local core = require "core" local common = require "core.common" local command = require "core.command" local keymap = require "core.keymap" local LogView = require "core.logview" local fullscreen = false local function suggest_directory(text) text = common.home_expand(text) return common.home_encode_list(text == "" and core.recent_projects or common.dir_path_suggest(text)) end command.add(nil, { ["core:quit"] = function() core.quit() end, ["core:restart"] = function() core.restart() end, ["core:force-quit"] = function() core.quit(true) end, ["core:toggle-fullscreen"] = function() fullscreen = not fullscreen system.set_window_mode(fullscreen and "fullscreen" or "normal") core.show_title_bar(not fullscreen) core.title_view:configure_hit_test(not fullscreen) end, ["core:reload-module"] = function() core.command_view:enter("Reload Module", function(text, item) local text = item and item.text or text core.reload_module(text) core.log("Reloaded module %q", text) end, function(text) local items = {} for name in pairs(package.loaded) do table.insert(items, name) end return common.fuzzy_match(items, text) end) end, ["core:find-command"] = function() local commands = command.get_all_valid() core.command_view:enter("Do Command", function(text, item) if item then command.perform(item.command) end end, function(text) local res = common.fuzzy_match(commands, text) for i, name in ipairs(res) do res[i] = { text = command.prettify_name(name), info = keymap.get_binding(name), command = name, } end return res end) end, ["core:find-file"] = function() local files = {} for dirpath, dirname, item in core.get_project_files() do if item.type == "file" then table.insert(files, dirname .. PATHSEP .. item.filename) end end core.command_view:enter("Open File From Project", function(text, item) text = item and item.text or text local filename = core.resolve_project_filename(text) or common.home_expand(text) core.root_view:open_doc(core.open_doc(filename)) end, function(text) return common.fuzzy_match_with_recents(files, core.visited_files, text) end) end, ["core:new-doc"] = function() core.root_view:open_doc(core.open_doc()) end, ["core:open-file"] = function() local view = core.active_view if view.doc and view.doc.filename then core.command_view:set_text(common.home_encode(view.doc.filename)) end core.command_view:enter("Open File", function(text) local filename = common.normalize_path(core.working_dir_absolute_path(common.home_expand(text))) local info = system.get_file_info(filename) if info and info.type == "dir" then core.add_project_directory(filename) core.set_recent_open("dir", filename) core.reschedule_project_scan() else core.add_project_file(filename) core.set_recent_open("file", filename) core.root_view:open_doc(core.open_doc(filename)) end end, function (text) return common.home_encode_list(common.path_suggest(common.home_expand(text))) end, nil, function(text) local filename = common.home_expand(text) local info, err = system.get_file_info(filename) if err then if err:find("No such file", 1, true) then -- check if the containing directory exists local dirname = common.dirname(filename) local dir_info = dirname and system.get_file_info(dirname) if not dirname or (dir_info and dir_info.type == 'dir') then return true end end core.error("Cannot open file %s: %s", text, err) else return true end end) end, ["core:open-log"] = function() local node = core.root_view:get_active_node() node:add_view(LogView()) end, ["core:open-user-module"] = function() local user_module_doc = core.open_doc(USERDIR .. "/init.lua") if not user_module_doc then return end core.root_view:open_doc(user_module_doc) end, ["core:open-project-module"] = function() local filename = ".lite_project.lua" if system.get_file_info(filename) then core.root_view:open_doc(core.open_doc(filename)) else local doc = core.open_doc() core.root_view:open_doc(doc) doc:save(filename) end end, --[[ ["core:change-project-folder"] = function() core.command_view:enter("Change Project Folder", function(text, item) text = system.absolute_path(common.home_expand(item and item.text or text)) if text == core.working_dir then return end local path_stat = system.get_file_info(text) if not path_stat or path_stat.type ~= 'dir' then core.error("Cannot open folder %q", text) return end core.confirm_close_all(core.open_folder_project, text) end, suggest_directory) end, ["core:open-project-folder"] = function() core.command_view:enter("Open Project", function(text, item) text = common.home_expand(item and item.text or text) local path_stat = system.get_file_info(text) if not path_stat or path_stat.type ~= 'dir' then core.error("Cannot open folder %q", text) return end system.exec(string.format("%q %q", EXEFILE, text)) end, suggest_directory) end,]] ["core:add-directory"] = function() core.command_view:enter("Add Directory", function(text, item) text = common.home_expand(item and item.text or text) local path_stat, err = system.get_file_info(text) if not path_stat then core.error("cannot open %q: %s", text, err) return elseif path_stat.type ~= 'dir' then core.error("%q is not a directory", text) return end core.add_project_directory(system.absolute_path(text)) -- TODO: add the name of directory to prioritize core.reschedule_project_scan() end, suggest_directory) end, ["core:remove-directory"] = function() local dir_list = {} local n = #core.project_entries for i = n, 1, -1 do local entry = core.project_entries[i] if entry.item.type == "dir" then dir_list[n - i + 1] = entry.name end end core.command_view:enter("Remove Directory", function(text, item) text = common.home_expand(item and item.text or text) if not core.remove_project_entry(text) then core.error("No directory %q to be removed", text) end end, function(text) text = common.home_expand(text) return common.home_encode_list(common.dir_list_suggest(text, dir_list)) end) end, })