-- mod-version:3 local style = require "core.style" local DocView = require "core.docview" local common = require "core.common" local config = require "core.config" local Highlighter = require "core.doc.highlighter" config.plugins.drawwhitespace = common.merge({ enabled = true, show_leading = true, show_trailing = true, show_middle = true, show_middle_min = 1, color = style.syntax.whitespace or style.syntax.comment, leading_color = nil, middle_color = nil, trailing_color = nil, substitutions = { { char = " ", sub = "·", -- You can put any of the previous options here too. -- For example: -- show_middle_min = 2, -- show_leading = false, }, { char = "\t", sub = "»", }, }, config_spec = { name = "Draw Whitespace", { label = "Enabled", description = "Disable or enable the drawing of white spaces.", path = "enabled", type = "toggle", default = true }, { label = "Show Leading", description = "Draw whitespaces starting at the beginning of a line.", path = "show_leading", type = "toggle", default = true, }, { label = "Show Middle", description = "Draw whitespaces on the middle of a line.", path = "show_middle", type = "toggle", default = true, }, { label = "Show Trailing", description = "Draw whitespaces on the end of a line.", path = "show_trailing", type = "toggle", default = true, }, { label = "Show Trailing as Error", description = "Uses an error square to spot them easily, requires 'Show Trailing' enabled.", path = "show_trailing_error", type = "toggle", default = false, on_apply = function(enabled) local found = nil local substitutions = config.plugins.drawwhitespace.substitutions for i, sub in ipairs(substitutions) do if sub.trailing_error then found = i end end if found == nil and enabled then table.insert(substitutions, { char = " ", sub = "█", show_leading = false, show_middle = false, show_trailing = true, trailing_color = style.error, trailing_error = true }) elseif found ~= nil and not enabled then table.remove(substitutions, found) end end } } }, config.plugins.drawwhitespace) local ws_cache local cached_settings local function reset_cache() ws_cache = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" }) local settings = config.plugins.drawwhitespace cached_settings = { show_leading = settings.show_leading, show_trailing = settings.show_trailing, show_middle = settings.show_middle, show_middle_min = settings.show_middle_min, color = settings.color, leading_color = settings.leading_color, middle_color = settings.middle_color, trailing_color = settings.trailing_color, substitutions = settings.substitutions, } end reset_cache() local function reset_cache_if_needed() local settings = config.plugins.drawwhitespace if not ws_cache or cached_settings.show_leading ~= settings.show_leading or cached_settings.show_trailing ~= settings.show_trailing or cached_settings.show_middle ~= settings.show_middle or cached_settings.show_middle_min ~= settings.show_middle_min or cached_settings.color ~= settings.color or cached_settings.leading_color ~= settings.leading_color or cached_settings.middle_color ~= settings.middle_color or cached_settings.trailing_color ~= settings.trailing_color -- we assume that the entire table changes or cached_settings.substitutions ~= settings.substitutions then reset_cache() end end -- Move cache to make space for new lines local prev_insert_notify = Highlighter.insert_notify function Highlighter:insert_notify(line, n, ...) prev_insert_notify(self, line, n, ...) if not ws_cache[self] then ws_cache[self] = {} end local to = math.min(line + n, #self.doc.lines) for i=#self.doc.lines+n,to,-1 do ws_cache[self][i] = ws_cache[self][i - n] end for i=line,to do ws_cache[self][i] = nil end end -- Close the cache gap created by removed lines local prev_remove_notify = Highlighter.remove_notify function Highlighter:remove_notify(line, n, ...) prev_remove_notify(self, line, n, ...) if not ws_cache[self] then ws_cache[self] = {} end local to = math.max(line + n, #self.doc.lines) for i=line,to do ws_cache[self][i] = ws_cache[self][i + n] end end -- Remove changed lines from the cache local prev_update_notify = Highlighter.update_notify function Highlighter:update_notify(line, n, ...) prev_update_notify(self, line, n, ...) if not ws_cache[self] then ws_cache[self] = {} end for i=line,line+n do ws_cache[self][i] = nil end end local function get_option(substitution, option) if substitution[option] == nil then return config.plugins.drawwhitespace[option] end return substitution[option] end local draw_line_text = DocView.draw_line_text function DocView:draw_line_text(idx, x, y) if not config.plugins.drawwhitespace.enabled or getmetatable(self) ~= DocView then return draw_line_text(self, idx, x, y) end local font = (self:get_font() or style.syntax_fonts["whitespace"] or style.syntax_fonts["comment"]) reset_cache_if_needed() if not ws_cache[self.doc.highlighter] or ws_cache[self.doc.highlighter].font ~= font then ws_cache[self.doc.highlighter] = {font = font} end if not ws_cache[self.doc.highlighter][idx] then -- need to cache line local cache = {} local tx local text = self.doc.lines[idx] for _, substitution in pairs(config.plugins.drawwhitespace.substitutions) do local char = substitution.char local sub = substitution.sub local offset = 1 local show_leading = get_option(substitution, "show_leading") local show_middle = get_option(substitution, "show_middle") local show_trailing = get_option(substitution, "show_trailing") local show_middle_min = get_option(substitution, "show_middle_min") local base_color = get_option(substitution, "color") local leading_color = get_option(substitution, "leading_color") or base_color local middle_color = get_option(substitution, "middle_color") or base_color local trailing_color = get_option(substitution, "trailing_color") or base_color local pattern = char.."+" while true do local s, e = text:find(pattern, offset) if not s then break end tx = self:get_col_x_offset(idx, s) local color = base_color local draw = false if e == #text - 1 then draw = show_trailing color = trailing_color elseif s == 1 then draw = show_leading color = leading_color else draw = show_middle and (e - s + 1 >= show_middle_min) color = middle_color end if draw then local last_cache_idx = #cache -- We need to draw tabs one at a time because they might have a -- different size than the substituting character. -- This also applies to any other char if we use non-monospace fonts -- but we ignore this case for now. if char == "\t" then for i = s,e do tx = self:get_col_x_offset(idx, i) cache[last_cache_idx + 1] = sub cache[last_cache_idx + 2] = tx cache[last_cache_idx + 3] = font:get_width(sub) cache[last_cache_idx + 4] = color last_cache_idx = last_cache_idx + 4 end else cache[last_cache_idx + 1] = string.rep(sub, e - s + 1) cache[last_cache_idx + 2] = tx cache[last_cache_idx + 3] = font:get_width(cache[last_cache_idx + 1]) cache[last_cache_idx + 4] = color end end offset = e + 1 end end ws_cache[self.doc.highlighter][idx] = cache end -- draw from cache local x1, _, x2, _ = self:get_content_bounds() x1 = x1 + x x2 = x2 + x local ty = y + self:get_line_text_y_offset() local cache = ws_cache[self.doc.highlighter][idx] for i=1,#cache,4 do local sub = cache[i] local tx = cache[i + 1] + x local tw = cache[i + 2] local color = cache[i + 3] if tx + tw >= x1 then tx = renderer.draw_text(font, sub, tx, ty, color) end if tx > x2 then break end end return draw_line_text(self, idx, x, y) end