require "core.strict" local common = require "core.common" local config = require "core.config" local style = require "" local command local keymap local RootView local StatusView local CommandView local Doc local core = {} local function project_scan_thread() local function diff_files(a, b) if #a ~= #b then return true end for i, v in ipairs(a) do if b[i].filename ~= v.filename or b[i].modified ~= v.modified then return true end end end local function compare_file(a, b) return a.filename < b.filename end local function get_files(path, t) coroutine.yield() t = t or {} local size_limit = config.file_size_limit * 10e5 local all = system.list_dir(path) or {} local dirs, files = {}, {} local entries_count = 0 local max_entries = config.max_project_files for _, file in ipairs(all) do if not common.match_pattern(file, config.ignore_files) then local file = (path ~= "." and path .. PATHSEP or "") .. file local info = system.get_file_info(file) if info and info.size < size_limit then info.filename = file table.insert(info.type == "dir" and dirs or files, info) entries_count = entries_count + 1 if entries_count > max_entries then break end end end end table.sort(dirs, compare_file) for _, f in ipairs(dirs) do table.insert(t, f) if entries_count <= max_entries then local subdir_t, subdir_count = get_files(f.filename, t) entries_count = entries_count + subdir_count end end table.sort(files, compare_file) for _, f in ipairs(files) do table.insert(t, f) end return t, entries_count end while true do -- get project files and replace previous table if the new table is -- different local t, entries_count = get_files(".") if diff_files(core.project_files, t) then if entries_count > config.max_project_files then core.status_view:show_message("!", style.accent, "Too many files in project directory: stopping reading at ".. config.max_project_files.." files according to config.max_project_files.") end core.project_files = t core.redraw = true end -- wait for next scan if core.switch_project then system.chdir(core.switch_project) core.switch_project = nil else coroutine.yield(config.project_scan_rate) end end end -- create a directory using mkdir but may need to create the parent -- directories as well. local function create_user_directory() local dirname_create = USERDIR local basedir local subdirs = {} while dirname_create and dirname_create ~= "" do local success_mkdir = system.mkdir(dirname_create) if success_mkdir then break end dirname_create, basedir = dirname_create:match("(.*)[/\\](.+)$") if basedir then subdirs[#subdirs + 1] = basedir end end for _, dirname in ipairs(subdirs) do dirname_create = dirname_create .. '/' .. dirname local success_mkdir = system.mkdir(dirname_create) if not success_mkdir then error("cannot create directory: \"" .. dirname_create .. "\"") end end end local function write_user_init_file(init_filename) local init_file =, "w") if not init_file then error("cannot create file: \"" .. init_filename .. "\"") end init_file:write([[ -- put user settings here -- this module will be loaded after everything else when the application starts local keymap = require "core.keymap" local config = require "core.config" local style = require "" -- light theme: -- require "colors.summer" -- key binding: -- keymap.add { ["ctrl+escape"] = "core:quit" } ]]) init_file:close() end local function load_user_directory() local init_filename = USERDIR .. "/init.lua" local stat_info_dir = system.get_file_info(USERDIR) if not stat_info_dir then create_user_directory() end local stat_info_file = system.get_file_info(init_filename) if not stat_info_file then write_user_init_file(init_filename) end return dofile(init_filename) end function core.init() command = require "core.command" keymap = require "core.keymap" RootView = require "core.rootview" StatusView = require "core.statusview" CommandView = require "core.commandview" Doc = require "core.doc" local project_dir = "." local files = {} for i = 2, #ARGS do local info = system.get_file_info(ARGS[i]) or {} if info.type == "file" then table.insert(files, system.absolute_path(ARGS[i])) elseif info.type == "dir" then project_dir = ARGS[i] end end system.chdir(project_dir) core.frame_start = 0 core.clip_rect_stack = {{ 0,0,0,0 }} core.log_items = {} = {} core.threads = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" }) core.project_files = {} core.redraw = true core.visited_files = {} core.root_view = RootView() core.command_view = CommandView() core.status_view = StatusView() core.root_view.root_node.is_primary_view = true core.root_view.root_node:split("down", core.command_view, true) core.root_view.root_node.b:split("down", core.status_view, true) core.add_thread(project_scan_thread) command.add_defaults() local got_plugin_error = not core.load_plugins() local got_user_error = not core.try(load_user_directory) local got_project_error = not core.load_project_module() for _, filename in ipairs(files) do core.root_view:open_doc(core.open_doc(filename)) end if got_plugin_error or got_user_error or got_project_error then command.perform("core:open-log") end end function core.confirm_close_all() local dirty_count = 0 local dirty_name for _, doc in ipairs( do if doc:is_dirty() then dirty_count = dirty_count + 1 dirty_name = doc:get_name() end end if dirty_count > 0 then local text if dirty_count == 1 then text = string.format("\"%s\" has unsaved changes. Quit anyway?", dirty_name) else text = string.format("%d docs have unsaved changes. Quit anyway?", dirty_count) end local confirm = system.show_confirm_dialog("Unsaved Changes", text) if not confirm then return false end end return true end function core.quit(force) if core.confirm_close_all() then os.exit() end end function core.load_plugins() local no_errors = true local files = system.list_dir(DATADIR .. "/plugins") for _, filename in ipairs(files) do local modname = "plugins." .. filename:gsub(".lua$", "") local ok = core.try(require, modname) if ok then core.log_quiet("Loaded plugin %q", modname) else no_errors = false end end return no_errors end function core.load_project_module() local filename = ".lite_project.lua" if system.get_file_info(filename) then return core.try(function() local fn, err = loadfile(filename) if not fn then error("Error when loading project module:\n\t" .. err) end fn() core.log_quiet("Loaded project module") end) end return true end function core.reload_module(name) local old = package.loaded[name] package.loaded[name] = nil local new = require(name) if type(old) == "table" then for k, v in pairs(new) do old[k] = v end package.loaded[name] = old end end function core.set_visited(filename) for i = 1, #core.visited_files do if core.visited_files[i] == filename then table.remove(core.visited_files, i) break end end table.insert(core.visited_files, 1, filename) end function core.set_active_view(view) assert(view, "Tried to set active view to nil") if view ~= core.active_view then if view.doc and view.doc.filename then core.set_visited(view.doc.filename) end core.last_active_view = core.active_view core.active_view = view end end function core.add_thread(f, weak_ref) local key = weak_ref or #core.threads + 1 local fn = function() return core.try(f) end core.threads[key] = { cr = coroutine.create(fn), wake = 0 } end function core.push_clip_rect(x, y, w, h) local x2, y2, w2, h2 = table.unpack(core.clip_rect_stack[#core.clip_rect_stack]) local r, b, r2, b2 = x+w, y+h, x2+w2, y2+h2 x, y = math.max(x, x2), math.max(y, y2) b, r = math.min(b, b2), math.min(r, r2) w, h = r-x, b-y table.insert(core.clip_rect_stack, { x, y, w, h }) renderer.set_clip_rect(x, y, w, h) end function core.pop_clip_rect() table.remove(core.clip_rect_stack) local x, y, w, h = table.unpack(core.clip_rect_stack[#core.clip_rect_stack]) renderer.set_clip_rect(x, y, w, h) end function core.open_doc(filename) if filename then -- try to find existing doc for filename local abs_filename = system.absolute_path(filename) for _, doc in ipairs( do if doc.filename and abs_filename == system.absolute_path(doc.filename) then return doc end end end -- no existing doc for filename; create new local doc = Doc(filename) table.insert(, doc) core.log_quiet(filename and "Opened doc \"%s\"" or "Opened new doc", filename) return doc end function core.get_views_referencing_doc(doc) local res = {} local views = core.root_view.root_node:get_children() for _, view in ipairs(views) do if view.doc == doc then table.insert(res, view) end end return res end local function log(icon, icon_color, fmt, ...) local text = string.format(fmt, ...) if icon then core.status_view:show_message(icon, icon_color, text) end local info = debug.getinfo(2, "Sl") local at = string.format("%s:%d", info.short_src, info.currentline) local item = { text = text, time = os.time(), at = at } table.insert(core.log_items, item) if #core.log_items > config.max_log_items then table.remove(core.log_items, 1) end return item end function core.log(...) return log("i", style.text, ...) end function core.log_quiet(...) return