-- mod-version:3 local core = require "core" local command = require "core.command" local keymap = require "core.keymap" local ContextMenu = require "core.contextmenu" local RootView = require "core.rootview" local menu = ContextMenu() local on_view_mouse_pressed = RootView.on_view_mouse_pressed local on_mouse_moved = RootView.on_mouse_moved local root_view_update = RootView.update local root_view_draw = RootView.draw function RootView:on_mouse_moved(...) if menu:on_mouse_moved(...) then return end on_mouse_moved(self, ...) end function RootView.on_view_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks) -- We give the priority to the menu to process mouse pressed events. local handled = menu:on_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks) return handled or on_view_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks) end function RootView:update(...) root_view_update(self, ...) menu:update() end function RootView:draw(...) root_view_draw(self, ...) menu:draw() end command.add("core.docview!", { ["context:show"] = function() menu:show(core.active_view.position.x, core.active_view.position.y) end }) keymap.add { ["menu"] = "context:show" } command.add(function() return menu.show_context_menu == true end, { ["context:focus-previous"] = function() menu:focus_previous() end, ["context:focus-next"] = function() menu:focus_next() end, ["context:hide"] = function() menu:hide() end, ["context:on-selected"] = function() menu:call_selected_item() end, }) keymap.add { ["return"] = "context:on-selected" } keymap.add { ["up"] = "context:focus-previous" } keymap.add { ["down"] = "context:focus-next" } keymap.add { ["escape"] = "context:hide" } if require("plugins.scale") then menu:register("core.docview", { { text = "Cut", command = "doc:cut" }, { text = "Copy", command = "doc:copy" }, { text = "Paste", command = "doc:paste" }, { text = "Font +", command = "scale:increase" }, { text = "Font -", command = "scale:decrease" }, { text = "Font Reset", command = "scale:reset" }, ContextMenu.DIVIDER, { text = "Find", command = "find-replace:find" }, { text = "Replace", command = "find-replace:replace" } }) end return menu