# cross file for WASM. # use this file by running meson setup --cross-file resources/cross/wasm.txt [constants] # a list of functions that can run without being asyncified; proceed with caution asyncify_ignores = '["SDL_BlitScaled","SDL_UpperBlitScaled","SDL_MapRGB*","SDL_FillRect","SDL_FreeSurface","SDL_CreateRGBSurface","SDL_GetWindowSurface","SDL_PollEvent","SDL_CreateSystemCursor","SDL_SetWindowTitle","SDL_SetCursor","SDL_GetWindowSize","SDL_GetWindowPosition","lua_push*","lua_rawget*","luaL_check*","pcre2*","FT_*","Bezier_*","g_*","FT_*","ft_*","TT_*","tt_*","__*","*printf","gray_*","fopen","fclose","fread","fflush","qsort","sift"]' # enable advising for optimizing the list above; disable this to prevent flooding logs asyncify_advise = '0' # initial heap size in bytes; make sure it is not too low (around 64mb - 250mb) initial_heap = '104857600' # Emscripten is not always added to PATH. # Replace this variable with the path to Emscripten; # or supply a second machine file that defines this variable. toolchain = '' [binaries] c = toolchain / 'emcc' cpp = toolchain / 'em++' ar = toolchain / 'emar' strip = toolchain / 'emstrip' cmake = [toolchain / 'emmake', 'cmake'] pkg-config = [toolchain / 'emconfigure', 'pkg-config'] sdl2-config = [toolchain / 'emconfigure', 'sdl2-config'] file_packager = ['python3', toolchain / 'tools/file_packager.py'] [properties] needs_exe_wrapper = true [built-in options] c_args = [] c_link_args = [] cpp_args = [] cpp_link_args = [] [project options] buildtype = 'release' portable = true arch_tuple = 'wasm32-unknown' wrap_mode = 'nofallback' force_fallback_for = 'lua,pcre2,freetype2' c_link_args = ['-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1', '-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=' + initial_heap, '-s', 'ASYNCIFY=1', '-s', 'ASYNCIFY_ADVISE=' + asyncify_advise, '-s', 'ASYNCIFY_STACK_SIZE=6144', '-s', 'ASYNCIFY_REMOVE=' + asyncify_ignores, '-s', 'FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1', '-lidbfs.js'] [host_machine] system = 'emscripten' cpu_family = 'wasm32' cpu = 'wasm32' endian = 'little'