local common = require "core.common" local dirwatch = {} function dirwatch:__index(idx) local value = rawget(self, idx) if value ~= nil then return value end return dirwatch[idx] end function dirwatch.new() local t = { scanned = {}, watched = {}, reverse_watched = {}, monitor = dirmonitor.new(), windows_watch_top = nil, windows_watch_count = 0 } setmetatable(t, dirwatch) return t end function dirwatch:scan(directory, bool) if bool == false then return self:unwatch(directory) end self.scanned[directory] = system.get_file_info(directory).modified end -- Should be called on every directory in a subdirectory. -- In windows, this is a no-op for anything underneath a top-level directory, -- but code should be called anyway, so we can ensure that we have a proper -- experience across all platforms. function dirwatch:watch(directory, bool) if bool == false then return self:unwatch(directory) end if not self.watched[directory] and not self.scanned[directory] then if PLATFORM == "Windows" then if not self.windows_watch_top or directory:find(self.windows_watch_top, 1, true) ~= 1 then -- Get the highest level of directory that is common to this directory, and the original. local target = directory while self.windows_watch_top and self.windows_watch_top:find(target, 1, true) ~= 1 do target = common.dirname(target) end if target ~= self.windows_watch_top then local value = self.monitor:watch(target) if value and value < 0 then return self:scan(directory) end self.windows_watch_top = target self.windows_watch_count = self.windows_watch_count + 1 end end self.watched[directory] = true elseif PLATFORM == "AmigaOS 4" then return self:scan(directory) else local value = self.monitor:watch(directory) -- If for whatever reason, we can't watch this directory, revert back to scanning. -- Don't bother trying to find out why, for now. if value and value < 0 then return self:scan(directory) end self.watched[directory] = value self.reverse_watched[value] = directory end end end function dirwatch:unwatch(directory) if self.watched[directory] then if PLATFORM ~= "Windows" then self.monitor.unwatch(directory) self.reverse_watched[self.watched[directory]] = nil else self.windows_watch_count = self.windows_watch_count - 1 if self.windows_watch_count == 0 then self.windows_watch_top = nil self.monitor.unwatch(directory) end end self.watched[directory] = nil elseif self.scanned[directory] then self.scanned[directory] = nil end end -- designed to be run inside a coroutine. function dirwatch:check(change_callback, scan_time, wait_time) self.monitor:check(function(id) if PLATFORM == "Windows" then change_callback(common.dirname(self.windows_watch_top .. PATHSEP .. id)) elseif self.reverse_watched[id] then change_callback(self.reverse_watched[id]) end end) local start_time = system.get_time() for directory, old_modified in pairs(self.scanned) do if old_modified then local new_modified = system.get_file_info(directory).modified if old_modified < new_modified then change_callback(directory) self.scanned[directory] = new_modified end end if system.get_time() - start_time > scan_time then coroutine.yield(wait_time) start_time = system.get_time() end end end return dirwatch