; test { and } root=true ; word choice [*.{py,js,html}] choice=true ; single choice [{single}.b] choice=single ; empty choice [{}.c] empty=all ; choice with empty word [a{b,c,}.d] empty=word ; choice with empty words [a{,b,,c,}.e] empty=words ; no closing brace [{.f] closing=false ; nested braces [{word,{also},this}.g] nested=true ; nested braces, adjacent at start [{{a,b},c}.k] nested_start=true ; nested braces, adjacent at end [{a,{b,c}}.l] nested_end=true ; closing inside beginning [{},b}.h] closing=inside ; opening inside beginning [{{,b,c{d}.i] unmatched=true ; escaped comma [{a\,b,cd}.txt] comma=yes ; escaped closing brace [{e,\},f}.txt] closing=yes ; escaped backslash [{g,\\,i}.txt] backslash=yes ; patterns nested in braces [{some,a{*c,b}[ef]}.j] patterns=nested ; numeric braces [{3..120}] number=true ; alphabetical [{aardvark..antelope}] words=a