#pragma once #include "agg_basics.h" #include "agg_conv_curve.h" #include "agg_conv_transform.h" #include "agg_gamma_lut.h" #include "agg_font_freetype.h" #include "agg_pixfmt_alpha8.h" #include "agg_rasterizer_scanline_aa.h" #include "agg_renderer_primitives.h" #include "agg_renderer_scanline.h" #include "agg_rendering_buffer.h" #include "agg_scanline_u.h" class font_renderer_alpha { typedef agg::pixfmt_alpha8 pixfmt_type; typedef agg::renderer_base base_ren_type; typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa_solid renderer_solid; typedef agg::font_engine_freetype_int32 font_engine_type; typedef agg::font_cache_manager font_manager_type; font_engine_type m_feng; font_manager_type m_fman; // Font rendering options. bool m_hinting; bool m_kerning; bool m_subpixel; bool m_prescale_x; bool m_font_loaded; // Pipeline to process the vectors glyph paths (curves + contour) agg::trans_affine m_mtx; agg::conv_curve m_curves; agg::conv_transform > m_trans; public: typedef agg::pixfmt_alpha8::color_type color_type; font_renderer_alpha(bool hinting, bool kerning, bool subpixel, bool prescale_x): m_feng(), m_fman(m_feng), m_hinting(hinting), m_kerning(kerning), m_subpixel(subpixel), m_prescale_x(prescale_x), m_font_loaded(false), m_curves(m_fman.path_adaptor()), m_trans(m_curves, m_mtx) { } int get_face_height() const { return m_feng.face_height(); } void get_font_vmetrics(double& ascender, double& descender) { double current_height = m_feng.height(); m_feng.height(1.0); ascender = m_feng.ascender(); descender = m_feng.descender(); m_feng.height(current_height); } float scale_for_em_to_pixels(float size) { int units_per_em = m_feng.face_units_em(); if (units_per_em > 0) { return size / units_per_em; } return 0.0; } bool load_font(const char *font_filename) { if(m_feng.load_font(font_filename, 0, agg::glyph_ren_outline)) { m_font_loaded = true; m_feng.hinting(m_hinting); } return m_font_loaded; } void set_font_height(double height) { const double scale_x = (m_prescale_x ? 100.0 : 1.0); m_feng.height(height); m_feng.width(height * scale_x); } template void draw_codepoint(Rasterizer& ras, Scanline& sl, RenSolid& ren_solid, const color_type color, int codepoint, double& x, double& y, const int subpixel_scale) { const double scale_x = (m_prescale_x ? 100.0 : 1.0); // Coefficient to scale back the glyph to the final scale. const double cx_inv_scale = subpixel_scale / scale_x; // Represent the delta in x scaled by scale_x. double x_delta = 0; double start_x = x; const agg::glyph_cache* glyph = m_fman.glyph(codepoint); if(glyph) { if(m_kerning) { m_fman.add_kerning(&x_delta, &y); } m_fman.init_embedded_adaptors(glyph, 0, 0); if(glyph->data_type == agg::glyph_data_outline) { double ty = m_hinting ? floor(y + 0.5) : y; ras.reset(); m_mtx.reset(); m_mtx *= agg::trans_affine_scaling(cx_inv_scale, 1); m_mtx *= agg::trans_affine_translation(start_x + cx_inv_scale * x_delta, ty); ras.add_path(m_trans); ren_solid.color(color); agg::render_scanlines(ras, sl, ren_solid); } y += glyph->advance_y; x += cx_inv_scale * (x_delta + glyph->advance_x); } } void clear(agg::rendering_buffer& ren_buf, const color_type color) { pixfmt_type pf(ren_buf); base_ren_type ren_base(pf); ren_base.clear(color); } void render_codepoint(agg::rendering_buffer& ren_buf, const color_type text_color, double& x, double& y, int codepoint, const int subpixel_scale) { if (!m_font_loaded) { return; } agg::scanline_u8 sl; agg::rasterizer_scanline_aa<> ras; ras.clip_box(0, 0, ren_buf.width(), ren_buf.height()); agg::pixfmt_alpha8 pf(ren_buf); base_ren_type ren_base(pf); renderer_solid ren_solid(ren_base); draw_codepoint(ras, sl, ren_solid, text_color, codepoint, x, y, subpixel_scale); } };