local core = require "core" local common = require "core.common" local style = require "core.style" local View = require "core.view" local icon_colors = { bg = { common.color "#2e2e32ff" }, color6 = { common.color "#e1e1e6ff" }, color7 = { common.color "#ffa94dff" }, color8 = { common.color "#93ddfaff" }, color9 = { common.color "#f7c95cff" } }; local restore_command = { symbol = "w", action = function() system.set_window_mode(core.window, "normal") end } local maximize_command = { symbol = "W", action = function() system.set_window_mode(core.window, "maximized") end } local title_commands = { {symbol = "_", action = function() system.set_window_mode(core.window, "minimized") end}, maximize_command, {symbol = "X", action = function() core.quit() end}, } ---@class core.titleview : core.view ---@field super core.view local TitleView = View:extend() local function title_view_height() return style.font:get_height() + style.padding.y * 2 end function TitleView:new() TitleView.super.new(self) self.visible = true end function TitleView:configure_hit_test(borderless) if borderless then local title_height = title_view_height() local icon_w = style.icon_font:get_width("_") local icon_spacing = icon_w local controls_width = (icon_w + icon_spacing) * #title_commands + icon_spacing system.set_window_hit_test(title_height, controls_width, icon_spacing) -- core.hit_test_title_height = title_height else system.set_window_hit_test() end end function TitleView:on_scale_change() self:configure_hit_test(self.visible) end function TitleView:update() self.size.y = self.visible and title_view_height() or 0 title_commands[2] = core.window_mode == "maximized" and restore_command or maximize_command TitleView.super.update(self) end function TitleView:draw_window_title() local h = style.font:get_height() local ox, oy = self:get_content_offset() local color = style.text local x, y = ox + style.padding.x, oy + style.padding.y common.draw_text(style.icon_font, icon_colors.bg, "5", nil, x, y, 0, h) common.draw_text(style.icon_font, icon_colors.color6, "6", nil, x, y, 0, h) common.draw_text(style.icon_font, icon_colors.color7, "7", nil, x, y, 0, h) common.draw_text(style.icon_font, icon_colors.color8, "8", nil, x, y, 0, h) x = common.draw_text(style.icon_font, icon_colors.color9, "9 ", nil, x, y, 0, h) local title = core.compose_window_title(core.window_title) common.draw_text(style.font, color, title, nil, x, y, 0, h) end function TitleView:each_control_item() local icon_h, icon_w = style.icon_font:get_height(), style.icon_font:get_width("_") local icon_spacing = icon_w local ox, oy = self:get_content_offset() ox = ox + self.size.x local i, n = 0, #title_commands local iter = function() i = i + 1 if i <= n then local dx = - (icon_w + icon_spacing) * (n - i + 1) local dy = style.padding.y return title_commands[i], ox + dx, oy + dy, icon_w, icon_h end end return iter end function TitleView:draw_window_controls() for item, x, y, w, h in self:each_control_item() do local color = item == self.hovered_item and style.text or style.dim common.draw_text(style.icon_font, color, item.symbol, nil, x, y, 0, h) end end function TitleView:on_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks) local caught = TitleView.super.on_mouse_pressed(self, button, x, y, clicks) if caught then return end core.set_active_view(core.last_active_view) if self.hovered_item then self.hovered_item.action() end end function TitleView:on_mouse_left() TitleView.super.on_mouse_left(self) self.hovered_item = nil end function TitleView:on_mouse_moved(px, py, ...) if self.size.y == 0 then return end TitleView.super.on_mouse_moved(self, px, py, ...) self.hovered_item = nil local x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = self.size.x, 0, self.size.y, 0 for item, x, y, w, h in self:each_control_item() do x_min, x_max = math.min(x, x_min), math.max(x + w, x_max) y_min, y_max = y, y + h if px > x and py > y and px <= x + w and py <= y + h then self.hovered_item = item return end end end function TitleView:draw() self:draw_background(style.background2) self:draw_window_title() self:draw_window_controls() end return TitleView