local core = require "core" local style = require "core.style" local DocView = require "core.docview" local command = require "core.command" local common = require "core.common" local t = { ["root:close"] = function() local node = core.root_view:get_active_node() node:close_active_view(core.root_view.root_node) end, ["root:switch-to-previous-tab"] = function() local node = core.root_view:get_active_node() local idx = node:get_view_idx(core.active_view) idx = idx - 1 if idx < 1 then idx = #node.views end node:set_active_view(node.views[idx]) end, ["root:switch-to-next-tab"] = function() local node = core.root_view:get_active_node() local idx = node:get_view_idx(core.active_view) idx = idx + 1 if idx > #node.views then idx = 1 end node:set_active_view(node.views[idx]) end, ["root:move-tab-left"] = function() local node = core.root_view:get_active_node() local idx = node:get_view_idx(core.active_view) if idx > 1 then table.remove(node.views, idx) table.insert(node.views, idx - 1, core.active_view) end end, ["root:move-tab-right"] = function() local node = core.root_view:get_active_node() local idx = node:get_view_idx(core.active_view) if idx < #node.views then table.remove(node.views, idx) table.insert(node.views, idx + 1, core.active_view) end end, ["root:shrink"] = function() local node = core.root_view:get_active_node() local parent = node:get_parent_node(core.root_view.root_node) local n = (parent.a == node) and -0.1 or 0.1 parent.divider = common.clamp(parent.divider + n, 0.1, 0.9) end, ["root:grow"] = function() local node = core.root_view:get_active_node() local parent = node:get_parent_node(core.root_view.root_node) local n = (parent.a == node) and 0.1 or -0.1 parent.divider = common.clamp(parent.divider + n, 0.1, 0.9) end, } for i = 1, 9 do t["root:switch-to-tab-" .. i] = function() local node = core.root_view:get_active_node() local view = node.views[i] if view then node:set_active_view(view) end end end for _, dir in ipairs { "left", "right", "up", "down" } do t["root:split-" .. dir] = function() local node = core.root_view:get_active_node() local av = node.active_view node:split(dir) if av:is(DocView) then core.root_view:open_doc(av.doc) end end t["root:switch-to-" .. dir] = function() local node = core.root_view:get_active_node() local x, y if dir == "left" or dir == "right" then y = node.position.y + node.size.y / 2 x = node.position.x + (dir == "left" and -1 or node.size.x + style.divider_size) else x = node.position.x + node.size.x / 2 y = node.position.y + (dir == "up" and -1 or node.size.y + style.divider_size) end local node = core.root_view.root_node:get_child_overlapping_point(x, y) if not node:get_locked_size() then core.active_view = node.active_view end end end command.add(function() local node = core.root_view:get_active_node() return not node:get_locked_size() end, t)