log(nil, nil, ...) end function core.error(...) return log("!", style.accent, ...) end function core.try(fn, ...) local err local ok, res = xpcall(fn, function(msg) local item = core.error("%s", msg) = debug.traceback(nil, 2):gsub("\t", "") err = msg end, ...) if ok then return true, res end return false, err end function core.on_event(type, ...) local did_keymap = false if type == "textinput" then core.root_view:on_text_input(...) elseif type == "keypressed" then did_keymap = keymap.on_key_pressed(...) elseif type == "keyreleased" then keymap.on_key_released(...) elseif type == "mousemoved" then core.root_view:on_mouse_moved(...) elseif type == "mousepressed" then core.root_view:on_mouse_pressed(...) elseif type == "mousereleased" then core.root_view:on_mouse_released(...) elseif type == "mousewheel" then core.root_view:on_mouse_wheel(...) elseif type == "filedropped" then local filename, mx, my = ... local info = system.get_file_info(filename) if info and info.type == "dir" then system.exec(string.format("%q %q", EXEFILE, filename)) else local ok, doc = core.try(core.open_doc, filename) if ok then local node = core.root_view.root_node:get_child_overlapping_point(mx, my) node:set_active_view(node.active_view) core.root_view:open_doc(doc) end end elseif type == "focuslost" then core.root_view:on_focus_lost(...) elseif type == "quit" then core.quit() end return did_keymap end function core.step() -- handle events local did_keymap = false local mouse_moved = false local mouse = { x = 0, y = 0, dx = 0, dy = 0 } for type, a,b,c,d in system.poll_event do if type == "mousemoved" then mouse_moved = true mouse.x, mouse.y = a, b mouse.dx, mouse.dy = mouse.dx + c, mouse.dy + d elseif type == "textinput" and did_keymap then did_keymap = false else local _, res = core.try(core.on_event, type, a, b, c, d) did_keymap = res or did_keymap end core.redraw = true end if mouse_moved then core.try(core.on_event, "mousemoved", mouse.x, mouse.y, mouse.dx, mouse.dy) end local width, height = renderer.get_size() -- update core.root_view.size.x, core.root_view.size.y = width, height core.root_view:update() if not core.redraw then return false end core.redraw = false -- close unreferenced docs for i =, 1, -1 do local doc =[i] if #core.get_views_referencing_doc(doc) == 0 then table.remove(, i) core.log_quiet("Closed doc \"%s\"", doc:get_name()) end end -- update window title local name = core.active_view:get_name() local title = (name ~= "---") and (name .. " - lite") or "lite" if title ~= core.window_title then system.set_window_title(title) core.window_title = title end -- draw renderer.begin_frame() core.clip_rect_stack[1] = { 0, 0, width, height } renderer.set_clip_rect(table.unpack(core.clip_rect_stack[1])) core.root_view:draw() renderer.end_frame() return true end local run_threads = coroutine.wrap(function() while true do local max_time = 1 / config.fps - 0.004 local need_more_work = false for k, thread in pairs(core.threads) do -- run thread if thread.wake < system.get_time() then local _, wait = assert(coroutine.resume( if coroutine.status( == "dead" then if type(k) == "number" then table.remove(core.threads, k) else core.threads[k] = nil end elseif wait then thread.wake = system.get_time() + wait else need_more_work = true end end -- stop running threads if we're about to hit the end of frame if system.get_time() - core.frame_start > max_time then coroutine.yield(true) end end if not need_more_work then coroutine.yield(false) end end end) function local idle_iterations = 0 while true do core.frame_start = system.get_time() local did_redraw = core.step() local need_more_work = run_threads() if not did_redraw and not need_more_work then idle_iterations = idle_iterations + 1 -- do not wait of events at idle_iterations = 1 to give a chance at core.step to run -- and set "redraw" flag. if idle_iterations > 1 then if system.window_has_focus() then -- keep running even with no events to make the cursor blinks system.wait_event(1 / config.fps) else system.wait_event() end end else idle_iterations = 0 end local elapsed = system.get_time() - core.frame_start system.sleep(math.max(0, 1 / config.fps - elapsed)) end end function core.on_error(err) -- write error to file local fp = .. "/error.txt", "wb") fp:write("Error: " .. tostring(err) .. "\n") fp:write(debug.traceback(nil, 4)) fp:close() -- save copy of all unsaved documents for _, doc in ipairs( do if doc:is_dirty() and doc.filename then doc:save(doc.filename .. "~") end end end return core