#include "font_renderer.h" #include "agg_lcd_distribution_lut.h" #include "agg_pixfmt_rgb.h" #include "agg_pixfmt_rgba.h" #include "font_renderer_alpha.h" // Important: when a subpixel scale is used the width below will be the width in logical pixel. // As each logical pixel contains 3 subpixels it means that the 'pixels' pointer // will hold enough space for '3 * width' uint8_t values. struct FR_Bitmap { agg::int8u *pixels; int width, height; }; class FR_Renderer { public: // Conventional LUT values: (1./3., 2./9., 1./9.) // The values below are fine tuned as in the Elementary Plot library. FR_Renderer(bool hinting, bool kerning, bool subpixel, bool prescale_x) : m_renderer(hinting, kerning, subpixel, prescale_x), m_lcd_lut(0.448, 0.184, 0.092), m_subpixel(subpixel) { } font_renderer_alpha& renderer_alpha() { return m_renderer; } agg::lcd_distribution_lut& lcd_distribution_lut() { return m_lcd_lut; } int subpixel_scale() const { return (m_subpixel ? 3 : 1); } private: font_renderer_alpha m_renderer; agg::lcd_distribution_lut m_lcd_lut; int m_subpixel; }; FR_Renderer *FR_Renderer_New(unsigned int flags) { bool hinting = ((flags & FR_HINTING) != 0); bool kerning = ((flags & FR_KERNING) != 0); bool subpixel = ((flags & FR_SUBPIXEL) != 0); bool prescale_x = ((flags & FR_PRESCALE_X) != 0); return new FR_Renderer(hinting, kerning, subpixel, prescale_x); } FR_Bitmap* FR_Bitmap_New(FR_Renderer *font_renderer, int width, int height) { const int subpixel_scale = font_renderer->subpixel_scale(); FR_Bitmap *image = (FR_Bitmap *) malloc(sizeof(FR_Bitmap) + width * height * subpixel_scale); if (!image) { return NULL; } image->pixels = (agg::int8u *) (image + 1); image->width = width; image->height = height; return image; } void FR_Bitmap_Free(FR_Bitmap *image) { free(image); } void FR_Renderer_Free(FR_Renderer *font_renderer) { delete font_renderer; } int FR_Subpixel_Scale(FR_Renderer *font_renderer) { return font_renderer->subpixel_scale(); } int FR_Load_Font(FR_Renderer *font_renderer, const char *filename) { bool success = font_renderer->renderer_alpha().load_font(filename); return (success ? 0 : 1); } int FR_Get_Font_Height(FR_Renderer *font_renderer, float size) { font_renderer_alpha& renderer_alpha = font_renderer->renderer_alpha(); double ascender, descender; renderer_alpha.get_font_vmetrics(ascender, descender); int face_height = renderer_alpha.get_face_height(); float scale = renderer_alpha.scale_for_em_to_pixels(size); return int((ascender - descender) * face_height * scale + 0.5); } static void glyph_trim_rect(agg::rendering_buffer& ren_buf, FR_Bitmap_Glyph_Metrics& gli, int subpixel_scale) { const int height = ren_buf.height(); int x0 = gli.x0 * subpixel_scale, x1 = gli.x1 * subpixel_scale; int y0 = gli.y0, y1 = gli.y1; for (int y = gli.y0; y < gli.y1; y++) { const uint8_t *row = ren_buf.row_ptr(height - 1 - y); unsigned int row_bitsum = 0; for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++) { row_bitsum |= row[x]; } if (row_bitsum == 0) { y0++; } else { break; } } for (int y = gli.y1 - 1; y >= y0; y--) { const uint8_t *row = ren_buf.row_ptr(height - 1 - y); unsigned int row_bitsum = 0; for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++) { row_bitsum |= row[x]; } if (row_bitsum == 0) { y1--; } else { break; } } for (int x = gli.x0 * subpixel_scale; x < gli.x1 * subpixel_scale; x += subpixel_scale) { unsigned int xaccu = 0; for (int y = y0; y < y1; y++) { const uint8_t *row = ren_buf.row_ptr(height - 1 - y); for (int i = 0; i < subpixel_scale; i++) { xaccu |= row[x + i]; } } if (xaccu == 0) { x0 += subpixel_scale; } else { break; } } for (int x = (gli.x1 - 1) * subpixel_scale; x >= x0; x -= subpixel_scale) { unsigned int xaccu = 0; for (int y = y0; y < y1; y++) { const uint8_t *row = ren_buf.row_ptr(height - 1 - y); for (int i = 0; i < subpixel_scale; i++) { xaccu |= row[x + i]; } } if (xaccu == 0) { x1 -= subpixel_scale; } else { break; } } gli.xoff += (x0 / subpixel_scale) - gli.x0; gli.yoff += (y0 - gli.y0); gli.x0 = x0 / subpixel_scale; gli.y0 = y0; gli.x1 = x1 / subpixel_scale; gli.y1 = y1; } static void glyph_lut_convolution(agg::rendering_buffer ren_buf, agg::lcd_distribution_lut& lcd_lut, agg::int8u *covers_buf, FR_Bitmap_Glyph_Metrics& gli) { const int subpixel = 3; const int x0 = gli.x0, y0 = gli.y0, x1 = gli.x1, y1 = gli.y1; const int len = (x1 - x0) * subpixel; const int height = ren_buf.height(); for (int y = y0; y < y1; y++) { agg::int8u *covers = ren_buf.row_ptr(height - 1 - y) + x0 * subpixel; memcpy(covers_buf, covers, len); for (int x = x0 - 1; x < x1 + 1; x++) { for (int i = 0; i < subpixel; i++) { const int cx = (x - x0) * subpixel + i; covers[cx] = lcd_lut.convolution(covers_buf, cx, 0, len - 1); } } } gli.x0 -= 1; gli.x1 += 1; gli.xoff -= 1; } // The two functions below are needed because in C and C++ integer division // is rounded toward zero. // euclidean division rounded toward positive infinite static int div_pos(int n, int p) { return n >= 0 ? (n + p - 1) / p : (n / p); } // euclidean division rounded toward negative infinite static int div_neg(int n, int p) { return n >= 0 ? (n / p) : ((n - p + 1) / p); } FR_Bitmap *FR_Bake_Font_Bitmap(FR_Renderer *font_renderer, int font_height, int first_char, int num_chars, FR_Bitmap_Glyph_Metrics *glyphs) { font_renderer_alpha& renderer_alpha = font_renderer->renderer_alpha(); agg::lcd_distribution_lut& lcd_lut = font_renderer->lcd_distribution_lut(); const int subpixel_scale = font_renderer->subpixel_scale(); double ascender, descender; renderer_alpha.get_font_vmetrics(ascender, descender); const int ascender_px = int(ascender * font_height); const int pad_y = 1; // When using subpixel font rendering it is needed to leave a padding pixel on the left and on the right. // Since each pixel is composed by n subpixel we set below x_start to subpixel_scale instead than zero. // In addition we need one more pixel on the left because of subpixel positioning so // it adds up to 2 * subpixel_scale. // Note about the coordinates: they are AGG-like so x is positive toward the right and // y is positive in the upper direction. const int x_start = 2 * subpixel_scale; const agg::alpha8 text_color(0xff); #ifdef FONT_RENDERER_HEIGHT_HACK const int font_height_reduced = (font_height * 86) / 100; #else const int font_height_reduced = font_height; #endif renderer_alpha.set_font_height(font_height_reduced); int *index = (int *) malloc(num_chars * sizeof(int)); agg::rect_i *bounds = (agg::rect_i *) malloc(num_chars * sizeof(agg::rect_i)); if (!index || !bounds) { free(index); free(bounds); return NULL; } int x_size_sum = 0, glyph_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_chars; i++) { int codepoint = first_char + i; index[i] = i; if (renderer_alpha.codepoint_bounds(codepoint, subpixel_scale, bounds[i])) { // Invalid glyph bounds[i].x1 = 0; bounds[i].y1 = 0; bounds[i].x2 = -1; bounds[i].y2 = -1; } else { if (bounds[i].x2 > bounds[i].x1) { x_size_sum += bounds[i].x2 - bounds[i].x1; glyph_count++; } bounds[i].x1 = subpixel_scale * div_neg(bounds[i].x1, subpixel_scale); bounds[i].x2 = subpixel_scale * div_pos(bounds[i].x2, subpixel_scale); } } // Simple insertion sort algorithm: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insertion_sort int i = 1; while (i < num_chars) { int j = i; while (j > 0 && bounds[index[j-1]].y2 - bounds[index[j-1]].y1 > bounds[index[j]].y2 - bounds[index[j]].y1) { int tmp = index[j]; index[j] = index[j-1]; index[j-1] = tmp; j = j - 1; } i = i + 1; } const int glyph_avg_width = glyph_count > 0 ? x_size_sum / (glyph_count * subpixel_scale) : font_height; const int pixels_width = glyph_avg_width * 28; // dry run simulating pixel position to estimate required image's height int x = x_start, y = 0, y_bottom = y; for (int i = 0; i < num_chars; i++) { const agg::rect_i& gbounds = bounds[index[i]]; if (gbounds.x2 < gbounds.x1) continue; // 1. It is very important to ensure that the x's increment below (1) and in // (2), (3) and (4) are perfectly the same. // Note that x_step below is always an integer multiple of subpixel_scale. const int x_step = gbounds.x2 + 3 * subpixel_scale; if (x + x_step >= pixels_width * subpixel_scale) { x = x_start; y = y_bottom; } // 5. Ensure that y's increment below is exactly the same to the one used in (6) const int glyph_y_bottom = y - 2 * pad_y - (gbounds.y2 - gbounds.y1); y_bottom = (y_bottom > glyph_y_bottom ? glyph_y_bottom : y_bottom); // 2. Ensure x's increment is aligned with (1) x = x + x_step; } agg::int8u *cover_swap_buffer = (agg::int8u *) malloc(sizeof(agg::int8u) * (pixels_width * subpixel_scale)); if (!cover_swap_buffer) { free(index); free(bounds); return NULL; } const int pixels_height = -y_bottom + 1; const int pixel_size = 1; FR_Bitmap *image = FR_Bitmap_New(font_renderer, pixels_width, pixels_height); if (!image) { free(index); free(bounds); free(cover_swap_buffer); return NULL; } agg::int8u *pixels = image->pixels; memset(pixels, 0x00, pixels_width * pixels_height * subpixel_scale * pixel_size); agg::rendering_buffer ren_buf(pixels, pixels_width * subpixel_scale, pixels_height, -pixels_width * subpixel_scale * pixel_size); // The variable y_bottom will be used to go down to the next row by taking into // account the space occupied by each glyph of the current row along the y direction. x = x_start; // Set y to the image's height minus one to begin writing glyphs in the upper part of the image. y = pixels_height - 1; y_bottom = y; for (int i = 0; i < num_chars; i++) { // Important: the variable x in this loop should always be an integer multiple // of subpixel_scale. int codepoint = first_char + index[i]; const agg::rect_i& gbounds = bounds[index[i]]; if (gbounds.x2 < gbounds.x1) continue; // 3. Ensure x's increment is aligned with (1) // Note that x_step below is always an integer multiple of subpixel_scale. // We need 3 * subpixel_scale because: // . +1 pixel on the left, because of RGB color filter // . +1 pixel on the right, because of RGB color filter // . +1 pixel on the right, because of subpixel positioning // and each pixel requires "subpixel_scale" sub-pixels. const int x_step = gbounds.x2 + 3 * subpixel_scale; if (x + x_step >= pixels_width * subpixel_scale) { // No more space along x, begin writing the row below. x = x_start; y = y_bottom; } const int y_baseline = y - pad_y - gbounds.y2; // 6. Ensure the y's increment below is aligned with the increment used in (5) const int glyph_y_bottom = y - 2 * pad_y - (gbounds.y2 - gbounds.y1); y_bottom = (y_bottom > glyph_y_bottom ? glyph_y_bottom : y_bottom); double x_next = x, y_next = y_baseline; renderer_alpha.render_codepoint(ren_buf, text_color, x_next, y_next, codepoint, subpixel_scale); // The y coordinate for the glyph below is positive in the bottom direction, // like is used by Lite's drawing system. FR_Bitmap_Glyph_Metrics& glyph_info = glyphs[index[i]]; glyph_info.x0 = x / subpixel_scale; glyph_info.y0 = pixels_height - 1 - (y_baseline + gbounds.y2 + pad_y); glyph_info.x1 = div_pos(x_next + 0.5, subpixel_scale); glyph_info.y1 = pixels_height - 1 - (y_baseline + gbounds.y1 - pad_y); glyph_info.xoff = 0; glyph_info.yoff = -pad_y - gbounds.y2 + ascender_px; // Note that below the xadvance is in pixels times the subpixel_scale. // This is meant for subpixel positioning. glyph_info.xadvance = roundf(x_next - x); if (subpixel_scale != 1 && glyph_info.x1 > glyph_info.x0) { glyph_lut_convolution(ren_buf, lcd_lut, cover_swap_buffer, glyph_info); } glyph_trim_rect(ren_buf, glyph_info, subpixel_scale); // When subpixel is activated we need one padding pixel on the left and on the right // and one more because of subpixel positioning. // 4. Ensure x's increment is aligned with (1) x = x + x_step; } free(index); free(bounds); free(cover_swap_buffer); return image; } template <typename Order> void blend_solid_hspan(agg::rendering_buffer& rbuf, int x, int y, unsigned len, const agg::rgba8& c, const agg::int8u* covers) { const int pixel_size = 4; agg::int8u* p = rbuf.row_ptr(y) + x * pixel_size; do { const unsigned alpha = *covers; const unsigned r = p[Order::R], g = p[Order::G], b = p[Order::B]; p[Order::R] = (((unsigned(c.r) - r) * alpha) >> 8) + r; p[Order::G] = (((unsigned(c.g) - g) * alpha) >> 8) + g; p[Order::B] = (((unsigned(c.b) - b) * alpha) >> 8) + b; // Leave p[3], the alpha channel value unmodified. p += 4; ++covers; } while(--len); } template <typename Order> void blend_solid_hspan_subpixel(agg::rendering_buffer& rbuf, agg::lcd_distribution_lut& lcd_lut, const int x, const int y, unsigned len, const agg::rgba8& c, const agg::int8u* covers) { const int pixel_size = 4; const unsigned rgb[3] = { c.r, c.g, c.b }; agg::int8u* p = rbuf.row_ptr(y) + x * pixel_size; // Indexes to adress RGB colors in a BGRA32 format. const int pixel_index[3] = {Order::R, Order::G, Order::B}; for (unsigned cx = 0; cx < len; cx += 3) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const unsigned cover_value = covers[cx + i]; const unsigned alpha = (cover_value + 1) * (c.a + 1); const unsigned src_col = *(p + pixel_index[i]); *(p + pixel_index[i]) = (((rgb[i] - src_col) * alpha) + (src_col << 16)) >> 16; } // Leave p[3], the alpha channel value unmodified. p += 4; } } // destination implicitly BGRA32. Source implictly single-byte renderer_alpha coverage with subpixel scale = 3. // FIXME: consider using something like RenColor* instead of uint8_t * for dst. void FR_Blend_Glyph(FR_Renderer *font_renderer, FR_Clip_Area *clip, int x_mult, int y, uint8_t *dst, int dst_width, const FR_Bitmap *glyphs_bitmap, const FR_Bitmap_Glyph_Metrics *glyph, FR_Color color) { agg::lcd_distribution_lut& lcd_lut = font_renderer->lcd_distribution_lut(); const int subpixel_scale = font_renderer->subpixel_scale(); const int pixel_size = 4; // Pixel size for BGRA32 format. int x = x_mult / subpixel_scale; x += glyph->xoff; y += glyph->yoff; int glyph_x = glyph->x0, glyph_y = glyph->y0; int glyph_x_subpixel = -(x_mult % subpixel_scale); int glyph_width = glyph->x1 - glyph->x0; int glyph_height = glyph->y1 - glyph->y0; int n; if ((n = clip->left - x) > 0) { glyph_width -= n; glyph_x += n; x += n; } if ((n = clip->top - y) > 0) { glyph_height -= n; glyph_y += n; y += n; } if ((n = x + glyph_width - clip->right ) > 0) { glyph_width -= n; } if ((n = y + glyph_height - clip->bottom) > 0) { glyph_height -= n; } if (glyph_width <= 0 || glyph_height <= 0) { return; } dst += (x + y * dst_width) * pixel_size; agg::rendering_buffer dst_ren_buf(dst, glyph_width, glyph_height, dst_width * pixel_size); uint8_t *src = glyphs_bitmap->pixels + (glyph_x + glyph_y * glyphs_bitmap->width) * subpixel_scale + glyph_x_subpixel; int src_stride = glyphs_bitmap->width * subpixel_scale; const agg::rgba8 color_a(color.r, color.g, color.b); for (int x = 0, y = 0; y < glyph_height; y++) { agg::int8u *covers = src + y * src_stride; if (subpixel_scale == 1) { blend_solid_hspan<agg::order_bgra>(dst_ren_buf, x, y, glyph_width, color_a, covers); } else { blend_solid_hspan_subpixel<agg::order_bgra>(dst_ren_buf, lcd_lut, x, y, glyph_width * subpixel_scale, color_a, covers); } } }