ...) self.selected_idx = 0 for i, item, x,y,w,h in self:each_visible_result() do if mx >= x and my >= y and mx < x + w and my < y + h then self.selected_idx = i break end end end function ResultsView:on_mouse_pressed(...) local caught = ResultsView.super.on_mouse_pressed(self, ...) if not caught then return self:open_selected_result() end end function ResultsView:open_selected_result() local res = self.results[self.selected_idx] if not res then return end core.try(function() local dv = core.root_view:open_doc(core.open_doc(res.file)) core.root_view.root_node:update_layout() dv.doc:set_selection(res.line, res.col) dv:scroll_to_line(res.line, false, true) end) return true end function ResultsView:update() self:move_towards("brightness", 0, 0.1) ResultsView.super.update(self) end function ResultsView:get_results_yoffset() return style.font:get_height() + style.padding.y * 3 end function ResultsView:get_line_height() return style.padding.y + style.font:get_height() end function ResultsView:get_scrollable_size() return self:get_results_yoffset() + #self.results * self:get_line_height() end function ResultsView:get_h_scrollable_size() return self.max_h_scroll end function ResultsView:get_visible_results_range() local lh = self:get_line_height() local oy = self:get_results_yoffset() local min = self.scroll.y+oy-style.font:get_height() min = math.max(1, math.floor(min / lh)) return min, min + math.floor(self.size.y / lh) + 1 end function ResultsView:each_visible_result() return coroutine.wrap(function() local lh = self:get_line_height() local x, y = self:get_content_offset() local min, max = self:get_visible_results_range() y = y + self:get_results_yoffset() + lh * (min - 1) for i = min, max do local item = self.results[i] if not item then break end local _, _, w = self:get_content_bounds() coroutine.yield(i, item, x, y, w, lh) y = y + lh end end) end function ResultsView:scroll_to_make_selected_visible() local h = self:get_line_height() local y = h * (self.selected_idx - 1) self.scroll.to.y = math.min(self.scroll.to.y, y) self.scroll.to.y = math.max(self.scroll.to.y, y + h - self.size.y + self:get_results_yoffset()) end function ResultsView:draw() self:draw_background(style.background) -- status local ox, oy = self.position.x, self.position.y local yoffset = self:get_results_yoffset() renderer.draw_rect(self.position.x, self.position.y, self.size.x, yoffset, style.background) if self.scroll.y ~= 0 then renderer.draw_rect(self.position.x, self.position.y+yoffset, self.size.x, style.divider_size, style.divider) end local x, y = ox + style.padding.x, oy + style.padding.y local files_number = core.project_files_number() local per = common.clamp(files_number and self.last_file_idx / files_number or 1, 0, 1) local text if self.searching then if files_number then text = string.format("Searching %.f%% (%d of %d files, %d matches) for %q...", per * 100, self.last_file_idx, files_number, #self.results, self.query) else text = string.format("Searching (%d files, %d matches) for %q...", self.last_file_idx, #self.results, self.query) end else text = string.format("Found %d matches for %q", #self.results, self.query) end local color = common.lerp(style.text, style.accent, self.brightness / 100) renderer.draw_text(style.font, text, x, y, color) -- horizontal line local x = ox + style.padding.x local w = self.size.x - style.padding.x * 2 local h = style.divider_size local color = common.lerp(style.dim, style.text, self.brightness / 100) renderer.draw_rect(x, oy + yoffset - style.padding.y, w, h, color) if self.searching then renderer.draw_rect(x, oy + yoffset - style.padding.y, w * per, h, style.text) end -- results local _, _, bw = self:get_content_bounds() core.push_clip_rect(ox, oy+yoffset + style.divider_size, bw, self.size.y-yoffset) local y1, y2 = self.position.y, self.position.y + self.size.y for i, item, x,y,w,h in self:each_visible_result() do local color = style.text if i == self.selected_idx then color = style.accent renderer.draw_rect(x, y, w, h, style.line_highlight) end x = x + style.padding.x local text = string.format("%s at line %d (col %d): ", item.file, item.line, item.col) x = common.draw_text(style.font, style.dim, text, "left", x, y, w, h) x = common.draw_text(style.code_font, color, item.text, "left", x, y, w, h) self.max_h_scroll = math.max(self.max_h_scroll, x) end core.pop_clip_rect() self:draw_scrollbar() end ---@param path string ---@param text string ---@param fn fun(line_text:string):... ---@return plugins.projectsearch.resultsview? local