#include #include #include "renwindow.h" #ifdef LITE_USE_SDL_RENDERER static int query_surface_scale(RenWindow *ren) { int w_pixels, h_pixels; int w_points, h_points; SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(ren->window, &w_pixels, &h_pixels); SDL_GetWindowSize(ren->window, &w_points, &h_points); /* We consider that the ratio pixel/point will always be an integer and it is the same along the x and the y axis. */ assert(w_pixels % w_points == 0 && h_pixels % h_points == 0 && w_pixels / w_points == h_pixels / h_points); return w_pixels / w_points; } static void setup_renderer(RenWindow *ren, int w, int h) { /* Note that w and h here should always be in pixels and obtained from a call to SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(). */ if (!ren->renderer) { ren->renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(ren->window, -1, 0); } if (ren->texture) { SDL_DestroyTexture(ren->texture); } ren->texture = SDL_CreateTexture(ren->renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_BGRA32, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, w, h); ren->rensurface.scale = query_surface_scale(ren); } #endif void renwin_init_surface(RenWindow *ren) { ren->scale_x = ren->scale_y = 1; #ifdef LITE_USE_SDL_RENDERER if (ren->rensurface.surface) { SDL_FreeSurface(ren->rensurface.surface); } int w, h; SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(ren->window, &w, &h); ren->rensurface.surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat(0, w, h, 32, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_BGRA32); if (!ren->rensurface.surface) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating surface: %s", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } setup_renderer(ren, w, h); #endif } void renwin_init_command_buf(RenWindow *ren) { ren->command_buf = NULL; ren->command_buf_idx = 0; ren->command_buf_size = 0; } static RenRect scaled_rect(const RenRect rect, const int scale) { return (RenRect) {rect.x * scale, rect.y * scale, rect.width * scale, rect.height * scale}; } void renwin_clip_to_surface(RenWindow *ren) { SDL_SetClipRect(renwin_get_surface(ren).surface, NULL); } void renwin_set_clip_rect(RenWindow *ren, RenRect rect) { RenSurface rs = renwin_get_surface(ren); RenRect sr = scaled_rect(rect, rs.scale); SDL_SetClipRect(rs.surface, &(SDL_Rect){.x = sr.x, .y = sr.y, .w = sr.width, .h = sr.height}); } RenSurface renwin_get_surface(RenWindow *ren) { #ifdef LITE_USE_SDL_RENDERER return ren->rensurface; #else SDL_Surface *surface = SDL_GetWindowSurface(ren->window); if (!surface) { fprintf(stderr, "Error getting window surface: %s", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } return (RenSurface){.surface = surface, .scale = 1}; #endif } void renwin_resize_surface(RenWindow *ren) { #ifdef LITE_USE_SDL_RENDERER int new_w, new_h, new_scale; SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(ren->window, &new_w, &new_h); new_scale = query_surface_scale(ren); /* Note that (w, h) may differ from (new_w, new_h) on retina displays. */ if (new_scale != ren->rensurface.scale || new_w != ren->rensurface.surface->w || new_h != ren->rensurface.surface->h) { renwin_init_surface(ren); renwin_clip_to_surface(ren); setup_renderer(ren, new_w, new_h); } #endif } void renwin_update_scale(RenWindow *ren) { #ifndef LITE_USE_SDL_RENDERER SDL_Surface *surface = SDL_GetWindowSurface(ren->window); int window_w = surface->w, window_h = surface->h; SDL_GetWindowSize(ren->window, &window_w, &window_h); ren->scale_x = (float)surface->w / window_w; ren->scale_y = (float)surface->h / window_h; #endif } void renwin_show_window(RenWindow *ren) { SDL_ShowWindow(ren->window); } void renwin_update_rects(RenWindow *ren, RenRect *rects, int count) { #ifdef LITE_USE_SDL_RENDERER const int scale = ren->rensurface.scale; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { const RenRect *r = &rects[i]; const int x = scale * r->x, y = scale * r->y; const int w = scale * r->width, h = scale * r->height; const SDL_Rect sr = {.x = x, .y = y, .w = w, .h = h}; int32_t *pixels = ((int32_t *) ren->rensurface.surface->pixels) + x + ren->rensurface.surface->w * y; SDL_UpdateTexture(ren->texture, &sr, pixels, ren->rensurface.surface->w * 4); } SDL_RenderCopy(ren->renderer, ren->texture, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(ren->renderer); #else SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects(ren->window, (SDL_Rect*) rects, count); #endif } void renwin_free(RenWindow *ren) { #ifdef LITE_USE_SDL_RENDERER SDL_DestroyTexture(ren->texture); SDL_DestroyRenderer(ren->renderer); SDL_FreeSurface(ren->rensurface.surface); #endif SDL_DestroyWindow(ren->window); ren->window = NULL; }