function begin_search(path, text, fn) if text == "" then core.error("Expected non-empty string") return end local rv = ResultsView(path, text, fn) core.root_view:get_active_node_default():add_view(rv) return rv end local function get_selected_text() local view = core.active_view local doc = (view and view.doc) and view.doc or nil if doc then return doc:get_text(table.unpack({ doc:get_selection() })) end end local function normalize_path(path) if not path then return nil end path = common.normalize_path(path) for i, project_dir in ipairs(core.project_directories) do if common.path_belongs_to(path, project_dir.name) then return project_dir.item.filename .. PATHSEP .. common.relative_path(project_dir.name, path) end end return path end ---@class plugins.projectsearch local projectsearch = {} ---@type plugins.projectsearch.resultsview projectsearch.ResultsView = ResultsView ---@param text string ---@param path string ---@param insensitive? boolean ---@return plugins.projectsearch.resultsview? function projectsearch.search_plain(text, path, insensitive) if insensitive then text = text:lower() end return begin_search(path, text, function(line_text) if insensitive then return line_text:lower():find(text, nil, true) else return line_text:find(text, nil, true) end end) end ---@param text string ---@param path string ---@param insensitive? boolean ---@return plugins.projectsearch.resultsview? function projectsearch.search_regex(text, path, insensitive) local re, errmsg if insensitive then re, errmsg = regex.compile(text, "i") else re, errmsg = regex.compile(text) end if not re then core.log("%s", errmsg) return end return begin_search(path, text, function(line_text) return regex.cmatch(re, line_text) end) end ---@param text string ---@param path string ---@param insensitive? boolean ---@return plugins.projectsearch.resultsview? function projectsearch.search_fuzzy(text, path, insensitive) if insensitive then text = text:lower() end return begin_search(path, text, function(line_text) if insensitive then return common.fuzzy_match(line_text:lower(), text) and 1 else return common.fuzzy_match(line_text, text) and 1 end end) end command.add(nil, { ["project-search:find"] = function(path) core.command_view:enter("Find Text In " .. (normalize_path(path) or "Project"), { text = get_selected_text(), select_text = true, submit = function(text) projectsearch.search_plain(text, path, true) end }) end, ["project-search:find-regex"] = function(path) core.command_view:enter("Find Regex In " .. (normalize_path(path) or "Project"), { submit = function(text) projectsearch.search_regex(text, path, true) end }) end, ["project-search:fuzzy-find"] = function(path) core.command_view:enter("Fuzzy Find Text In " .. (normalize_path(path) or "Project"), { text = get_selected_text(), select_text = true, submit = function(text) projectsearch.search_fuzzy(text, path, true) end }) end, }) command.add(ResultsView, { ["project-search:select-previous"] = function() local view = core.active_view view.selected_idx = math.max(view.selected_idx - 1, 1) view:scroll_to_make_selected_visible() end, ["project-search:select-next"] = function() local view = core.active_view view.selected_idx = math.min(view.selected_idx + 1, #view.results) view:scroll_to_make_selected_visible() end, ["project-search:open-selected"] = function() core.active_view:open_selected_result() end, ["project-search:refresh"] = function() core.active_view:refresh() end, ["project-search:move-to-previous-page"] = function() local view = core.active_view view.scroll.to.y = view.scroll.to.y - view.size.y end, ["project-search:move-to-next-page"] = function() local view = core.active_view view.scroll.to.y = view.scroll.to.y + view.size.y end, ["project-search:move-to-start-of-doc"] = function() local view = core.active_view view.scroll.to.y = 0 end, ["project-search:move-to-end-of-doc"] = function() local view = core.active_view view.scroll.to.y = view:get_scrollable_size() end }) keymap.add { ["f5"] = "project-search:refresh", ["ctrl+shift+f"] = "project-search:find", ["up"] = "project-search:select-previous", ["down"] = "project-search:select-next", ["return"] = "project-search:open-selected", ["pageup"] = "project-search:move-to-previous-page", ["pagedown"] = "project-search:move-to-next-page", ["ctrl+home"] = "project-search:move-to-start-of-doc", ["ctrl+end"] = "project-search:move-to-end-of-doc", ["home"] = "project-search:move-to-start-of-doc", ["end"] = "project-search:move-to-end-of-doc" } return projectsearch